Saturday, March 31, 2018


                                              Signs of the new life are an inspiration for us all.

Many,many years ago, I cannot exactly when the first stirring of an idea began, I felt inspiration to start writing a  Theresa encouraged me and helped me get started.  My heart believed even though my head had it's doubts but so I began.  It changed my life,  It felt like an inspiration.

I wanted to share my faith in the goodness of God and the messages of scripture.
I wanted to share the life of my family with it's ups and downs.
I made it too long at first but now I have shortened it.
It is not like dad's or any other blog.
It is helping me look deep into myself to find my real self.

Why Easter Eggs?  New life!

Why hide them?
 Jesus said seek and you shall fine.  We all can do our own searching in our own time and place!

The Easter Lily.  Nature's inspiration!

The story of the trial and crucifixion  of Jesus has been portrayed in art and paintings, music and literature and even in movies and drama. Amazing that the message that makes us want to turn away has the power to move and even console and challenge us generations later.  Why?  Why was this to become good news"?

The Cross an end of sacrifice to appease God.
God's love revealed wanting to end the sorrow and heartbreak of us all.

Today dad and I delivered hot cross buns to Joan  at the Care Home.
Many people inspire me there with their kindness and patience.

We went to leave and the car battery was dead as the radio was left on.

Happy Easter
                                                                                 to All

Dad and I are off to church and may drive over to see Jane if she is not invited out for Easter.

Happy Birthday to Randy!  !  !

Friday, March 30, 2018


                                     Still searching for answers to some difficult questions.

 Good Friday reminds me that we all face difficult times when it seems all is darkness.

What seems like the end can be the beginning.  The story of the last days of Jesus contain all the agony of human betrayal, unanswered prayer, the denial of his best friend ; the painful trail and mockery of those who will take his life.

A powerful story that speaks into our lives today.

I had a quiet day today making a few phone calls and then a trip to Langley to Chapters.  Yes I bought another book to add to my pile.

I am thankful that I still have questions that keep me searching!

In the darkness the light shines with the promise of hope and peace.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Happiness is having a visit with Leah and Ophelia and Astrid.  Grandpa enjoys it too.  We are so happy that they come and visit.

Watching Ophelia play.  Some of the same toys her mother played with.

 Trying to capture a smile.  I feed her her bottle and she is talking and smiling but not now.

Playing with Ophlia
We build it and then she destroys it and laughs.
She even gives me a ug when she leaves!

It is a rainy cold day, not fit for any gardener.worth their salt.

Aneta and I are becoming good friends.  It is good to have some one to walk with even on a cold wet morning.  Listening and sharing our own stories and also sharing hope have become a meaningful part of my day.

Happiness for me has been being a mom, imperfect but doing my best
but Grandchildren and great grandchildren are a blast!

Happiness is the love we feel for each other!


My prayers are with Sandra as she flies to see Mary and help her start her new life.  A long flight on the red eye to Kingston.  Not an easy time for them both.  I hope they turn the music up loud as they unpack and get settled in.  I know that Ophelia liked the song that Sandra was practicing.

Meanwhile I am stumbling along in my movements but at least I am still moving.

I stumbled in my reading of scripture at the study yesterday and it made me feel downhearted. It is usually something I can do well but there were a few names that I could not pronounce and I lost my place.We all agreed that getting older is not for sissies.

Jane is also having trouble with her leg and has to use a walker and cannot drive her car.  She needs help to visit Geof and to buy groceries.  She worries about being a burden on her family but it is the privilege of old age and actually a blessing to let family now care for you.

We do miss our walks and talks together.

Dad stumbles as he gets on his bike but is still back riding again,  He goes to a dogie park, or to the duck pond or into the Water Shed a little.

I like it when I stumble on a sentence in a book I like.
For example "I have a deep awareness of how our logical mind can be blinded to the
mysterious and subtle powers of the universe that is unseen,intuitive and of spirit."
 - Gleb Raycorodetsky

 So grumble about being forgetful but at least I have paper and pen to write things down.

I grumble about my walking but I do have a cane.

