Tuesday, September 30, 2014




Too excited to sleep and very happy Ken is coming for a visit.  It will do dad a world of good and me too!

Thank you Melina we appreciate the fact that this will be an extra load for you to take on.  You are very special to us both and we love you a lot.
I hope that this will not be hard on either one of you.  I know travelling can be so tiring and often people suffer from the fatigue.  Also travelling standby adds to the stress.
My prayers are with you all.
I was mixed up about our meeting date for our book club and arrived a week early but actually that is better than a week late.  I am trying to write things down and look at them to double check and I also need dad’s help in this now.  I can hear Sandra groaning as she thinks I am hopeless.  It is amazing we do make most of our doctor appointments and that is my doing.

Dad and I did have a quiet day except for a bit of shopping and then walked next door to the neighbourhood restaurant with Kim. 

One of the unique things about our human brain is that we can actually train it by being positive.

We were given some wonderful fresh vegetables from our friend's garden.   
and Kim is very informed and good about preparing them it is a real bonus.

Cold and dark so have to make myself go for a walk which I know will wake me up and be good for me.  Some days I walk better than others.  Some days I walk farther.
P9280235Today is sunny

Monday, September 29, 2014


Yes a lot has happened to these happy young people on the way to their future adventures together. It was good for a shy serious young girl like me to fall in love with an out going, humorous story teller like your dad!

I know I had to develop new coping skills and a lot of courage as we were faced with challenges and changes right from the beginning.  The wet foggy weather was enough to dampen my prairie spirits.
Many unplanned things happen on the way.

There have been special romantic moments and now we have our favorite moments we can recall.

There have been great emotional happy  moments with the birth of each child.
And each child was treated differently and took on certain roles.

Know what you want in life and be willing to work for it.

Know that there will be great sacrifices because love demands sacrifices.

Forgive and forget but make sure you express what you need.
I needed security and encouragement and support. 

My faith became stronger during times of depression and loneliness, when life seemed hopeless.

My undiagnosed illness was hard on us both.  And yes we have had our disagreements too.

I am thankful for a very generous and kind husband and look forward to our future together knowing every moment counts!

At church we sang the hymn "I love to tell the story (dad mumbles of U.F.O.'s) instead of Jesus and his love.  I laughed.

We enjoyed a special lunch when we got home all shopped for and prepared beautifully by Kim.  It was also good to have Sandra join us and we caught up on happenings in each other's life.  Then off to Book study with our friends who we have not seen all summer.  Only problem was I was a week early; but not really my fault because the date had been changed so many times.


Sunday, September 28, 2014


P9260204It was a beautiful fall day that makes us appreciate it even more because we know that the rain and cold will soon arrive.
We now have a drum that Kim has made and also some of her pottery to bring the beauty of fall into our sitting room.
It did not look so cheerful when I went for my walk early in the fog and mist but just when I was thinking it was going to stay that way all day the sun broke through the mist.
Dad and Kim went to the small dog park with Haiti which was a long walk for them but a quick bike ride for dad.  It really is fun watching how all the dogs re-act.
Dad continued on to ride by our old house and stopped to chat with the owner who was out in the yard and when he explained that we had once owned the place the couple showed him through. 
I am glad it turned out to be a nice day for Carol and Sandra to practice their dance at the park.
Dad and I enjoyed coffee down at the beach and met an interesting lady and her grand daughter.  She works part of the year in Costa Rica running a healing clinic.  Seeking support is very important in the healing process and she feels very fortunate to be doing this work.
Kim has invited the family over Sunday for lunch and I hope we can eat outside.
No deep thinking!  Happy Sabbath!

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Who has not experienced sneaking something from the cookie jar and getting caught.   Maybe feeling guilty?

We have all made mistakes whether by our actions or our words and feel a little foolish.

Paul writes that the message of the cross is foolishness to the guilty but a gift of mercy and grace powerfully expressed in action to believers,  an act of redemption that creates new life.

One of the messages in the Bible told my stories is that all human nature is flawed and imperfect.  Story after story beginning with a dissatisfied Adam and Eve.  The story is told that they were living in a world full of color and beauty and good things to eat.  They were both healthy in this place that was safe and secure and had the privilege of learning wisdom with the Creator.  He had to learn from them too.

