Friday, February 2, 2018


We expected the fields to be full of water after all the rain we have been having and sure enough they were.

We drove to Clover dale to renew dad's license expecting to find the I.C.b. Building in the same place.
We thought we had the right address but after driving up and down the road several times we were stumped.
The best thing to do some times is to ask a truck driver and he let us know it had moved to Willow Brook Mall.

We drove there not expecting to be able to find it with the directions we were gives.  Right across from the Steve Nash Gym which we did not know where it was.  The same moment I spied the sign dad spied the sign for the gym.

Dad walked very sprightly up to the counter not wanting them to see that he may not be fit to renew his license.  The girl was impressed and her only request was for him to remove his hat when he had his picture taken.  Always good to get hings done.

Meanwhile Sandra is shopping for a new bedroom carpet for us.  We have looked several times and could never make decisions.  We expected her to do the job and she did!

I was starving by this time so we stopped at Milestones for the Spring Salad.  Dad had salmon cakes which he enjoyed.

I took a little stumble almost falling, as I tried to follow the waitress to our booth.  I hate to admit being slow but I have to face the truth.

"We must learn to be honest with ourselves,
with others. and especially with God."

I believe that in our honesty we will find unexpected truth hidden deep within ourselves.


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying reading your blog, Beth. You had quite an adventurous day. I find that restaurant hostesses always walk way to fast and tend to leave you behind. A walking stick usually gives them a visual cue to slow down. I found that when my dad was still alive and they saw his cane, it slowed them down. They have some pretty fancy walking sticks now that don’t have the “cane” look and give some support when needed. Life is a journey.
Sending a hug, Germaine.

Sandra said...

It is hard to make a decisions with all of those carpret types and colours that is for sure. I just went with nuetral and basic, nothing fancy.

Randy has been on graveyards this week and has not been able to get a rythem for his sleeping .

Lots of things growing in my new garden, looking forward to spring!


beth bennett said...

Thanks Germaine
You are like my daughters you give good advice.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

How nice to be getting new bedroom carpeting. That will bring you cheer! Nice too, that Sandra is doing the picking out part for you. Are you having carpet installers coming over to do the work?

Yes, those waitresses sure do walk quickly..they always leave Carl behind too. He walks with a cane. Nice that you were on a drive to Cloverdale and ate lunch out. Do you remember when i told you that my Godmother and her husband ran a dairy farm in cloverdale...about 65 years ago and all I remember were farms...just look at it today!

It is very cold again today and people are grumbling like crazy....I don't have much patience with the grumblers...this is our usual Manitoba winter and we all know how to prepare and live with the cold and the winds and the wind chills. It will soon pass and in the meantime it is deliciously fresh outdoors. You just need to dress for it.

It is too cold to take the dogs out for a walk so they have to be content to the fenced in backyard. They have it down to a science now...about 2 minutes and they run into the house! Poor Max freezes up sometimes with his arthritis and I have to go our and rescue him.

It almost sounds like another planet when Sandra mentioned that there are lots of new things growing in her garden...I love that about the west coast...even in the depth of winter there are shrubs blooming and new things coming up in the garden. My favourite thing to do was to tour the greenhouses and drool over all the varied species of things we cannot grow in zone 3 or in my case zone 2.

I am glad to hear Larry was able to re new his drivers is instrumental in having our independence.

Have a great day today,
Love, Nancy

PS don`t forget to walk slowly regardless of how quickly anyone else is walking, they say....take èr cool Beth!

beth bennett said...

I am to walk slow with big steps!

We did enjoy our day out.

Love Beth