Sunday, January 31, 2016


Our youngest member held by her grandmother.

I have decided I am going to become like a fireman on Sunday morning.  I will jump out of bed and have my clothes all ready right beside me.  I will grab a coffee and my coat and shoes and purse while dad rings a bell saying "You're late your late".

Like a lot of things I am trying to do better I can only try to do my best.

Even though I am late there are lots of smiling faces waiting for us.  I turn around to see them as dad likes to sit in the front and I would sneak in at the back.
These three girls from the same family are all very different.

Reading about different religions there are vast differences even in the same religion.  Churches are totally different!  I think that is okay.  They are doing there best to tell the truth in love and then hopefully live out that love.

Anyway we are fortunate to have a loving family.  Dad and I enjoyed a savory  supper with Carol and Panteli.  Now it is home and time for bed.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


are every where!

I am very impressed with all the young people I know and especially those in our family circle. They are kind and caring and supportive.

Today dad and I had lunch with Tavia and her husband Shawn.  Two very exceptional young people.  They are very involved in cooking meals for the homeless.  Tavia helps by doing the planning and shopping and Shawn does the cooking.  They do it faithfully every week.

The exciting news is that Tavia is expecting her first baby in March and also there is another young couple ready to take over the feeding of the hungry.

We enjoyed the simple lunch in their basement apartment and also getting to know them better especially Shawn.

I am reading a book about Jewish mystical Rabbi's and it sheds a great light on the Old Testament.
Stories that describe events that may or may not have happened.  The stories include Satan taking to God and how his words strike out against human beings who are seen as unworthy.  This why they have to wait for a Messiah.  They may not have happened quite as they were told but yet contained in their wisdom in ordinary and yet incomprehensible.  Yet in the words there are powerful truths.

Very interesting.   This is from "Souls on Fire" by Elie Wiesel a book from the library.

Friday, January 29, 2016


A miserable raining morning.  It brightened up when Sandra came and took us out to lunch.  And the sun came out for awhile which changes the whole world along with my attitude.

Dad and I had huge amount of walking at the hospital as we got all turned about.  Both where on the third floor but the second room was around a corned, down a hall way and up some stairs.
I found it very confusing and even set off with a lady who thought she knew the way while dad stayed put knowing it was the wrong way.

It was far to far for dad to be walking and we were both exhausted but the visits were appreciated.  It appears Margaret will have to have an operation for the break high up in her arm similar to mine.  She has been a great inspiration to us with helping the young people with their crafts and visiting the sick.

Gundy is taking pills and is being very quiet because she believes they want to send her to a nursing home.  She could go home if she would accept home care but that is extremely hard for her to do.

The message of Jesus has been all turned around so instead of the good news of freedom and grace there is a message of superiority and judgment. 

There has always been a lot of violence and fighting in our world.  Strange people do strange things.

Yes, religion that is built on this violence and greed instead of humility and kindness causes us to believe it is okay to kill anyone who is different.

The point is not whether I agree with some one but am I willing to listen, really listen.

Religion has become an excuse to harbour hostility and anger and self-righteousness. 

Jesus said turn the other check and do unto others what you wish they would do to you.

Everything has been turned about and that is why we are seeing these bad reactions, creating bad insensitive hateful human beings that are worse than any animal.

But I still believe in Christianity that has the power to be vibrant, loving, inspiring and healing when the strongest message is one of forgiveness.  My life has been changed by people who have cared about me and forgiven me.

Yes there is evil and injustice and we see it clearly in the book of Job.  It was only after Job faced the incontrollable whirlwind with patience and resignation that his true reward finally came.

Surrender is the way to the heart of God where there is great joy!
Do we realize that when we pray for His will to be done not others what a turn about that prayer really is!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Happy Birthday Stephen!

I am happy I have caught up with all the birthdays.  Some times I am early (Stephen) and sometimes I am late (Lucas).  I hope Melina's card gets there in time!

Dad and I are planning to do some visiting today.

A friend from church is in hospital and on the same ward as Gunty.  I am taking Haiti for a short walk she seems to forget she has already had a walk with Kim.