This story offers an explanation of the cruelty and hardness in our world if we believe that they wanted early wisdom more than godly wisdom and thus the world has become a place of trouble and suffering.  Now we may not believe this story but the point is that most people are familiar with it.  We learn from the Bible stories about leaders who were fallible hero's because as human beings we fail to be discerning of what is the truth and what is a lie.
  We learn to ignore what we cannot understand or prevent.  Why does a young healthy boy turn his back on all that Canada has provided for him to become a warrior a terrorist proud of his machine gun to destroy lives of those who have not harmed him.  He seemed to  be well liked and successful.

To me it seems so awfully foolish and can only think he was totally brain washed.  A heart and mind filled with hatred, mocking all that freedom and justice have given to him freely.

One think that dad and I notice is how so many children are driven back and forth from school and how few you see out playing.  I think,  a lot is the fact that no street or place seems safe anymore.

Fear lives in our hearts no matter what our minds say.
We need good leaders and we need safer communities where people care and look out for each other.
Dad and I were asked over for coffee with some friends but I stayed home and rested because it would have been foolish not to.  It is wise to know when to say no! I was also pleased when Carol and Pentali drop by for a visit that we were home.  They are in the process of looking for a new place to live as they want to move out of their apartment.

Friday, September 26, 2014


I was not quite sure what I was doing when my day began.

  Had trouble seeing the computer until I realized I had forgotten to put my glasses on.  It is good I can blame everything on old age, like falling asleep with my glasses on and forgetting to put them on to write or read in the morning.

Visiting?  Gardening? Walking?  how far?  Umbrella or jacket?   What to blog about?  Trying to stat young at heart rain or shine.  In the end it all works out.

P9240183 Between us dad and I did a bit of clean up in our front yard.  So much to be done.  So thankful it was a warm sunny day to be out side.

After we had coffee on the front porch and put food and water out for Haiti dad drove me to the hospital where Jim does not seem to be getting very much better.  He has a nice clean room with a view but sits there all alone very bored and unhappy.  He cannot read or watch T.V.

Walking the long corridor to his room at the end was tiring and then had another walk over to where dad was visiting Leah and Howard.  He was having a bad day too.  Just wanted to sleep.  Both thanked  me profusely for coming and caring.

Dad went right to sleep when we got back home.  It was  hard on both of us.  I had a warm bath.
So thankful to be home.  Too bad we were too tired out to accept Carol's supper invitation.

 Leah also appreciated our visit.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Starting out for my walk I was pleased the rain has stopped.  I walk three blocks and see this lovely flower so walk quickly back home to get my camera.
I continue on when all of a sudden the rain comes pouring down but fortunately I had my rain coat and rain pants on.

Nearing home I realize the car is out of the garage so that means dad is out looking for me.  I keep telling him not to worry and I can phone if I take my phone which I will try to do.
Came home and finished the Bible lesson quickly and then off to the church for the study; only to find out I was the leader.  I did okay but I would have put extra effort into it if I had known.
We talked a lot about how problems in churches arise after reading about the church in Corinth and the problems they were having.  I was surprised at some of the things people did not like about our church.  We had a good laugh about some one helping prepare food and were told they were cutting carrots wrong or napkins were folded the wrong way.

I do not volunteer for kitchen duty anymore because I have done it enough and for sure would do everything wrong.  The last thing I did was put whipping cream on pumpkin pie and did it all wrong.

We had our laughs and it is good to talk about what bugs you even at church.

Took Haiti for an evening walk as Kim was staying late at school.  I enjoy a walk just before or after supper as that is when I get sleepy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


                                The harvest of real vegetables waiting to be enjoyed!

Some fake leaves to add some fall color.  I love the different colors of the seasons and also the colors of celebrations like St. Patrick day etc.
  Everyone knows that these are not real but add some color to the days that are getting shorter.

My Super Brain Solutions book talks about making God real! 
When you truly know something the following things apply:
You did not accept other people’s opinions.  You found out on your own.
You did not give up too soon.  You kept exploring despite blind alleys and false starts.
You trusted that you had the determination and curiosity to find out the truth.
What you truly knew grew from inside.  It made you a different person.
You paid attention to your emotions.
You where willing to go beyond logic into those areas where intuition, insight, and wisdom actually count.  They become real to you.
It is a progress of moving from hope to faith to knowledge.
Have an open mind about spirituality.
See the good in people.
Be generous of spirit.

