Wednesday, January 13, 2016


A few of the friends that I am studying with.  When I get to the church and climb out of the car a bag of cans I am contributing to the food bank drop to the ground and go rolling down the hill.

What fun!

I discover on arrival I have done the wrong lesson.  This is not the first time.  So instead of prayer it is about the love of Jesus for all sinners.  He receives the tears that wash his feet, and hair that wipes them dry and ointment for his head.

Prayer is one of  keys
to open the door into God's presence!

It is a key that enables us to face the difficult circumstances that come into all our lived.  Times of sickness, especially chronic  pain, and family upsets.

I am slowly regaining energy with the help of the prayers of others.  I was very touched when a man at church came up to me and said he was praying for both dad and I every night.  He is having a lot of hip pain himself and will be going through surgery soon.

My hope is that I will become stronger with an inner strength and also become more compassionate with others.  Prayer helps calm my fears when I feel anxious about the future.

Without prayer I woud feel like I was in a very deep hole of despair with no way out por up.  Prayer is knowing a hand will eventually bring me back up to the light.

It is good to be with my friends as we study scripture together and share experiences.

As Christians we have been drawn like this woman to Jesus for his words and his healing and knowing his death on the cross has the power to transform all our lives!.  An innocent man whose spirit lives on today!


nancy-Lou said...

Well you certainly made quite an entrance with the cans rolling down the hill! You are so funny Beth...I can picture it in my mind! Glad that you didn't go rolling down the hill too! You could have stepped on one..

Prayer is a habit for me..something I have always turned is comforting. I am so glad that you have prayer to turn to, especially as you go through some difficult times. I find prayer and meditation comes easily as I go for walks alone.

It is wonderful to read of you returning to your study group and able to go to church too. Great improvement Beth from when you were so ill!

It is cold and crisp today with a sunny blue sky. We don't be able to go for walks for a while now because the dogs were clipped so short at their grooming. She shaved their paws too so there is no fur now to help protect against the cold. I will ski instead.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Now, why didnt you get a picture of the cans rolling away! To take away some of the anxiety about the future make decisions now.

Did you find out what Oliver is taking yet?


beth bennett said...

No I have had no news about Oliver's arrival
nor about Ben's soccer.

glad Randy enjoyed Skiing and now Nancy is also.

I have so much to do today it is hard to go visiting.

Is God saying leave the mess and go

I know what dad is saying it is time to quite.
stayed tuned.

love beth

Anonymous said...

We are having a good time up in Queensland. Matthew loves to swim in the waves and the pool. Can't get him out. Jasmine loves to swim as well. They are both improving . We went and saw goosebumps last night. Today we are off to movie world. Tyler and Hobey and their girlfriends arrive tomorrow. The ocean is so warm. 27c yesterday.

nancy-Lou said...

I wonder if EL Nino in the Pacific Ocean affects northern Australia too? Sounds like a wonderful holiday for Ken and his family.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sure does I hope dad can transfer pictures for me/