Saturday, January 16, 2016


It still amazes me to receive a phone call from Ken and we see right where he is at the hotel with Melina, Matthew and Jasmine.  They are having a grand time and getting ready to put their swimmers on and swim in the pool.  Ken says the ocean is too choppy.  Brittany, Tyler and Hobie are on the way to join them.

What a fantastic time for all.

We have left early this morning to drive to Burnaby to watch the soccer game in which Ben will be judged whether he is good enough to be a part of the White Caps association.  Ben has stayed over night.

So we are leaving the seaside to drive closer to the mountains. 

Dark and dreary morning putting on layers of clothing.

Looking forward to visiting Theresa and family.


Client Strengths said...

I wish I could watch Ben. It will be a fun game I'm sure. Oliver comes to stay Sunday night. I'm not sure yet what time he arrives but would you like to come for dinner and if we're lucky maybe Oli will arrive shortly after?

Sandra said...

Good luck Ben, is the soccer in doors? It is such miserable day to be outside and in the rain.

Plan on another lazy day, maybe will get to the grocery store, maybe not.


nancy-Lou said...

WOW...Ben trying out for the Whitecaps.....I am keeping my fingers and toes crosssed....good luck Ben! All your VB cousins are pulling for you!

Just imagine Beth, how far technology has changed since the days when we were young and we didn't even have a television...just the radio and it was our 'connection to the world'.
Skype and Facetime sure have changed still amazes me too. How wonderful for Ken and his family to have a warm vacation along the ocean.

Today is one of the coldest days of the year for us. It is 2pm and the temperature is -25 with a wind resulting in -42 windchill and it sure feels like it. I have to go our and feed the birds and fill their water bowl. The steam us rising off it in streamers. If I'm not back in 10 minutes send out the search party....hahha Just joking!

I taught music is my first is second! One of my piano students is advanced now and it so much fun to teach her.
I can sit back and listen to her beautiful playing.
Our pharmacist is from Jordan and he asked me to teach his daughter when they move out here in the summer. I would love too! He is such a nice man. So kind. He really likes Carl because of the Lebanese connection, although Carl's family were Greek Catholic and he is Muslim.

Let us know how Ben made out! YOU GO BEN.

Stay warm,

Love, Nancy