I am reading a book called "Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus" which I find helpful when reading the words of Jesus.

The writer sates that it is hard to over state the Jewish love of religious study.  They have long been know as people of the book (I wonder if this is still true for those who are political and have left their religion behind) for their fervency and fondness for study.

"Torah is often used as an affectionate reference to all of the Bible and Jewish writings.  What we translate as law Jews more correctly understand as "guidance" or "teaching".

"Making sense of everything is not an obligation or even a possibility.
Acceptance of mystery is an act not of resignation but humility."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Yes we all have them and it is important to shake them lose and experience new awareness. I had planned the day confident that dad would have the dishwasher fixed and back together.

I was going to be attending my Bible Study group called Jetlag.  Suddenly I felt extremely tired so thought a 10 minute rest would perk me up raring to go.  Instead I drifted off into a deep sleep for over an hour.

Dad and I had planned to visit both Gundy and another friend who has just been hospitalized with a broken shoulder and also very run down.

It was late in the day so we decided to postpone visiting for another day.

Our lesson was on prayer and I had put a lot of thought into and had things I was hoping to share, but this just was not meant to be.  You can say I had a multitude of preconceptions.

I felt inspired by the Spirit and now will pray that the spiritual source that is available to all of us will help me believe in a better to-morrow.  I am now going to go to bed so I will wake up refreshed

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Life is precious and yet at dinner the other night we some how got talking about death.  Every one had there opinion but I did not get a chance to say what I believe so now I can.  You can make a comment if you do not agree with me.

In this life we like to search for the light and are thankful for the days getting light earlier and staying longer.  Light symbolized enlightenment and helps me to be aware that there is a life-giving source of energy that renews us and heals us with a unconditional love.

Mohandas K. Gandhi says that physical death is the birth of spiritual life.  I agree that at death there be a person or a light that will welcome us home.  All fear and pain will disappear and the soul will take on new life.  The ego often gets in the way of our souls so becoming more aware of our soul as a spiritual part of our being is a important value to pursue as our journey nears the end.

There is no where on this earth that this Unconditional Love has not been with us.

This is an amazing thought because we often can feel alone and unsure of our future and these feelings will all be gone.  This is what I believe and have learned from others having a N.D.E.

Hugs and encouraging words remind me that I am lovable.

Shawn, Tavia's husband came from his work to look at the hole in the kitchen ceiling.  He will give us an estimate.  Sounds like they want to paint the whole ceiling. 

We are invited over to Shawn and Tavia's for lunch on Sat.  Very kind of them.

Pat and John also dropped in for a visit so our day just fell into place.

"Air to breath, Light to see
A soul needs nourishment all its own.

Whoever you are, where ever you are from
Whatever tradition guides your way.
there comes a time when all need
to be touched through the heart.  "  - unknown

Monday, January 25, 2016


Oliver has arrived here to attend a school in North Van. to learn more about navigation.  This adds to his ability to be involved with the coast guard.

It looks to be a pretty tough course.  So we wish him much success.

It was good to visit with him at Carol and Panteli

We missed seeing Theresa and Mickie as well as Morgan.  Morgan is now busy creating clay charms and is taking a computer coding class at school.  Well done Morgan!

It is great to be a part of an interesting family.

Most of us are in the process of learning how to navigate our daily lives.

I find that I do have to plan  my day so that I have the energy to do what I have planned.  Dad was busy with attaching the water hose to the dish washer and having great difficulty.  Water would leak every time he turned it on.

I drove over to visit at the Seniors Home and had a interesting talk with Joyce. 

I am now thinking back to Sunday and the  very enjoyable day drive with Carol out to Abbotsford to see Ben play.

There is a lot of  beauty to be seen even in the   uncultivated fields and barren trees waiting to burst once again into new life.  New life is what a creating God; who may seem at times to be hidden, offers us.

Ben's game was in a very big sporting complex with four areas set apart for soccer.  We had trouble finding his game and then there was no seating.  Fortunately Theresa navigated us by phone to climb the stairs where we found seating.

