Sunday, January 31, 2016


Our youngest member held by her grandmother.

I have decided I am going to become like a fireman on Sunday morning.  I will jump out of bed and have my clothes all ready right beside me.  I will grab a coffee and my coat and shoes and purse while dad rings a bell saying "You're late your late".

Like a lot of things I am trying to do better I can only try to do my best.

Even though I am late there are lots of smiling faces waiting for us.  I turn around to see them as dad likes to sit in the front and I would sneak in at the back.
These three girls from the same family are all very different.

Reading about different religions there are vast differences even in the same religion.  Churches are totally different!  I think that is okay.  They are doing there best to tell the truth in love and then hopefully live out that love.

Anyway we are fortunate to have a loving family.  Dad and I enjoyed a savory  supper with Carol and Panteli.  Now it is home and time for bed.


Sandra said...

I think that is very funny, because chances are you would jump out of bed and head off to church only to find out it is only Saturday.


beth bennett said...

Sandra that is so true.

Actually I attend one of Tavia's birthday parties on the wrong day but then they held it on the wrong day so that was confusing. I have also got the time wrong. I should not worry about my brain I have always bit a bit scatter brained.............

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Ha Ha, Beth, you are so funny! I am laughing at the I'm Late I'm Late comment! You would be just like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland! I play that song and if I could, I would have posted it here for a laugh too! Well as the saying goes, 'better late than never'!

Lovely ladies all four of them. They look quite different too, don't they? Just as their personalities are different.

How wonderful to have supper at your daughter and son in laws. You are so fortunate to have daughters and family who live nearby and receive invitations for suppers.

Today is a beautiful day, sunny and mild for this time of year. We have a parade of deer who go through our yard every morning.....which keeps our dogs busy watching them. They know not to bark at them, but just cannot help themsleves sometimes. I will take them for a short walk...short because their fur is short from their grooming.

Wishing you both a lovely day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes Sandra having dates that are wrong is much worse than
not having any at all. I keep changing it but it will not stay changed