Life evolves around itself and in our midst God is only a label we apply to unseen powers that exist, waiting to emerge from within ourselves.

I will be joining my group to begin our study of Corinthians  today.  When you study with a group you discover things you have never seen before in your readings.  There are also new translations and more historical accuracy to be considered and discussed.  I always learn something new!

I believe it is important to take seriously Paul’s own religious experience , acknowledging the central metaphors that shaped his message and realize that his teaching and his passion give us an even clearer understanding of the teachings of Jesus, from whom he drew his inspiration.

Paul will have a lot to answer for as we examine his theology.  Is it real? 

For us it is finding the soul of the words of the message! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


A bright and splendid fall day at the park.  Not many families or children, I think they were out getting ready to go back to school.  It must be exciting after the long break with the teachers strike.  I am sure most children are happy to get back and see old friends and maybe make some new friends as well as learn new things.

I am trying those funny things called “Breathe Right” so I don’t keep waking myself up with a snort!  So far they stick on everything except my nose, my hair, my pillow or my blankets.  The adds on T.V. make it look so easy.
I started on my Bible study lesson yesterday and reading and understanding Paul is a challenge.  When I look at the short sayings of the Dali Lama I think no wonder it seems so easy and clear to understand.  The first chapter and I am already stuck wondering what he really means.

Dad went for a bike ride when the day turned sunny.  Later in the evening just after supper dad and I took Haiti over to our park and let her play with the dogs.  I am happy she is adjusting so well!

Monday, September 22, 2014


This  hidden path leads to the bird  sanctuary that is by Art Nap's on the way to White Rock.  Dad and I used to love taking a walk all around this.  There were look outs on the way where you could climb up the stairs and see all around.  From the air this formation of grassy islands said I love you made specially for some ones sweetheart.  There were wooden boards to tell us the names of all the different boards.  Sunday would have been a perfect day for a walk but having Gracelyn drop in meant a lot to us both.

Going to watch our amazing daughters learn all the steps of their dance routine was also great fun.  Dad and I came home to try to print my blog, which took many tries and dad amazed me with his patience.

Kim has taken the bus into Van. and I am trying not to worry.

Not exactly a restful Sabbath as planned.  The greenness of all the grass and trees at the Park was very beautiful and a place that one could find sacred meaning.  Just thinking of all the times our family has been there and all the people over the years that have replaced the bears and sent them trying to find other shelter.

Another day unfolds before we know it and dusk seems to come so very early.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Gracelyn (Cathy’s youngest daughter) arrive to join us for coffee on the front porch.  She is doing very well at two  jobs.  The one gives her free room as she monitors the dorm rooms and the other is for an engineering firm.  Very happy visit.

Then dad and I left for Bear Creek park to catch the practice of the famous new group dancing to Thriller.  Yes they sure could move it and shake it all around.



Early morning sunshine on an old tree in the park.  I feel we are kindred spirits.  It is a dull morning but suddenly  a shaft of light  hits  this tree and highlights it.  The twisted old root is beautiful.

Friday night when Kim went to work I took a short walk to this park a few blocks from our house.  There is a group of people who let there  dogs off the leash and let them run free,   I decided to take a change with Haiti and we joined them.  No one asked my name but they all wanted to know Haiti's name.  She was a little nervous as one by one the dogs came and stiffed her.  She had a little chase with one and really seemed to relax a bit.  Very nice friendly dog people who were very careful in approaching Haiti.  The bad part was that dad at home started to worry about us and came in the car to look for us.  He had not wanted me to go in the first place but I was so tired and I knew if I went to bed at 7 I would be awake at 9 so had to try to stay up.

"The brain likes to work coherently and methodically, even when it comes to spirituality.  The first steps in opening the mind to God are psychological."  Life is meant to be a progression.  Jesus said ask and you will receive.  I believe that if we ask for God to be present and real in our lives he will be.