It was a fast and fun game on a smaller space.

Ben impressed us with his quick moves and many saves!

I find when listening to others it is hard to navigate through the place of doubt and faith.
Every one must come to their own conclusions.
Every one is searching for a life of meaning and love.

Faith has often been portrayed by bleak moralists who instead of bringing joy into our lives seem to take it away.  What fills the void when life loses its passion and the waters are rough and it is easy to lose your way?

I am thankful for the gift of faith that comes when I choose to believe and trust and hope.

I believe Jesus is the navigator who knows the way and leads those who will follow back to God.

Love one another without being judgemental or condescending but care about me when I am hurting and need a hand up.

I am not going to be navigating the wet road this morning, maybe later in the day.


Sunday, January 24, 2016


A sunny Sunday morning but I am not full of energy  Too bad we will miss church again but I am thinking of all my dear friends there.

No walk with Haiti I will rest and read until it is time to go to Abbotsford to watch some soccer.  Ben is playing goal for two teams.  Way to go Ben!

This morning I was thinking how conversation has changed from when I was a young girl.  We were on a party line on our phone exchange and it seemed every time I would go to use it I would pick it up and hear voices chatting away.

Fortunately it Most of our plans were also made over the phone.

Now most people keep in touch with the inter-net and by faxing short messages.  This can all be carried with us by our I-phones so things are changed from minute to minute. 

Scripture is a helpful way to inspire me to pray and feel that I am having a conversation with God.

"Just when we think all hope is gone, grace comes in like a breeze with a gentle reminder of the power of prayer!"  -Marci

  When we pray we are more open to the blessings that life is offering us.  My needs have always be met in the past and will be also in the future.

May our faith keep the light shining on our path so that we know that  love will guide our steps.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


What a tragedy to hear about the shooting in La Loche, Saskatchewan at a home and at the school.  Four are dead and others wounded.  The whole community devastated.

I was so very proud of Milos Raonic, a Canadian tennis player playing in the Australian Open dedicated  his win to this small community in need of all our prayers and support.

He already is a champion in my mind.

The young man who did this must have a lot of pain and anger in his soul to do such a horrendous act.  All we can do is pray that something good can come out of this.  So many young people seem to be losing their way and we have to question why?

I admire the teachers and teachers aid workers that do such a tough job.  I am thing of our very own Theresa and the stress she has faced in her work as a teacher's aid person.

I know that I need to love myself and others with an unconditional love!  This is the journey that we are on to learn through tragedy and failure and to find the courage to keep on.  Each in our own way have the ability to be hero's and to transcend the ugliness and stress of life to find beauty and strength. 

Friday, January 22, 2016


Dad has the dishwasher pulled out and tools everywhere trying to fix the part that had been broken, the main thing was the door would not cloase.    What a mess.  The most sickening part was the  mice droppings that were all over the insulation on top and around the machine. 

He has fixed the door but wanted to change where the pump joined the washer.  Then the problems worsened. 

Dad's priorities were to get a new part so that the water pump could be connected.  He left to pick up the new part while I continued to clean and sanitize.  This was not a kitchen to cook in,
 that was for sure.

After going to two stores he is not sure he has the right part.  The clerks were not that helpful.  His plan was to find a plumbing store which for reason as we drove around it was no where to be seen.

I would gladly pay a plumber because it is turning into such a hard job and adds to the pain in his body.  I mainly keep out of the way as I am no help.

My priority after doing some cleaning up is to walk the dog and then join dad in watching T.V.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Most people have lots of favorite things that they like to eat, or books they like to read, or things they like to do etc.

Dad and I had lunch at one of our favorite places, the golf course, with two of our favorite friends, Jane and Geof.  We are going to miss them when they move to North Van. and hope they will come back and visit regularly.

I remember when I first met Jane.  We had moved from Tsawwasen to Surrey and I had set off to church our first week here.  It is a delightful little church surrounded by huge ever greens and close enough for me to walk.

