Thursday, January 14, 2016


A sunny warm day which seems to invite a person just to take off away from all the mess of garden and home. 

Dad was doing great changing the door handles and cleaning up the garage. 

Meanwhile I start cleaning up the yard and then dash in to do laundry and while I am there decide to clean the bathrooms etc.  I end up with nothing done but lots in progress.

Since it was such a beautiful day why not drive down to the beach dad suggested.  Wonderful idea I agree but what about my visiting.  Dad agrees he will drive me over and then we will jump into the car and be off to the beach. 

I hurry to get ready arriving at the Home with my hair a mess, no make-up except for the dirt smudges from gardening and my work clothes still on underneath my jacket, and definitely no time to put on my false eyelashes.  Yah so like I even own some!

  It was good I did go because my visit was very much needed by one lady for sure.

Down to the beach in time to still enjoy the sun shining glistening on the calm ocean and the air so fresh and clean.  Since we were both hungry we found a restaurant with a lovely view to eat our fishy suppers and enjoy the sun setting.

I have not down loaded my pictures but will leave that undone until to-morrow.


Sandra said...

It was nice to see that sun shine, I was so busy at work though I did not get out for my walk. I have not checked the weather yet today but I hope to get out in the garden and do some raking as well.

Lets hope your energy is still strong and you get to finish all your projects today.


nancy-Lou said...

Wow, Beth, you have really been 'on a roll' these last few days! Busy, busy! It is wonderful to know that you are getting stronger and able to do the things you used to! Be careful not to overdo it though.

What a wonderful escape for you two...down to the sea and lunch.

Carl is having trouble breathing and it has been getting progressively worse. He has a pleural I have a call into his doctor at the large teaching hospital in Winnipeg. I think I will be driving him in today to see him.

We are in our January deep freeze...very cold but clear weather..lots of blue sky and sun.
The poor little birds are cold...they are all fluffed up. When they land on my bare hand their little feet are so cold. Sometimes they sit there for a while..unwilling to leave the warmth.

Wishing another good day full of lots of fun things,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

So sorry to hear about Carl that is so painful and also scary.

Have a safe drive I hope there are not strong winds.

Yes I am thankful to have more energy but still go from doing something then it is like a puncture tire I just am tired out.

love Beth