There are moments like me with my tree when not only was the tree illuminated but also my spirit.  I felt a deep, inner calm, a knowing that my day would be okay,  I try to see the good in people and stop blaming others when life gets a little exhausting.  I will be reminded during the day to say a little prayer and also to believe that prayers are floating in the air for me too.  .this helps when I feel anxious.

"Fully experience joy every day, spend time with children or animals, be of service to some one in need, be grateful, be generous, listen to your heart and do what you know to be right even when others do not understand.

"Listen my heart, to the whispering of the world,
That is how it makes love to you.  -Rabindranath Tagore.

"In the end it is not the man upstairs who directs your course of life;  life evolves within itself and God is only a label we apply to an unseen power.  -"Super Brain Solutions"

"There  is no need for it to be real to anyone else but you!"-  Brain Solutions

Sabbath to-morrow!  !

Let your heart be touched by the beauty of nature, the love of family and all the great blessings of life!

Saturday, September 20, 2014


How can we understand what happens to the mind that is so full of hate and violence.

I have so many questions this morning after hearing of the young girl’s death just a few miles from here.  How fearful for Kim.

I used to think of this as one of the very safe areas.  We do have some poor derelicts hanging about the mall some times.  There is the area where the bus load up and there are strange people loitering there but they have been harmless.

Reading a book about Kabul does not help.  Women are afraid to go out into the streets and the men's minds are filled with propaganda and even they are afraid to go out without a weapon.  Many of them are confused in their world that has turned so ugly.  They get all stirred up by speeches full of hate and when they are in a group.  How can a wife look at her husband and distinguish him from the turbaned thugs who go so far as stoning women just like her to death.  In defiance she swears to never remove the burqa  even if it means so that even her husband cannot see her face, she never leaves her home.
.The mind is where hell exists and  where our own thoughts frighten us.
.  -    "The Swallows of Kabul" 

I was feeling better until I picked up some crackers on the GF and organic self and they were full of wheat which I believe Kim discovered.  I get so tired reading all the ingredients and If it does not say GF I just do not buy it.  Consequently I was up all night going to the washroom.  My own stupidity.

DSCN5306My heart is worried about Jim so off to the hospital dad and I go.  I visit Jim (he has had a stroke) and dad visits with Leah and Howard who are one block over.  Jim was very pleased to see me and he is getting good care.

Got home in time to go to the dentist and when I got out a complete stranger walked me part way home as I was looking wobbly.
Dad went shopping because all of a sudden all three bathrooms were out of toilet paper,

Friday, September 19, 2014


So many trees and the last rays of sunshine shine through some of the tall branches while others are of all shapes.  Dad and I went off the beaten path to try and find the wee bit of sun that was lingering.  Had to be extra careful walking.

Thursday  started out like every other day.  Kim and I had our walks followed by eggs and toast; and dad had his bike ride until the light misty rain started getting serious and came down harder. I got ready to go visiting making knowing the car had just been gassed up and ready to go.  I arrived at the home to find Jim had been taken to hospital;  which I was  expecting  to have happen, but still unprepared and saddened.  I will visit him another day there.  He has so much wrong with him now it is amazing he has kept going.  I felt bad I did not feel confident to drive to the hospital. to see him.
Kim went to her an expert talk about pottery, one of her courses at school.

Science may actually give us some clues to find God.

"Physicists now working in the field of chaos speak of the center.  They say beneath the randomness and chaos-the uncertainty-of our experience, there is a deep abiding order.  They call it the "strange attractor" which pulls everything to a core to holds." 
 -"Transforming the Ordinary byCaroline Westerhoff

"Albert Einstein is asked, "Is the universe a friendly place?  All that he wrote and did indicates that his answer was yes.  "I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature."

"Considering God as the strange attraction catches my imagination.  It speaks to my experience of a Holy Center who keeps pulling me in, who will not let me go-and which my unlimited faculties can only begin to embrace."  c. Westerhoff

For God aloe my soul waits in silence,
     from Him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
     my fortress, I shall never be shaken,  -Psalm 62

Dear Lord bless Jim with an awareness of your Presence even as an unbeliever.