It was a small congregation way back then and Jane was a bright spark of life even then. I thought to myself she would be an exceptional person to have as a friend!   Over the years a deep friendship developed bringing joy and laughter into the lives of both dad and myself.  We attended several groups together and dad joined the out reach group where she became his friend too.

We have laughed and cried together and prayed each other trough difficult times!

No these were not your average boring meetings but a lively group of people with the same interests and lots of new ideas.  It was our favorite group. 

It was a wet and muggy day but the green grass always seems to brighten up the view.  We sat in the dining room because the bar was full of noisy groups.  There was a small table near the window just meant for us!  We still share a lot of the same interests and read a lot of the same books.  They will not be moving until March but I know the time will go very fast.

Dad took time out away from fixing the dish washer.  As usual the job was much harder than he expected but we all know he likes a challenge. 

I treasure my friendship with Jane and Geof know this friendship is a gift that will last a lifetime.
Even though we will not be in touch like we were I know that we will often think of each other and they will always have a special place in our hearts.

Friends are a blessing that help us create wonderful memories. 


Certainly a winter looking sky!
Another rainy day.

Not of trains but of flying in airplanes!

Yes I was absolutely terrified the first time I had to fly in the small airplane with your dad up into that sky.  I sat frozen like a log in the front seat and when he asked me to open the map and find where we are I told him he had to be kidding.

Every cell in my body was responding to the fear I was feeling.  I prayed the whole time knowing that prayer is a weapon that helps us conquer fear.

Since that first day I have flown thousands of miles over mountains, over forests and over seas.

I realize that as I age there can come an uncertainty about the future but if I look back I realize that often our worst fears are never realized and if they are,  we will be given the courage we need if we ask for it.

Both dad and I were a bit under the weather all day but  I did manage two short walks and a trip to the grocery store and dad did some organizing of his papers and pictures from the past.

I have learned many things from my past and one thing for sure I have learnt is that God answers
prayers.  He can calm a heart and strengthen a soul.

"God specializes in new beginnings."  Marianne Willamson

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


What a delight to see a bit more colour!
Even Haiti was impressed and came over to sniff it out!

No I know this is not a weed but the weeds think it is spring as they too are coming to life. 

I am thankful that dad and I do not have a strict routine anymore and can find delight in little things.  Haiti of course is always good company and she is on duty at all times to warn us if anyone comes near our front door.

Dad rode both his indoor bike and his outdoor bike.  Good for him.  Still very painful hands as well as feet now.  I will try and get him into see the doctor to see what the neurologist has ordered.

One of my delightful childhood was riding the train as my dad worked for the C.N. and we had passes.  We had good friends at the coast so came out here on many a holiday.  Also when my best friend, Lynn,  moved to North Battleford I was allowed to visit her on a journey all by myself!  I was feeling very grown up at 10.  I always found it exciting!  We did not have a car so I missed seeing new sights as you drive around town.  That is when my walking days started as I walked to school and later to work.

I find that my walk has become a little more like a duty than the delight it used to me.  Yes, it takes more effort but once I am out side in the fresh air it becomes a delight once again.  I try to tell myself that each step is a step on a healing journey towards renewed health.  I am gradually going a bit further and I am thankful for that.  I miss my old walking friends as they still go early in the morning.  I leave the house about 8 and it is then light out.

I believe that God who dwells within and around us all takes delight in my simple morning talks with Him.  Some mornings I feel a sense of awe and mystery but most morning it becomes a delightful duty.  To pray for others and to be prayed for is Awesome! !

Monday, January 18, 2016


As a young girl I would walk past a nunnery and have this  romantic idea of what it would be like to be a nun.  I would float down the street with a peaceful serene face and not have a care in the world. I would be a glorious singer in a choir of beautiful voices.  Definitely  a singing nun.Since then I have read several books and found out it is hard work and sacrifice.

Before I got married I had this romantic idea of marriage.  Everyday would be a day of happiness and fun.  I would run to the door to greet my husband home from work with an adoring look on my face.  I would also be working and hoped to make some friends.  No car, no money, not able to work I was home alone a lot as dad struggled to pass his checking-out as a controller.  Shift work and foggy days made it worse.  Then I discovered it too was hard work and sacrifice as I read and learned more about their roles and tasks.

