Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Yes we all have them and it is important to shake them lose and experience new awareness. I had planned the day confident that dad would have the dishwasher fixed and back together.

I was going to be attending my Bible Study group called Jetlag.  Suddenly I felt extremely tired so thought a 10 minute rest would perk me up raring to go.  Instead I drifted off into a deep sleep for over an hour.

Dad and I had planned to visit both Gundy and another friend who has just been hospitalized with a broken shoulder and also very run down.

It was late in the day so we decided to postpone visiting for another day.

Our lesson was on prayer and I had put a lot of thought into and had things I was hoping to share, but this just was not meant to be.  You can say I had a multitude of preconceptions.

I felt inspired by the Spirit and now will pray that the spiritual source that is available to all of us will help me believe in a better to-morrow.  I am now going to go to bed so I will wake up refreshed


Sandra said...

I blame it on the weather, just so gloomy out. Today though should be nice with the sun supposed to break through.

I am sticking to my new years resolution to walk to pilates, but I have to say I really did not want to last night. At least it was not very cold out, though pretty wet and windy.

Randy is working graveyard shift this week which I find to be very disruptive. He goes to bed at 7, so when I go to bed at 9 I have to be very quiet. Then when he gets up at 11 I find it very hard to fall back asleep. Then on the weekend he sleeps till noonish so I have to be very quiet so do not get my house work done.

I have been watching a lot of foreign Netflix shows lately. I like seeing the way different people live so it is worth the hassle of having to read the sub titles. They are all mystery shows of course.


beth bennett said...

Sandra when dad and I were first married he would work three days, three afternoons and three midnights. Midnights were tough. Later he just worked one at the end of his shift. Shift work is hard on the women too. Glad you are doing your walking.
love mom