Monday, February 19, 2018


We gathered around the table at Sandra and Randy's with our tummies full of good food to share some readings from dad's written stories. 
After Ben read one story there was a lively discussion.  Dad is a great story teller with his tails of adventures whether written down or retold.
A birthday is a good day to celebrate the past and hear about the future adventures of all the family.

We all contribute to the lives of others with our talents and unique personalities.

Today we drove out to Langley through the fields white with snow and the mountains coming closer and closer with clearness and majesty.

We went to look at the Seniors Home in Langley with Sandra and Ken.  A very impressive place that if we were to find the right room, with a door to the outside patio we could see ourselves making a home there.  Our names are on a list and we will see how the future unfolds.

Now there are many books being written that have faced up to the tragic mistakes of the past.

"It appears that religions, all religions, and perhaps even humanity itself, will not survive if we stay within tribal beliefs that only ours is the true religion."  Brain McLaren.

Hopefully we have learned from our pasts and are prepared to face a new future.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

I think Larry's stories will live on through his Grandchildren. What a lovely way to honour Larry on his birthday by reading one of his stories and then having lots of lively chat afterwards. He must feel very loved.

I am glad to hear that you are considering moving to a senior's home. The one you looked at sounds really nice. I would like to have an outdoor patio outside my suite lovely that would be.
Do they make your meals for you too? Some offer meals and housekeeping as well.
Do you have any photos of the senior's home?
How fortunate you are to have Sandra and Ken there to help you make decisions.

I am looking at apartments right now that accept pets...downsizing a lot. But as long as our Son Bob is living with us we don't have to worry. He is there to help out with whatever needs to be done. But he needs to get on with his life too and we don't want to tie him I will have options for when the time comes to sell the house.

I taught my new piano student today. His second lesson and things went so much better with his Mom not here. He is the one with attention deficit disorder. I was able to teach him how to play and sing at the same time Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La Te Do. He really is smart but getting him to focus can be challenging. He is so cute..only 7. Wears glasses and has red hair. His uncle brought him today...they are a neat family.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow for Carls day surgery. He never complains about having his bladder cancer scraped off...I would think it would be an awful thing to have done...but that is him..never complains. Bob, our son will drive us because I haven't been feeling very well lately. I get short of breath and very tired. but I have been under a lot of stress which makes the PMR worse.

Did you happen to watch the figure skating, dancing, free skate last night? it was awesome and the Canadian couple won the gold medal...the second one this year. They were so good.

Well I am off to watch Canada vs Great Britain curling now. There are so many things to watch that it is hard to choose!

I wish you a wonderful evening with your son, Ken there to keep you company.

Love to all,