One moment can take us from doubt and despair into an intimacy of the believer.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Yes it is still warm enough to eat outside.  Carol comes from work to join us for supper.  Excellent meal with good company.  Later they go to crack macgraw  exercise class.  Must be wonderful to be young. 
Kim is in full swing again after her strep throat and has school and exercise classes during the day and will be starting work at the Tap a fancy restaurant here in Surrey.  Very very up-scale.  She will fit right in.
Dad is back riding his bike with the battery and learning after a few falls how to handle it.

I take a few pictures.
Trees are just beginning to change color.  I am cleaning  up and doing laundry and trying  to sort through my books to give away a few. Right now I have to re-read a few first.

I have hid the walker under the bed and feel much better.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Religion is not a fairy tale.  We do not live happily ever after.  The princess does not get rescued a charming prince.
I believe that I can find healing and strength in my beliefs when I realize God is not the handsome prince who saves those entrapped by fear and doubt and who grants all my wishes.

I also believe that miracles still happen!

We have many gifted people who make banners like the one hanging on the pulpit and behind  the communion tale.  I like the thought we are each the bread and wine for each other.  We pray and support our friends and especially for those who need a healing touch, like dad right now.
We are to try and help people carry their burdens.  Communion is saying "thank you" for Life!

For some it can produce a spiritual vibrancy when we take the bread and wine  prayerfully.

Some refuse to partake because they view it as superstitious nonsense.  For each person it may have a different meaning.  I remember the gift of Jesus for me!

Church language can be difficult to understand and can also seem boring.  The words of the hymns out dated and the tune slow and dreary.

:All sorts of people-even mature faithful Christians-are finding conventional religion less satisfying and long for  new expressions of spiritual community."  -"Christianity After Religion"

A charismatic leader can make a difference!

What qualities should a good leader have?

 A person who can inspire you but also challenge you with questions that you need to answer yourself.  He should be knowledgeable, honest, compassionate, with a good sense of humor.

I felt really bad that we missed Jane when she was visiting and shopping in our area,

Carol came over and Kim made us a delicious supper.  I understand she and Sandra have some kind of practice?  a dance practice?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A picture on the ceiling of reception area of clinic where dad had his interview. I would have loved to lie on the floor and take a real picture of it.  The message was reminding us how far we have come in medicine, but I sat primly in my chair and looked well behaved.  I think you can look the part when deep down you know you are not.

 First a lovely young doctor took him into the examining room to do all his vital signs.  From the top of his head to the bottom of his toes he had a through examination. 
The concern was more than just the T.I.A.’s or the amnesia but for how the life force that is our blood flows through his body,  She was pleased with his answers and then ask the neurology doctor to look at the results and talk things over.

There may be something he can rub on to help the pain in his feet but he has to go see his own doctor.

He may have to go to the Peace Arch Hospital for a test with dye that will show how his energy flows through his body.
His vitality was given a boast when he was treated respectfully.

Even though we were tired we took Haiti for a walk in the Water Shed Park.  We had gone Sunday afternoon with Carol and Haiti enjoyed it s much she nearly chased a squirrel up a tree.  Dad had a firm hand on the leash.  The sun was giving a last glow to our path  and would  soon disappear. 

I like it in there  but the ground is so uneven it makes me nervous.

But I feel like we are in an enchanted forest so it is well worth it.

Monday, September 15, 2014


A fabulous Greek dinner prepared by Master Chief Randy and his helper Sandra.  It was soooo good! Cheese cake GF for desert by Mandy with fresh picked black berries.  Yummy!  It was good to have Carol bring some appetizers to start us off.  Lots of fun and catching up on news.  Lots of variety!

I finally got my adorable picture of Lincoln and he is proudly sitting on my frig.

Have fun planning your holidays Melina and Ken.  It should be a special time for you all; a time to have fun and relax and enjoy each other.  Yes, I do miss you and send you lots of love! !

A group  of our friends do a lot of travelling   and there are so many different places to see and experience do it while you can.
We are fortunate that there are many beautiful places for us to visit so very close to us.

First thing this Monday morning we are off to the Royal Columbian to see the neurologist for dad.  It will be a long appointment.  I wish that we could go to just one building instead of all these different areas and buildings.  We will take the phone and if we get lost phone the office and say “Where are you?”

