Saturday, January 23, 2016


What a tragedy to hear about the shooting in La Loche, Saskatchewan at a home and at the school.  Four are dead and others wounded.  The whole community devastated.

I was so very proud of Milos Raonic, a Canadian tennis player playing in the Australian Open dedicated  his win to this small community in need of all our prayers and support.

He already is a champion in my mind.

The young man who did this must have a lot of pain and anger in his soul to do such a horrendous act.  All we can do is pray that something good can come out of this.  So many young people seem to be losing their way and we have to question why?

I admire the teachers and teachers aid workers that do such a tough job.  I am thing of our very own Theresa and the stress she has faced in her work as a teacher's aid person.

I know that I need to love myself and others with an unconditional love!  This is the journey that we are on to learn through tragedy and failure and to find the courage to keep on.  Each in our own way have the ability to be hero's and to transcend the ugliness and stress of life to find beauty and strength. 


Sandra said...

I have not had the news on this weekend so have not really heard all that much about the shooting. But it is very sad to know that these things keep happening.

Did dad get the dishwasher put back together? Mary must take after her grampa, I was on the phone with her and she was in the middle of taking her oven door apart but had lost the screws.

Randy and I are off to see Mandi today in the city. IT looks pretty foggy out there right now but hopefully the sun breaks through at some point.

When we get home I have to do some work, and then depending on that I might come out to Carols for supper tonight.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, very sad, and a nightmare for all concerned, but thankfully these events are very rare, at least in Canada. I suppose part of the wonders of modern communications is that these abhorrent incidents get so much attention that, in a way, they seem "bigger" than they actually are.

beth bennett said...

Well Steady-as-rain surprised to have a comment from you!

That is all so true.

We are not going to church today as not having a good morning.
but will keep out of Kim's way as she is going to be doing a much needed cleaning.

Off to Abbotsford to see Ben play soccer at 2 o'clock.

Carol may go with us so let her know Sandra about supper.

Plans way change! Surprise.

Love mom