Before I had children I pictured I would be the most patient of mothers who had lots of time just to play with her children.   By the time the fourth came along I found that I was totally exhausted and out of patience by the end of the day.  Often at least one of them would be sick with a cold or a ear ache or sad because their friends had been mean to them.  The sink was always full of dishes and the vacuum never got put away and the laundry had to be hung on the line and then folded and put away.  Dad wore white shirts to work then so there was always a pile of ironing to finish.  Once again life was hard work and sacrifice.

But looking back it is the fun times you remember. 

Precious moments of joyous laughter and surprises.

Maybe God is using me in different ways than that of being a nun.

Many lessons along the way to teach us again and again the true value and worth of our lives

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I took off to church by myself because dad had a nasty cough and needed to rest and be quiet.  I almost did not go myself as I was so late leaving, and  if we had not arranged to visit with Pat and John after church,  I probably would not have gone.

Some times a lack of communication can cause problems in our  relationships.  I know that I have made some mistakes in my past but all I can do is try to do better.  I have regrets sure.

With that being said it is amazing that I have reached the place of sainthood that I have.  Yeah right!

I expect my children to be better at handling life than I was, but we all seem to have to learn the hard way.

Good to have a visit from Sandra and catch up on her family news. 

I started out for an afternoon walk but got distracted  by my untidy garden so tackled a few dead branches and was rewarded with rose thorns stuck in my hand. 

"I like to think that there is an intelligent mysticism in the life of faith"  -J. Murray

Prayer is a way for me to deepen my relationship with the One I call God.  I am thankful for His forgiveness and His love for me and for each one of us'

Life will always be a mystery but prayer can help  me gain a deeper knowledge of who I am
and who I am being called out to be. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016


The wipers actively flying back and forth helped us see through the screen of fog that making seeing ahead more difficult.  Dad dis a good job getting us to the soccer field in good time and right close to field number 4 where ben was playing goal.

After getting the walker out of the car we set off to find the game.  The goalie looked a lot like Ben but when we got closer we realized it was not him.  Not only that field Number 4 was at the other end unreachable by car where we were parked.  I was in a hurry to find the right place so I set off walking while dad would drive around hoping to find a place near to the action.

Dad arrives to stand by me by the fence.  The lady next to me offers to share her umbrella.  Her son is on the opposite team and we both share with pride our boys.

The man next to dad also on the other side shares that he has been impressed with Ben as an excellent goalie.

He makes one good save after another.  There is no score for either team.

Theresa and Morgan soon join us as we all try to keep warm in a little huddle.

I was dressed warmly but my legs started to feel chilled to the bone although I did not really notice until we started to move to the car. 

We were invited to Carol and Panteli's for lunch with Kim coming to join us but I had enjoyed being there but was now ready to just head home.

Dad made me a cup of coffee while I snuggled into the chesterfield with a warm blanket and a heating pad.

It had been an active start of the day for us and now it was time to relax.


It still amazes me to receive a phone call from Ken and we see right where he is at the hotel with Melina, Matthew and Jasmine.  They are having a grand time and getting ready to put their swimmers on and swim in the pool.  Ken says the ocean is too choppy.  Brittany, Tyler and Hobie are on the way to join them.

What a fantastic time for all.

We have left early this morning to drive to Burnaby to watch the soccer game in which Ben will be judged whether he is good enough to be a part of the White Caps association.  Ben has stayed over night.

So we are leaving the seaside to drive closer to the mountains. 

Dark and dreary morning putting on layers of clothing.

Looking forward to visiting Theresa and family.

Friday, January 15, 2016


What a joy just to be at the sea side and gaze out on forever!  What a bonus to have the setting sun too! 

Even though I was late making up my mind about visiting and it lasted a bit longer than expected everything turned out infinitely wonderful.  This was mainly due to dad's plan to go to the beach.

I am getting much stronger but until I do not have to depend on my depends I am not completely happy.  Just a nuisance not a real problem when so many face such greater health issues.

I do get a lot of joy out of my visiting so will try to continue but I am not going on a regular day because so often it turns out a day we would rather do something together.  Next Thursday  we plan to have a visit with Jane and Geof,  Monday I may go see Jim and Gundy depending on the day and how I feel.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


A sunny warm day which seems to invite a person just to take off away from all the mess of garden and home. 

Dad was doing great changing the door handles and cleaning up the garage. 

Meanwhile I start cleaning up the yard and then dash in to do laundry and while I am there decide to clean the bathrooms etc.  I end up with nothing done but lots in progress.

Since it was such a beautiful day why not drive down to the beach dad suggested.  Wonderful idea I agree but what about my visiting.  Dad agrees he will drive me over and then we will jump into the car and be off to the beach. 

I hurry to get ready arriving at the Home with my hair a mess, no make-up except for the dirt smudges from gardening and my work clothes still on underneath my jacket, and definitely no time to put on my false eyelashes.  Yah so like I even own some!

  It was good I did go because my visit was very much needed by one lady for sure.

Down to the beach in time to still enjoy the sun shining glistening on the calm ocean and the air so fresh and clean.  Since we were both hungry we found a restaurant with a lovely view to eat our fishy suppers and enjoy the sun setting.

I have not down loaded my pictures but will leave that undone until to-morrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


A few of the friends that I am studying with.  When I get to the church and climb out of the car a bag of cans I am contributing to the food bank drop to the ground and go rolling down the hill.

What fun!

I discover on arrival I have done the wrong lesson.  This is not the first time.  So instead of prayer it is about the love of Jesus for all sinners.  He receives the tears that wash his feet, and hair that wipes them dry and ointment for his head.

Prayer is one of  keys
to open the door into God's presence!

It is a key that enables us to face the difficult circumstances that come into all our lived.  Times of sickness, especially chronic  pain, and family upsets.

I am slowly regaining energy with the help of the prayers of others.  I was very touched when a man at church came up to me and said he was praying for both dad and I every night.  He is having a lot of hip pain himself and will be going through surgery soon.

My hope is that I will become stronger with an inner strength and also become more compassionate with others.  Prayer helps calm my fears when I feel anxious about the future.

Without prayer I woud feel like I was in a very deep hole of despair with no way out por up.  Prayer is knowing a hand will eventually bring me back up to the light.

It is good to be with my friends as we study scripture together and share experiences.

As Christians we have been drawn like this woman to Jesus for his words and his healing and knowing his death on the cross has the power to transform all our lives!.  An innocent man whose spirit lives on today!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I was feeling weird all yesterday 
Very tired but very restless.
Dad commented on it too.

 Too early for spring fever?

He was busy writing a letter that he was the only grandson of Nellie Bennett and had the right to put a marker on her grave.  He wrote and delivered the letter so the process is moving slowly.

On his way home he stopped at the Safeway and just caught a glimpse of me heading down the path home.  The funny thing is we can never find each other when we are in the store.  Fortunately he did not go and buy what I had already bought.
  He met me and helped carry the two small bags.  I have a little buggy now to put my groceries in when I buy heavy things like milk etc.

I felt better after watching a funny movie (yes we need more fun) and then doing my Bible study.
I found this very calming and challenging as well as rewarding.  This lesson is about prayer and we learn from each other!
Our study meets on Wed. at 12:30.

I am off to a meeting at the church at 7 which is not a good time for me.

Monday, January 11, 2016


New buds bravely popping out above the dead looking branches
and muddy ground beneath.  I will soon have to be out in the yard pruning back old growth.  Signs of future growth.

Signs of change in religion that has become dull and out dated more suited to tribal communities.  I find that it is like a breath of fresh air that transforms a dusty mouldy room into one that smells clean and usable.

No early morning walk for me, both dad and I feel weak and exhausted.  This old girl isn't what she once was and neither is dad.  Yes the signs of old age are catching up with us.

