Friday, January 1, 2016


One by one the Christmas decorations are coming down not that we had many.  I love those lights like Sandra and Randy had at the front door.

I have been praying for safe journeys for the travellers.  Mary is very brave travelling with those two adorable children by plane. I hope the roads were good for Stephen and Shawna.

I remember travelling by train with Rick when he was 17 months old. It was an over-night trip to Saskatoon and we both were exhausted when we arrived.  Your dad came a day later.  We also travelled to Regina to thrill my parents with our coming.

To-day when we went to open the garage door it would not open.  I was sure a mouse had got in there some where.  Dad sprayed it with oil and it worked.  It is very annoying if it does not work with our car in there.  We do not travel far these days but we do like to be able to go when the mood strikes us.

So many things we just take for granted.
Happy children at play.
Mary with Sebastian
Shawna with Lincoln
No one cuts a roast like Randy
A happy mom and dad
a dazzling sparkling grama
Fresh from the bath smelling so sweet!
The fire was wonderful!
So here we are all travelling into another year, older and wiser I am sure.
Good to have a call from Jane to get caught up on her busy time.
She even went to mid-night mass.
There will be some moves this year as Mary and Michael John move to Kingston. 
We wish them success in finding a new home!
Time for dad and I to get our pj's on and snuggle down for another night!


nancy-Lou said...

Joy and love radiates in all the pictures you have posted, Beth and Larry.What an amazing family, all those generations coming together for Christmas celebrations. Of course the children make Christmas don't they? The little kids are SO CUTE!
You all are truly blessed. How wonderful they all were able to travel long distances to be there with you. Safe travels home!

Sandra and Randy will need some quiet time to recover from all the activities over Christmas. Well done, you two!

Goodness, that KIM....going to the polar bear swim....brrrrrr. I hope she doesn't get a cold now!

The cabbage rolls sure disappeared in a hurry...I made a large dutch oven full of them and all we have left are five for tonight. I gave Carly, our Granddaughter, enough for two
lunches for college, this week. She passed all her exams in engineering...isn't that wonderful? The first semester was pretty difficult...she had 7 subjects. She was travelling three hours a day to college plus working on the weekends. Now she has an apartment in the city which will make it a lot easier for her.

This semester will be easier with just 5 subjects and no travelling. It just felt so good to hug her...we miss her so much and don't get to see her often now.

So a New Year for wish is for peace for the world. I know that is not going to really concerns me to hear of the hatred people have for others...the bombings, senseless wars...why can't we just all get along? I guess that is the legacy of the world because it has been happening since the beginning of time.It doesn't matter which country our forebearers came from, there is violence in our history.

I am so thankful to live in Canada, where freedom reigns. Where we welcome people from all over the world, to come and become Canadian citizens. I cannot imagine the fear and terror of living in a country like Syria where you may leave to go shopping and come home to find you house bombed and gone.


Are you and Larry watching the Junior hockey games from Finland? Those young fellows are so fast aren't they?

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Getting into more deep cleaning today. Going through cupboards and stuff looking for things to through away. In between I am reading my book and doing my puzzle.

beth bennett said...

Yes we did watch the game and the Canadians play well but too many penalties cost them the game. It was exciting right to the end.

Larry would love to taste those cabbage rolls of yours. Delicious I am sure.

My wish is for a safer world where we learn to forgive and to trust everyone.

Love Beth