Tuesday, January 19, 2016


What a delight to see a bit more colour!
Even Haiti was impressed and came over to sniff it out!

No I know this is not a weed but the weeds think it is spring as they too are coming to life. 

I am thankful that dad and I do not have a strict routine anymore and can find delight in little things.  Haiti of course is always good company and she is on duty at all times to warn us if anyone comes near our front door.

Dad rode both his indoor bike and his outdoor bike.  Good for him.  Still very painful hands as well as feet now.  I will try and get him into see the doctor to see what the neurologist has ordered.

One of my delightful childhood was riding the train as my dad worked for the C.N. and we had passes.  We had good friends at the coast so came out here on many a holiday.  Also when my best friend, Lynn,  moved to North Battleford I was allowed to visit her on a journey all by myself!  I was feeling very grown up at 10.  I always found it exciting!  We did not have a car so I missed seeing new sights as you drive around town.  That is when my walking days started as I walked to school and later to work.

I find that my walk has become a little more like a duty than the delight it used to me.  Yes, it takes more effort but once I am out side in the fresh air it becomes a delight once again.  I try to tell myself that each step is a step on a healing journey towards renewed health.  I am gradually going a bit further and I am thankful for that.  I miss my old walking friends as they still go early in the morning.  I leave the house about 8 and it is then light out.

I believe that God who dwells within and around us all takes delight in my simple morning talks with Him.  Some mornings I feel a sense of awe and mystery but most morning it becomes a delightful duty.  To pray for others and to be prayed for is Awesome! !


Sandra said...

I think I will go to the nursery this weekend. I have some gift cards I got as gifts and I think I might plant some of those nice cabbage in my big black planters Randy got me just before Christmas.

Will have to see what the weather is going to be though, still too cold to be outside in the rain.


beth bennett said...

It is hard to believe it is just Jan.

Dad watching Aussie Tennis and it is not as hot this year.

I may go visiting today. Dad says to let both Jim's and Gundy's family look after them now. I am wondering if they will end up in the same place. Gundy is not home yet.

Should be a good day for a walk for you at lunch,
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Bike riding would be good for Larry's circulation....two rides in one day...wow, he is on a roll! Sorry to hear the pain etc is starting in his hands too....darn it all anyway!

Carl is feeling better today, thank goodness because we had freezing rain and snow overnight which made the highways dangerous.

Oh, Beth, you were fortunate that your Dad worked for CN and had free passes. The ride to the coast was always so dramatic...although I never went the southern CN route. We always went CPR. It was so exciting and scary too...as a child, I was afraid of going through the part where the rail cars joined...they bounced around and it was so cold there. I also was afraid of the big steam engine when we were on the platform. I remember one time crying and a porter consoling me....when it let out a bunch of steam.

Imagine a little girl of age 10 going on a train trip alone, in these times...yet in those times it was safe to do so. I used to bus everywhere at that age..downtown for choir practice at CBC...or to the YWCA to swim.

Great thoughts about each step on your walk being a healing journey....and a good time to converse with God. It must be working because you are feeling quite a bit better!

I wish it would warm up here so the dogs and I could go for a walk.

Well off to work in the studio. I have a commission piece to do.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy