Saturday, January 30, 2016


are every where!

I am very impressed with all the young people I know and especially those in our family circle. They are kind and caring and supportive.

Today dad and I had lunch with Tavia and her husband Shawn.  Two very exceptional young people.  They are very involved in cooking meals for the homeless.  Tavia helps by doing the planning and shopping and Shawn does the cooking.  They do it faithfully every week.

The exciting news is that Tavia is expecting her first baby in March and also there is another young couple ready to take over the feeding of the hungry.

We enjoyed the simple lunch in their basement apartment and also getting to know them better especially Shawn.

I am reading a book about Jewish mystical Rabbi's and it sheds a great light on the Old Testament.
Stories that describe events that may or may not have happened.  The stories include Satan taking to God and how his words strike out against human beings who are seen as unworthy.  This why they have to wait for a Messiah.  They may not have happened quite as they were told but yet contained in their wisdom in ordinary and yet incomprehensible.  Yet in the words there are powerful truths.

Very interesting.   This is from "Souls on Fire" by Elie Wiesel a book from the library.


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful to read the story of Tavia and Shawn. A young couple starting out in their journey through life together. Expecting their first child and having compassion for those who have less. A heartwarming story.

The books you read are always interesting, Beth.The old testament has always been an enigma to me.....I used to read it often and loved the stories, but find them rather fantastical.

The region where the stories took place are fascinating to me...the history is so rich. It is sad to see the destruction of Christian churches that are hundreds of years old.
I just read an article in an online Lebanese magazine about the name Ma'louf. It was Carl's Grandmothers maiden name. She was from a region called Zahle. Apparently the Ma'louf family originally lived in Yemen and immigrated to Syria and then Lebanon many hundreds of years ago. They became Christians when they lived in Syria. Greek Catholic.

How is the mouse situation? Did the exterminators get rid of them and find out where they are getting in and close it up? So far I haven't found any evidence of mice in our van and we are keeping our fingers crossed! I check every day. The cleanings cost $6,000. I have the invoice. Sure glad we didn't have to pay for it!

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Randy turned down work for last night, had an early supper and to be early then he slept just about 12 hours. Ready for the next week. Trying to decide about Hawai still. I guess the pleasure of being there needs to out weigh the fact I would be away at Christmas and nothing I am seeing makes me think that so far.


beth bennett said...

Lots of exciting things to do in here to but often w just don't do them.

Buying presents takes a lot of time and energy which I think we should stop doing.

Every year I find a little different but it is always the people who create the fun.

Christmas is the worst time of year to travel. I believe.

Love mom