Sunday, January 10, 2016


Stories of faith retold to take us on a journey from religion (dogma and ritual as well as culture) to take us into a new place of the breath of the Spirit. 

I was so happy to make it to church today and listened to the story of the chaos of creation to the promise of a new kingdom that Jesus brings into the light.

Faith is the inner light that guides us from within!

It was a long day as we left church and after a quick bite drove to Uri's birthday celebration.

In this picture he is taking a picture of his half-sister and his cousin with his new camera.  Lots of gramme's join in the fun and catch up on the stories of the past year.  There was sadness as well as joy but we look forward to next year when  there will be two new babies joining us.

We have been blessed to be a part of this families journey

A very long day but it was all good.

It was a beautiful drive in bright sunlight with the majestic mountains moving us once again with wonder in all of creation.

Stories of mystery and grace! 

Stories that move the heart and soul!

Stories that can move mountains!


nancy-Lou said...

Nice photos Beth...the one of the fields and mountains reminds me of our drive throught the valley going or coming from the Island. It is so beautiful there. One feels the presence of God looking at the majesty of the mountains....awesome!

You sure had a busy day, going to church and then a birthday party. You have such a busy active life.

How is the mice situation? Did the exterminator catch many? One pretty new house we rented in Bowser had rats in the walls.....water rats the neighbour told us. There was a stream running through the yard. We could hear them scurrying in the walls and after we found out what it was we left in a hurry. It was a beautiful new oceanside house....our only bad experience of renting houses on the Island. We did that for 20 years. Often we rented the same home, but sometimes is was sold or we wanted to experience a different place.

Our van is ready to be picked up from the bio hazzard shop. So tomorrow we will take the dogs in for a grooming and pick up the van too. I sure hope the poison I put out for the mice did the trick and they don't come back again....I will miss the little car. But not when driving on the highway....our van is large and feels much safer. BUT for driving in the city and especially parking the little car is the mileage is 7.5 litres per 100 kms. We always try to multitask when we have to go somewhere.

It is -24 and snowing. The windchill is -37.

How is the ointment and heat helping with Larry's pain? I hope really well!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dear Nancy;
Our crawl space is full of mice traps and poison and there is no evidence of mice or rats in our walls or in our couch inside. None of us wanted to do this but it was the creatures or us.

Larry's feet have not improved as of yet. This is when it is hard to do it four times a day when you doubt it is helping.

He had stand at Uri's party as the room filled up with older ladies. He came home in a lot of pain. We stayed longer than we had anticipated. We were invited for supper but declined and fortunately came home to a little casserole made by Kim.
We were so very hungry and exhausted and so grateful!

Cloudy and cool with the possibility of rain, a typical winter morning.

Take care.

love beth

Sandra said...

My earlier post did not stay. Oh well.
I am slowly cleaning out cupboards and getting things back to a type of normal.
Had a nice slow start to Sunday, but since Randy was home we ended up doing a bunch of running around in the afternoon.

larry bennett said...

Yes it was an interesting day - even church was - all very nice people.

It has been quite a journey with the Genton/Shannon family - from stand-in grandparents for
several years, to almost grandparents, to just that old couple lthat gets in the way. Allthough a must admit the kids still treat use as real menbers of the family - which we also definitely feel as well.

That is the blog you can put on your computere.