Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I was feeling weird all yesterday 
Very tired but very restless.
Dad commented on it too.

 Too early for spring fever?

He was busy writing a letter that he was the only grandson of Nellie Bennett and had the right to put a marker on her grave.  He wrote and delivered the letter so the process is moving slowly.

On his way home he stopped at the Safeway and just caught a glimpse of me heading down the path home.  The funny thing is we can never find each other when we are in the store.  Fortunately he did not go and buy what I had already bought.
  He met me and helped carry the two small bags.  I have a little buggy now to put my groceries in when I buy heavy things like milk etc.

I felt better after watching a funny movie (yes we need more fun) and then doing my Bible study.
I found this very calming and challenging as well as rewarding.  This lesson is about prayer and we learn from each other!
Our study meets on Wed. at 12:30.

I am off to a meeting at the church at 7 which is not a good time for me.


Client Strengths said...

I don't think it's too early for spring fever.

Anonymous said...

Ollie is coming this sunday to start his classes at BCIT next week.

Sandra said...

Well, I hope it was a good weird and not a bad weird. I got stuck in horrible traffic last night coming home and in desperation headed south on 17, north on 99, south on 99, to hwy 10 then to 152... and this was after sitting in park on river road for half an hour. It is frustrating that accidents on alex fraser bridge still can get us blocked in here.

BUT! While I was taking two hours to drive home I kept counting my blessings: I did not have to go pee, I was not late for any appointments, I did not have a crying baby in the car, I was driving an automatic, my heat worked.... helped to keep the stress down a bit.


nancy-Lou said...

Weird, I am hoping you are feeling a lot 'less weird' today, Beth. I find medications can sometimes have side effects that make us feel weird.

How wonderful, you will have your Grandson close by for a while...what is Ollie studying at BCIT?

Did Larry have to apply to the cemetery office for permission for a grave stone marker for his Grandmother? That is really thoughtful of him to want to have a marker for her....good for future generations and also in remembrance of her.

We had the dogs groomed yesterday and they were clipped very short because of the mats. I have learned my lesson now and will have them groomed every four months. They must feel cold now after getting rid of all that long fur...especially Bella.It was very traumatic for them...they were really upset driving there and it took almost an hour.

Living at VB is very special....many people think it 'vibrates' at a higher frequency..but I think it is the wonderful pine scents that come from the fir trees in the spring and summer
along with the songs the boughs make as the winds pass through them...it almost creates a high...a natural high. BUT the only deterrent is the distance we are from most services.

I didn't know Larry took his training in Winnipeg....how did he like it? I would think he was used to the cold winter weather, coming from Saskatoon. What year did he train here?

We picked up our van and it looks so clean...wow they sure did a good job. They even found an old mouse nest that was overlooked when it was cleaned the first time. It felt a lot safer driving in the large Toyota Sienna van than that little car. We had it for a month.
I took the Biohazard shop a dozen doughnuts and sat and visited with the employees while they ate their lunch.
The BEST part was when I climbed into the largest tow truck in the area and sat behind the wheel with all lights flashing...WOW that was a thrill. It is like a semi and I felt like I was sitting in the clouds..The flat bed behind it was 30 feet long and it had a 3/4 truck on the back with large tracks instead of wheel...so they could do rescues in the bush.
I forgot to get a photo..but am going back to take one!

How is Kim doing? Is she back to college taking the second semester? How is Haiti too?

Have a great day,


beth bennett said...

So nice to get up in the morning and have comments to read. Long or short they a wonderful treat! Haiti and I both love our treats. Our friendly mouse trappers come today but I am staying out of the way.
I will have to find out what Oliver is doing because I have forgotten.
Dad had a good day yesterday but it was his turn to overdo it. He put a new door nob on the door to the garage. I was amazed at all the walking and standing he did and he did suffer a lot of pain after. But he does like a project and actually he likes looking around at Home Depot.

Lots of ood things to look forward To!

Love mom