Sunday, January 17, 2016


I took off to church by myself because dad had a nasty cough and needed to rest and be quiet.  I almost did not go myself as I was so late leaving, and  if we had not arranged to visit with Pat and John after church,  I probably would not have gone.

Some times a lack of communication can cause problems in our  relationships.  I know that I have made some mistakes in my past but all I can do is try to do better.  I have regrets sure.

With that being said it is amazing that I have reached the place of sainthood that I have.  Yeah right!

I expect my children to be better at handling life than I was, but we all seem to have to learn the hard way.

Good to have a visit from Sandra and catch up on her family news. 

I started out for an afternoon walk but got distracted  by my untidy garden so tackled a few dead branches and was rewarded with rose thorns stuck in my hand. 

"I like to think that there is an intelligent mysticism in the life of faith"  -J. Murray

Prayer is a way for me to deepen my relationship with the One I call God.  I am thankful for His forgiveness and His love for me and for each one of us'

Life will always be a mystery but prayer can help  me gain a deeper knowledge of who I am
and who I am being called out to be. 


nancy-Lou said...

Relationships...they are complex, that is for sure! Many Senior's have the extra challenge of poor health and pain which can put a strain on relationships at times. We all need 'time outs'....mine is an escape to my studio! Good music, painting or practicing the piano...all work great! I am currently working on a lovely photo of a kaayaker...hmmm maybe I should say, a person in a kaayak! There is a spectacular sunset with some ripples on the water. The fellow in the kaayak is a friend. I will give him a print of the painting IF it turns out. I want to use pastels and haven't painted with the for a we will see!

An intelligent mysticism in the life of faith....interesting. I read an article written by Greg GLatz, a United Church minister about people leaving the churches and turning to spirituality. Ahh the mystery in it all...Greg writes a blog too. A very intelligent fellow and a PHD. He recently moved to Calgary from Winnipeg...our loss. He was active in helping the poor at a downtown church.

oooh those rose prickles sure bother one don't they? We have the wild roses growing around our yard and they are the worst...

Wishing you both a good day,

Love Nancy

Sorry to hear Larry is not feeling well....I hope he didn't pick up a bug. Take care Larry!
I have a touch of bronchitis too...coughing. After over 50 years of teaching kids I am pretty immune to the bugs, but sometimes get sick.

Sandra said...

I guess you did not put on the new gloves. I did not get a single thorn stuck in me while I chopped down two of my rose bushes.

I was upstairs while Randy watched the football games he had taped, there was some yelling going on, but he was happy in the end.

Sabastien now has two words in his repertoire, Dad and Mom. Working on Nana.


Anonymous said...

Brittany arrived yesterday , we chilled by the pool watching the little ones swim. We went to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner . They all had the $10 milkshakes.grrrrr today we are going to go surfers get and paddle boarding at an river outlet at Currumbin. The water is calm and very blue inside the mouth of the river then there are bigs waves for Brit to surf out side the mouth. Last day here tomorrow. Did you watch the tennis?