Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Had Haiti for the day today.  She looks out on our back yard but no squirrels.  I took her for a walk around the block and maybe next time we will go to the park.  It was kind of Kim to bring her over as she is busy helping with a play at school and to-morrow she goes to North Van. to be in a White Spot Commercial.  She looked very tired when she picked up Haiti to-night. 

I am wanting to get back to normal and so this was a start.  Dad and I did some grocery shopping and as usual I forgot a few things.  We both tire out quickly.  Dad especially is not doing so well.  I still have a nasty cough so will not join my study group at the church to-morrow.

I also want to get back visiting at the Home.

Our group starts out by looking at a passage of scripture but what we end up doing is discussing every area of our lives.  We learn from the experiences we share and share our joys and sorrows.
We believe in different ways but we are sharing what we call our journey of faith together.

Yes, we are a normal group, that enjoy this special time together.


Sandra said...

Does dad have the cold as well? I am still sniffling and sneezing but it is not too bad of a cold so far.


Sandra said...
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nancy-Lou said...

Such a cute photo of Haiti, waiting to go our and 'get the squirrel'. My son's Bengal cat is 16, but she sure is swift when the squirrel comes to the living room window to eat sun flower seeds...she is so funny trying to catch it with her paw and she can move really quickly. We laughed at her this morning.

I too, am finding that I get tired grocery shopping. That is something new for me and perhaps something that I will have to get used to. I always have a large grocery order and of course go to the largest Super Store...today I was wondering if I could make it through standing in line and then packing my own groceries...it worked out well because I found a short line up.
That is another reason we may have to move to the city...I just cannot do the huge shopping and going to multitude of stores all in one day and buy enough to last us for a month or so.
It would be nice to be able to pick up a few things at a time as one needs it.

How are you feeling Beth? Do you have a cold along with that nasty cough? Germs are making the rounds here too. We have escaped, but there were a lot of kids at the doctors office coughing so I stayed away from the kids room, where they play. The new clinic is set up so well...with computer stations where people can surf the net...a tv for everyone to watch although it usually is on cartoons and a play room that is off the one side..with all kinds of toys etc. Most of the patients are aboriginal and come from three reserves..some of the 100 kms north and they have medi vans to transport them. The kids are just so doggone cute. it is entertaining just watching them.

I have to fast now until I get blood work done in the morning. I have to drive for a half hour to the clinic too...so will be glad to have a Timmies on the way home. There is a nice Tim Hortons on the reserve on the way home.

I hope Kim gets lots of rest. The young folks need lots of rest and I know she is a busy gal. How nice to have Haiti come for the day and she took you for a walk too...good doggie!

The weather has been a 'bonspiel thaw" as they say in Manitoba...very lovely with daytime temps near 0C. It will remain relatively warm until Monday, when things will take a downturn. There will be two snow storms moving through on the weekend and Monday and they I think it is going to be CCCOOOLLD for a while. That is Manitoba in March!

How is your weather old at the coast? Carl and I were talking about coming out to the coast and Vancouver island for one last time if we sell the house. Maybe we would stop in and meet you and Larry and have a little visit. It would be so nice to actually meet you both. BUT it will depend on what happens in the next few months. Our son's house just sold..Bob's. Sad to see it go, really is. I feel badly for him. So maybe I will list ours in the next week or two.

Well I have a feeling this is a screed...cannot see how much I wrote and Probably boring you to tears...I am going to watch a new series call Maigrot...I think that is the spelling about a French detective and the lead actor is Mr. Bean...but it is serious roll.

have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

YOUR new Clinic sounds good Nancy.

I hope they are able to help you will your health problems.

I have a nasty cold with a stuffy head and a cough.

I am getting better slowly.

Love beth