It will probably be easier to find than “Where’s Waldo?” or it may be impossible.  I always think if others can do it so can we!  Does anyone remember "Where is Waldo"?

I was thinking that it would be wonderful if there was one book that could explain all  of the unanswerables contained in the mystry of faith.  The amazing thing is that there is always new ways of thinking as new knowledge becomes available.  It takes time and energy but we have a goal that calls to us to keep going and searching and exploring. We will never “be there yet” because faith that is alive is  challenging and there is such a variety!


Sunday, September 14, 2014


Sabbath is taking a day of the week to remind myself thar I did not make the and that it will continue to exist without my efforts.
Sabbath is a day when my work is done even if it isn’t.
Sabbath is a day to remember that when God saw his fineshed work He said it was good.
Sabbath is a day when our souls rest and feel healed.
Sabbath is a family day to be with them and enjoy them.

Mom and I would do a little extra work on Sat. so that Sunday could be a more restful day.  Cleaning up after myself was my main job.

This Sat. Kim was busy getting ready to take the ferry over to Salt Spring to see Ron and Dona and to take part in the Harvest sctivities.  Theresa and maybe Mikie, Ben and Morgan are going too.  Just imagine the island alive with talbes loaded with all the fruits of their labour. 
Delicious smelling vegtables and fruits, wool from the lambs, creative crafts amd home made jams and jellies etc.  What a thrill to be there and yes we should have gone while we could.
Happy vibrant faces beaming from behind the fantastic displays so proud of the bountiful harvest!

This is Kim at the dog park.  The dogs have a great time, chasing and sniffing each other.  Haiti is not on a leash although it looks like it.  I wanted to take her there on Sat. but dad was too worried that something would happen.  Also I had something I think I should have remembered but couldn't.

Church today and the supper at Sandra and Randy's.

I am thinking of having a Sabbath day for blogging.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


I have been stressed and tired lately so meant to say the pictures were from the Eye Center  not from the Sylvia.
I think it is wonderful that people so much passion and life into their pictures.  I an sure we all have gifts we just never have used.
Creativity is what is meant to be human.  Acting is a part of our being as is story telling, painting, singing or writing,
I have bits and pieces of stories that I have written in my notebook but not on my blog.
Yesterday dad and I drove to White Rock to pick up my bread but also some oatmeal squares for Sandra half thinking she may drop by.  She would have but she phones and no one answered,
Later in the evening went to the dog park with Kim and Haiti.  It was delightful to see all these dogs running around free and happy,  I do not know about Kim's pictures either.

Had a short phone call from Kenny asking about dad.  Interesting things always happening there at his work.

Yes I know stress can cause problems.  Dad and I are distressing right now!

Sing like nobody is listening
Dance like nobody's watching
Love like you will never get hurt
Live like this is heaven o  earth!

Nancy took your advice and slept much better.  Thank you.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Another picture from the Sylvia.

Should dad and I face it or ignore it?

Dad is anxious about his loss of memory and what does it mean for the future?

My ribs are causing me a lot of pain.  Very bad night.  Will relax this morning and let pain pills kick in.  I am sure it will improve.  You do not always know you have been hurt for days later.
Thankful nothing worse.

kim pic 1Another real picture taken by Kim.  Yes, we love having her here with us.    

We still have one extra bed for one person if they are thinking of coming.  Just thought I would mention it.

Dad has gone for a bike ride and I am dead heading flowers.  We are still in a relaxed mood.  It is going to be another perfect day.


How beautiful is the morning light as it shines on flowers and trees and you and me.
This is my Father’s world and it is a sacred place when I take a moment in time to pray and be thankful.
I pray for the spirit of gentleness to blow into my dreams
 and remind me of the spirit that shines on all of us all the time.

Maybe this is more of a day dream but in this world of uncertainty I need the wonder of imagination!

"No matter what we do, finding fulfillment may require learning to cultivate the heart and its capacity for meaning in the same way we are now taught to pursue knowledge or expertise.  We will need to connect intimately to the life around us."    -Rachael Remen   "My Grandfather's Blessings".

Jim is much easier to visit now which helps when I push myself to go.  I left dad at the Dairy Queen eating while I took the mike shake over.  I did not do any other visiting. 

Our Bible study is going to be studying 1Corinthians so well will be traveling with Paul and getting his views on Christianity.  Once again we will have to remember his letters were written in a different time and culture so some of his words will not be to our liking.    He is not liked by all.

Kim has gone to  a  fun meeting of her friends  from Grand Cayman  She is home now;1

Happy Birthday Jesse!  Another Sept. birthday on Sept 14 so I am early!

Lord of All to Thee I pray knowing Your will is for us all to live in harmony with an ever-deepening love for Thee and for those who have been drawn into my life by Your Spirit.  As a child bonds to his mother may I bond with Thee knowing You are always with me

This is a picture Kim took at Oliver's place!
kim pic 2

kim pic 1

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Another picture from the eye center.
I certainly notice how smart children are these days.
I know I often feel that I am dumber because they are so amazing.

They are so curious about so many things I take for granted.

I had a walk with Kim yesterday morning and we took a different route and she noticed things I just pass by.

I went to our Bible study group which was lunch and a get together talk.  We sit in the back of the hall framed by a circle of windows that look out on some big ever- green trees.  Coming into the yard there was a bunch of trees being cut down as they were dead, still sad to see.

I was very quiet but enjoyed the chatter of others.  I was happy to be there but not able to concentrate.

Dad did some fixing up around the yard which would make it safer  for Haiti.  We have to be so careful about leaving doors or gates open as she will be out like a flash.

Kim made supper for me and dad finished his lunch.  I did not feel like making anything.  She is so very quick and can make a delicious salad in no time.

I do not need to be smart but to enjoy what I have and not take myself too serious.

It will probably do me good to go visiting today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


A painting at the eye clinic.  I  take pictures of paintings while dad is in the doctor's office.
But I am getting ahead of myself.

Dad and I, two very ordinary people, start out early for our drive into Van.  We leave extra early which surprises me but there are more surprises to come. So early there is hardly anyone there.  Dad seemed preoccupied on our drive in, a little anxious to talk to the eye doctor telling him why he was unhappy with him and wanted to change doctors. The good thing is that dad got right in to have his eyes tested and as he got up plunged his hat on my head.  I forgot about it but notice people looking a little strangely at me but then smiling.
Dad and the doctor come out of the door and he makes a referral for dad to change.  They both look serious but agreeable.

As we leave the parking garage dad seems confused.  I think it is because we have come out onto a different street; but when we turn onto our regular street he is still confused.  \he says he does not know where he is.  We had thought we would make one last trip to the Sylvia and I asked him if he wanted to and he definitely did.  Still confused  I help with directions which is the opposite because I always go the wrong way.

By the time we get there he starts asking questions and I get very concerned.  He asks over and over the same questions and seems to have forgotten shy we came to town.  I know the tests for stroke and he is able to talk, to raise his hands and stick out his tongue. 

P9090094I suggest we take a taxi back to the hospital but he wants to eat first.  \he seems a bit better and suggests a walk on the beach.  It is cool but he is getting better more like himself.  I tell him we are going to the hospital as soon as we reach Surrey.  I will take not take no for an answer.

His driving is fine and he knows the way.  We get to the hospital and he does not know why he is there.  I explain that he had a complete memory loss for at least an hour.

They take him right into the Emergency.  I sit and wait while he has a multitude of tests.  I have so many thoughts going through my head.  I do not want to worry anyone as there are no answers yet.

Finally after a wait that seems like an eternity a doctor comes in and says it may have been a stroke but she will phone the neurologist.  She eventually phones back and says it was probably amnesia and she will make an appointment for him to come to the office when the x-rays are more carefully studied.  He was not to drive home but he does.  She called it Transient Amnesia and it usually happens just once so that is good news!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


How wonderful to sit by an open window and be able to see and smell the ocean.
Being out on a patio is even better.
I am also inspired by quotes from famous people.

The only thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.  -Ab Lincoln

Life is short-take time to enjoy it- Pat. Lorenz

Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns
but I am thankful that thorns have roses. - A Karr

Dads was worried because I went down the hill which was further than I had planned to go.
I do not walk as fast as I did nor do I look great but I am confident I am doing the best I can and still able to enjoy it!