Thursday, January 21, 2016


Most people have lots of favorite things that they like to eat, or books they like to read, or things they like to do etc.

Dad and I had lunch at one of our favorite places, the golf course, with two of our favorite friends, Jane and Geof.  We are going to miss them when they move to North Van. and hope they will come back and visit regularly.

I remember when I first met Jane.  We had moved from Tsawwasen to Surrey and I had set off to church our first week here.  It is a delightful little church surrounded by huge ever greens and close enough for me to walk.

It was a small congregation way back then and Jane was a bright spark of life even then. I thought to myself she would be an exceptional person to have as a friend!   Over the years a deep friendship developed bringing joy and laughter into the lives of both dad and myself.  We attended several groups together and dad joined the out reach group where she became his friend too.

We have laughed and cried together and prayed each other trough difficult times!

No these were not your average boring meetings but a lively group of people with the same interests and lots of new ideas.  It was our favorite group. 

It was a wet and muggy day but the green grass always seems to brighten up the view.  We sat in the dining room because the bar was full of noisy groups.  There was a small table near the window just meant for us!  We still share a lot of the same interests and read a lot of the same books.  They will not be moving until March but I know the time will go very fast.

Dad took time out away from fixing the dish washer.  As usual the job was much harder than he expected but we all know he likes a challenge. 

I treasure my friendship with Jane and Geof know this friendship is a gift that will last a lifetime.
Even though we will not be in touch like we were I know that we will often think of each other and they will always have a special place in our hearts.

Friends are a blessing that help us create wonderful memories. 


Sandra said...

Friends are the best, right up there with kittens and grandbabies.

Had Sukhi and Candice over for a quick visit this morning. Sukhi will be going back to work as soon as she finds a job so we wanted to get together while we could.

The sun is peeking out now, nice to see but I have to do my work for now.


Anonymous said...

Hobey is down in Melbourne with his girlfriend. They got in late last night and stayed at a backpackers hotel in the city. His girlfriend, Nanna is Danish and just travelling around Australia. I worked overtime on Thursday, ended up working until 4am. Kinda ruined Friday ... Bit tired.
I went to the dentist this morning. I have to go back this afternoon to take an impression. I have to pay 2k today and 2k in three weeks when the teeth arrive. The dental surgeon was there as well . I can sense his bill coming in the mail next week. ( he wanted to wait to see if the bone graft worked ).

Client Strengths said...

What a nice story. You and Jane have been friends a long time.