Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The more the merrier.  I thought if I had one in each room I would remember dates and times better.  Now I am told I need to give one to Sandra, Carol and Rick

The Melbourne calendars are beautiful and stir within me a long to visit there again.  They will be very much enjoyed.

The family calendar created by Shawna with family pictures and dates to remember is a living treasure.
Thanks Shawna and thanks Ken and Melina and also the beautiful card signed by all.  I have never seen so many x and  o's

We have had a slight bit of snow here but mostly it has disappeared.  It does feel like winter.  I went and took my decorations off the tree in the park and met the lady who tells me again how much she has enjoyed it.  She has a grand daughter too but she lives away.  She sent her a picture of Morgan and I putting the decorations on. 

Wed. dad and I drive to New West. to see the neurologist and he is now figuring out the route we will take.  We have to be there at 10 and they like you to be early.  I have asked my church prayers to pray for a hopeful visit.

So we have a family of very different people which I think I could call characters.  Our differences are a part of our personalities.  The main thing is to just accept each other as we are!


Sandra said...

Good to know, I will look forward to getting my bit of Aussie life sometime soon. Is that appointment for you or dad, I can never keep up with who is having their brain examined this time.

I had a nice brisk walk at work yesterday, it certainly is winter though, damp and cold.


nancy-Lou said...

Calendars.....now that looks like a wonderful gift. Very thoughtful of Shawna. I am sure it would be a big help keeping all those birthdays in line!
My cousin, Bob, used to do that for our family too, but he passed away in September. He had a good life and was in his 90th year. I so miss our daily chats.

I have my fingers and toes crossed hoping for some good news in regards to Larry's pain in his feet. Surely there must be something the doctors can do. Have a good trip over to New West. That is where my Great Aunts lived and where we visited every year. Often by CPR train. Lovely trip through the mountains.

It is a beautiful morning here, with hoar frost and light snow wafting down. All my birds were waiting when I went out to feed them...there were 7 blue jays in the birch tree, some making their bell call....saying good morning!

I am waiting to hear from a pet groomer who is going to come to our home and give Bella and Max a bath and haircut. It will be much easier on them rather than have to travel for three hours to the city. They are stressed in the car.

Prayers for good news from the doctor's visit.

Love, Nancy