Monday, February 12, 2018


The arrival of another sunny day lifts our spirits.  It is cold with ice on our little pond at the back.

We were sitting awaiting the arrival of our guests and when they did not turn up I phoned and found it was there mix up not mine.  We have rescheduled for Wed.

The good thing was that getting ready for them got us both doing things.  I vacuumed and dad washed the kitchen floor.  I baked muffins and we bought some fruit at the store.  Looking forward to something is thee best medicine. 

We are looking forward to a visit from Craig and Leah to-morrow.  A visit is good for our  spirits.

We had a long visit with Theresa on the phone she is becoming very active with her union activities.

I took the time to do a bit of work in the garden just reaching things I could from the edge.  I was amazed to see the growth of new little shoots that were hidden now coming out into the light.  I took time to welcome the stillness of the afternoon and breath in the fresh air.

We wait the arrival of Ken with great anticipation!


Anonymous said...

LAST NIGHT OF WORK TODAY... FINNISH UP IN 3 HOURS . No one to pick up the kids on wednesday as nonna at the sisters place. I fly out thursday via SFO . i should touch down there about 3pm on thursday . if plans change i will phone you .
rgds ken

Sandra said...

Before I forget, do you want me to pick up Kenny? I can just leave right from work.

I only poked my head outside for a bit yesterday as I had to stay focused and work. I think it was colder than it had been on the weekend.

It will be my turn to clean up getting ready for Dad's birthday party on Sunday.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh, how very exciting....your Son coming for a visit and a birthday party for Larry! Lots to look forward too, for sure! I wish Ken a good flight(s) to Vancouver.

You are so fortunate to live where you can garden most of the year around. It is a Zen experience working in the relaxing and so rewarding. I always enjoy looking at the garden first thing in the morning to see what is new. But our gardening days are long away still.

Oh boy, too bad your visitors got the day wrong and here you were, all prepared for guests with baking too! Well it just means you can take it easy today and enjoy the company.

What are you reading now Beth? I am reading a new author, to me, Anne Easter Smith. The story takes place in the time of King Richard and King Henry in the fifteenth century, after the war of the roses. It is about the two lost children in the tower. Gosh they were so mean even in those days. The title is 'The Kings Grace'.

We had a lovely visit yesterday with our son, Mark and the new lady in his life, Shelley. Loved her to pieces, right off the hop! she is very kind and caring. We look forward to many good times with our families. When your adult kids are happy, you are happy, right Beth?

It is a wild day outside with very strong winds, which are blowing in warmer air ( if you can call it that) and lots of blowing snow on the highways making for dangerous travel. We cancelled a dentist appointment in the city yesterday knowing that it would be bad. I was outside feeding the birds and they were having a hard time landing with the strong winds blowing them around.
There is a large birch tree in our yard and it was creaking and groaning and I am hoping a large branch doesn't fall off onto our house. The wind is blowing it that way. fingers crossed.

Well I have a few phone calls to make so will get busy. Have a wonderful day,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra that would be great if you can pick up Ken.

It feels like winter here it is cold.

Going to brave the cold for a walk!

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Nancy I am reading What he Cat Saw by Carolyn
and another book about pain and how God works in our lives
in the midst of our sufferings.

Love Beth