Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Life is precious and yet at dinner the other night we some how got talking about death.  Every one had there opinion but I did not get a chance to say what I believe so now I can.  You can make a comment if you do not agree with me.

In this life we like to search for the light and are thankful for the days getting light earlier and staying longer.  Light symbolized enlightenment and helps me to be aware that there is a life-giving source of energy that renews us and heals us with a unconditional love.

Mohandas K. Gandhi says that physical death is the birth of spiritual life.  I agree that at death there be a person or a light that will welcome us home.  All fear and pain will disappear and the soul will take on new life.  The ego often gets in the way of our souls so becoming more aware of our soul as a spiritual part of our being is a important value to pursue as our journey nears the end.

There is no where on this earth that this Unconditional Love has not been with us.

This is an amazing thought because we often can feel alone and unsure of our future and these feelings will all be gone.  This is what I believe and have learned from others having a N.D.E.

Hugs and encouraging words remind me that I am lovable.

Shawn, Tavia's husband came from his work to look at the hole in the kitchen ceiling.  He will give us an estimate.  Sounds like they want to paint the whole ceiling. 

We are invited over to Shawn and Tavia's for lunch on Sat.  Very kind of them.

Pat and John also dropped in for a visit so our day just fell into place.

"Air to breath, Light to see
A soul needs nourishment all its own.

Whoever you are, where ever you are from
Whatever tradition guides your way.
there comes a time when all need
to be touched through the heart.  "  - unknown


Sandra said...

Oh, I saw that I forget to comment yesterday. I did stop by and read it but it is that busy time of year for us accountant types and I just had a quick read and then was back at my work.

Plus, just feeling hungry and tired right now. Ready for the sun to start showing it's face a bit more and wanting to get outside.

Death. Well, I believe that when I am dead I will be not here, and not me so anything else to me is irrelevant. With Mary and Kimberly turning 30 this year I certainly feel death creeping ever closer, that is for sure.


nancy-Lou said...

Life and death....I think I believe what you stated Beth....that is what I was taught in my church. Lately though I have been questioning all that I was taught...and don't think I like any churches...why should one church be the 'right one'? Or better than the other one...as many think? When I look back in history I see terrible things that happened in the churches. Have you ever watched the movie Luther? It is about the Lutheran minister who used to be a Catholic priest.Goodness knows too, what a violent history the Anglican Church has too.

I strongly believe in God, I know for a fact there is a presence in our world and perhaps in the universe. I believe in an afterlife and I believe in reincarnation...until we reach nirvana..I believe in our spirit.

How nice to be invited out for lunch at your Granddaughter's home....Grandkids are the best aren't they? We sure love our granddaughter.

So what is happening with the hole in your kitchen ceiling? I hope it isn't mice related.

So far, so good, we don't have any deer mice at the bird feeders or in the van. Crossing my fingers!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

So nice to have comments that get me thinking deeper.

I have several friends who are disillusioned with churches'

The whole in the ceiling is from a leak in the upstairs bathroom
that was rotting the ceiling.

Tavia is the daughter of a friend who is like a granddaughter to us.
We looked after her since she was about 2 to help her mom, Cathy, who was a single mom with 5 girls.

The dishwasher is fixed and back together again.

I missed my study group because I just got too tired. It has been several busy days so a long nap was called for.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

You are so wise to know when you need to rest and not push yourself, Beth. I am so glad you chose to stay home and have a long nap. I find I get more tired too and so fortunate to have our sons to help me. Especially when Carl is in the hospital.

WOW, Larry is quite the fix it fellow isn't he? He fixed your dishwasher? That would have saved you quite a few dollars, knowing how much plumbers charge these days.

Yes, Carl has had to repair many a bathroom after it has leaked for awhile. It can do a lot of destruction.

We are going to visit Carl in the hospital tomorrow as long as the highways are better...which I am doubting because it is actually raining her right now. Crazy weather. It is very unsettled and they are calling for more freezing rain and snow for Friday.


beth bennett said...

I did not know Carl is in hospital. Is he going to get an operation?

Praying for you both.

love beth.

nancy-Lou said...

He has a pleural effusion...which is fluid in the pleural cavity that surrounds the lung. When the doctor put in a needle and was going to try and take all the fluid out, there was pus in it. It is called an empyema and is fairly rare.

So she hospitalized him. He has a chest tube and is on antibiotics...but it can be serious, especially at 78 and he has a compromised immune system from the rheumatoid arthritis ( which is the cause ) and the strong drugs he takes for it. We are leaving soon to visit him.

Thank you for your prayers, Beth, they are very much appreciated.

Love, Nancy