Dad and I enjoyed being at the birthday party but as more and more people arrived dad felt he had to get up to make room for the old ladies.  One great grandmother and three grand mothers.

Every year we meet and greet and I always have trouble remembering names.  I have finally remembered the names of the girls husbands which has taken awhile. there is a change in the fact that men are now in the kitchen even drying dishes.

Marriage has certainly changed the roles of many young couples. Jeff is a stay at home dad who also is a care giver to his grand mother who has recently been widowed.  Believe it or not she went to Regina Tech the same school I finished my last six months of grade 12. 

That was a big change for me to leave my high school in Saskatoon after 4 and a half years to start off totally new in another school.  That was the beginning of several years of separation for dad and I.  He too would leave Saskatoon to go to Air Traffic Control School in Winnipeg.

After he had graduated we married and moved to Sea Island where a run down barracks became a home.  Rick and Carol and Sandra were all additions to our family followed soon by Ken who arrived in our brand new home in Tsawwasen. 

Change is not always easy but if we are to grow we need to keep examining what we believe and how faith in ourselves and in others can changes our lives. 

Transforming Grace leaving the Old Laws to die a natural death
 and welcoming the Spirit of Joy into our hearts!

A faith that will not abandon us in the difficult times.

 For the light of  life, Jesus,
 is the vitality of being within us and beyond us,
 now and forever. 

A quote from our prayer at church.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Stories of faith retold to take us on a journey from religion (dogma and ritual as well as culture) to take us into a new place of the breath of the Spirit. 

I was so happy to make it to church today and listened to the story of the chaos of creation to the promise of a new kingdom that Jesus brings into the light.

Faith is the inner light that guides us from within!

It was a long day as we left church and after a quick bite drove to Uri's birthday celebration.

In this picture he is taking a picture of his half-sister and his cousin with his new camera.  Lots of gramme's join in the fun and catch up on the stories of the past year.  There was sadness as well as joy but we look forward to next year when  there will be two new babies joining us.

We have been blessed to be a part of this families journey

A very long day but it was all good.

It was a beautiful drive in bright sunlight with the majestic mountains moving us once again with wonder in all of creation.

Stories of mystery and grace! 

Stories that move the heart and soul!

Stories that can move mountains!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


The wall separates the dogs from one side from the dogs walking by in the park.  The dogs inside the yard start barking to let those walking by know that they are guarding their territory.
A sunny day for a walk and got home in time to visit with Sandra. and then dad and I went looking for Canadian calendars but couldn't fine any.

The wall can be used as a protection that separates or it can be a means of communication. We like our privacy.  Two prisoners taped on the wall that separated them by taping messages on it.  I am here are you there?

In our lives the wall can be a divider between us and the amazing energy of our Creator.  The has been built brick by brick with doubt and unbelief.

Prayer is the belief that there is no wall but a listener who hears our thoughts and prayers with a heart full of love and compassion.

Prayer is a powerful source of energy that can lift our spirits
heal our wounds by healing our hearts,
forgive our transgressions,
guide our journey,
bring light into the soul's darkness,
heal our sickness or  give us courage and strength to continue our journey.

Prayer a new kind of alertness to the present moment and the beauty of now.

The ability to accept change and loss with grace!

Prayer is capturing our thoughts with words that fly free on the wind!

All we have to do is to wait and to listen!

Friday, January 8, 2016


Ava's big sister  Jasmine, dropped by with her son Azzie.

We certainly enjoy a visit from this family of five girls.

I started giving their single mom a break when my own grand children were off to school or had moved away.
They were a very active fun family and now the years have just flown by and three of them have children of their own.

So looking after them meant I would continue to bandage sore knees and scraped elbows along with runny noses and days when they just needed hugging and rest.  Yes they would also have times of being furious with each other.

Their home was full of books and they loved to dress up and act out plays.

One by one they too were off to school but we managed to keep in touch especially for birthdays.  Uhri is having a birthday on Sunday and once again we are invited.

They certainly changed our lives, sometimes this meant  we had to change our plans.

We are all a lot older but they are a part of our enjoyment that comes with a slower life style.

Today like those days in the past still  challenge us to be the best we can no matter what our age or our circumstances.

We live in the present with memories of the past,  and new visions or the future with both our families!

   Happy Birthday Jasmine!  !  !  Love you lots!  Have fun!

Thursday, January 7, 2016


This is a picture of the eagles perched high up in the trees.  They do not like the cold ground.  \one by one they fly away and as they spread their wings it is an awesome sight.  This was on the drive to Ladner the day we went to the library.

Today I woke up too early
far too early, after a restless sleep.
A part of the aging process.

I sit and write in my journal for two hours. 
No I will not be writing here that long.

It has been said that aging is just another new experience that we can view it as a challenge or try to resist it and loss the joy of your final years.  I remind myself that in my bran new synapse are being created and that is a miracle.  It means I can still learn new things and bring a value to all that lies ahead.

I have a choice of creating a new vision of growing old gracefully and with dignity and grace and most of all resilience.   My mom was a good example for me in so many ways.  I know her greatest wish for us all, was for us  to be happy and learn to live in harmony.

 Now I am feeling  the old aching bones and forgetfulness that comes with aging.  I enjoy talking to friends because we have so much in common and we can laugh at our silliness. 

Dad drove me to the Seniors Home but I only visit one person as others had gone out or were too tired for a visit.  They apologize but I tell them  no worries I know just how they feel.  Now I have to walk over and get dad's new ointment for his feet.

I sometimes feel that aging is like sitting high in a tree where we can view so much of life that continues all around us.  Even better than that I can be the audience that hoops and hollers as we cheer others on!  !  !

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


An early morning start to our drive
to New West.  The traffic report showed long slow moving traffic jams.   We left in good time and most of the way had already settled down to normal.

This was a trip to the neurologist about dad's painful feet and the growing up into his knees.  The doctor took time to listen and examine and made one suggestion to start with.  It is a cream with heat that he must apply regularly.  The doctor will write to his family doctor with more suggestions.  He also wanted to give it more thought.
Over several bridges and right into the parking lot.  I was very helpful in figuring how the elevator system works.  First you take stairs to go outside and then back into the building to take the elevator to the third floor.

Last time we kept pushing the elevator button on the garage level and the elevator never came.  Others did the same thing.  We were in no hurry this time because we were actually early and then had to wait a good time for our appointment .

On our way home blue sky and green grass make for a cheerful drive home.

At least he seemed to care and is putting dad on several trials which may include pain medication.

Before taking Haiti for a walk I went to visit Gundy but while I was gone her daughter phoned to say she is back in hospital.  She refused home help.  The problem is we all have our own way of doing things and do not appreciate what others do.  She may be in hospital for awhile.

I believe in the power of prayer because I believe in a force great than I am!

Thank you for all who prayed for us today I know I feel more hopeful not that there is a cure but there may be some relief!

And since I am worried about Sandra I will be putting her on the prayer list for painful swallowing. 
I do not know what else to call it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The more the merrier.  I thought if I had one in each room I would remember dates and times better.  Now I am told I need to give one to Sandra, Carol and Rick

The Melbourne calendars are beautiful and stir within me a long to visit there again.  They will be very much enjoyed.

The family calendar created by Shawna with family pictures and dates to remember is a living treasure.
Thanks Shawna and thanks Ken and Melina and also the beautiful card signed by all.  I have never seen so many x and  o's

We have had a slight bit of snow here but mostly it has disappeared.  It does feel like winter.  I went and took my decorations off the tree in the park and met the lady who tells me again how much she has enjoyed it.  She has a grand daughter too but she lives away.  She sent her a picture of Morgan and I putting the decorations on. 

Wed. dad and I drive to New West. to see the neurologist and he is now figuring out the route we will take.  We have to be there at 10 and they like you to be early.  I have asked my church prayers to pray for a hopeful visit.

So we have a family of very different people which I think I could call characters.  Our differences are a part of our personalities.  The main thing is to just accept each other as we are!