Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Yes a little mouse came walking up to our front door.  I told it in no uncertain terms there was no room here and he is better off to just stay out in the forest.

No room even for the mother of baby Jesus must have made her wonder what God had planned for her and her baby. 

I am telling myself there is no room for those negative thoughts that cause me to feel unsure.  Dad wants me to confess my faults, yes I am well aware of them. When you live with some one you see their faults as a reality. I make mistakes continually but that does not mean that my faith in prayer and my faith in the goodness of God has deserted me.

I do know I am loved unconditionally.

I do know love is healing.

I do know that when I fail and fall short it is love that lifts me up again.

There is no sin that the grace of God cannot forgive.

There is no life that cannot be transformed by forgiveness.

The thoughts I am making room for:
Be still
Cease striving
Seek God's presence even when He seems He seems to be like an inscrutable wisdom far beyond my understanding.
Listen to what the Scripture says to me personally each day!

Love Yourself!  Forgive yourself as I am just as human as anyone else and faaaaar from perfect!


Sandra said...

Reaching perfection would make for a boring life, because what would you have to look forward to? My mantra this week is replacing my "I want" thoughts with "I am glad I have" I am still dissapointed that Mary and the family are remaining in Ontario but I need to count my blessings: they are all healthy and happy, it is not China, just Ontario, I can afford to go visit them when ever I want.


Anonymous said...

Did the pest control work ? Snow all gone ? Wild weather over here . Lots of rain up north , we have had no rain !!

larry bennett said...

Yes Sandra - we are all very blessed.

PS I was just telling mom her devoted readers would be amazed
at her lack of patience with her computer - there not many
peple i know that do have much patience with computer though !