We keep on keeping on!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Curious to see how the new Canucks player who won the Hobey Baker award does?

Curious to find answers to help me find strength and courage.

It was good to see dad go off for a bike ride yesterday.  It turned out to be sunny which gave me the energy to go for a little walk to the park.  Dad went to a doggie park and had fun watching about 10 dogs playing.

I am off to my ladies hilarious Bible study group.  It is a miserable study but it is amazing how much fun we have, of course going off the subject.  We share our imperfections and family dysfunctions.  We all have worries and concerns but it helps to know we can share them.

We also give food to the food bank along with diapers.

The best question in our lesson is about what makes a good leader?.

We all have been influenced by different people in our daily lives.

I am curious about the message of Jesus that still can influence my life today.

I am curious why no one has commented?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


We all can confess the things we forgot to do or say.  Then there are the things we regret saying.

I can say with all honesty that as I lose strength and have more aches and pains that I am more prone to saying hurtful things.  Things that would never have come out before.

I confess that I hope my family will always forgive me and accept me.

I confess that I often find myself, especially at night, listening to that inner voice of judgmental thoughts.

As a Christian I am aware of sin, of weakness and failure that falls short of the mark of who I want to be.

Confession is being honest and vulnerable.  Sometimes I confess to God in my prayers but at other times I need to confess to others.  Church used to be a place where prayer would guide us through confession.  I think I am aware that I am missing this.

Confession is making my soul clean again fresh for a new week that is lived day by day.

"Like the Palmist we can ask; "Why are you cast down my soul?"

This is a time to embrace the good news of Jesus that has opened the way to the unconditional love of the Father.  So take a moment to ask for forgiveness keeps my faith alive and renews myhope and faith in life.

I believe this makes for healthy relationships with myself and with others and with God.

Look who we met at the library today.  I have to confess it was planned.  I was so excited when we saw her arrive.  She looks so cute and serious.
All the children wanted their pictures taken.

Monday, March 26, 2018


                          What  sad world it would be if it was devoid of color, imagination or humor.

I am beginning to feel there is a void in my life.  I cannot believe I missed Palm Sunday.  I have been missing attending church, not because I need to feel good abod.ut myself, but to reconnect with the inner energy that has been missing.  Faith has been my passion.

I have gained a lot of understanding about my own religion or spirituality by reading about the native spirituality.  The one thing that impressed me was the role of the Elders.  No matter how much we ignore our spiritual nature it is a part of who we are.

The heart and soul lives on in the Father's heart, "who never loses his children".

My desire is to live with the grace of thankfulness.  Can ancient concepts be rediscovered with even deeper meanings of truth and light?

The Elders describe the holistic life as encompassing the physical, the intellectual, the emotional  and the spiritual.

Life is full of distractions but it is important to realize the sense of our own worth and feelings of belonging.

Life is full of good things that can bring the energy of  music to fill the void.

We only change when we know there is an emptiness that needs to be filled.


In the future I hope we will be able to add Ken and Melina, Matthew and Jasmine, and maybe Jesse.

We missed Tasha and Justice.  Tasha helping her mom.

Also Kim and Hamlet.


Mandy and James.

Shandel and Cameron

Stephen and Shawna, Lincoln and Seeley

May and Simone and Sebastien

I am very tired this morning.  Is anybody else?

Sunday, March 25, 2018


We all make many contributions to the lives of others.
The greatest contributions are those of my family.
Thanks Rick for making the long drive down here.  You arrived before I even had time to worry.
Thanks for your visit and the great feast we had with your roast beef..
Thanks for the walks we had.  I needed some honest evaluation on taking bigger steps.

Ophelia is adorable when she comes to visit although her mom says she can be a handful at home
Baby sister Astrid is catching up quickly.

Sandra contributes her cooking skills especially with Yorkshire puddings.
She also takes good care of the little ones.

Ben likes  to tease Morgan.

Rick hols Astrid for the first time.
Ophelia watching an old family movie

Getting ready to leave..
Four generations
Just a few pictures.

Lots of vetables and salads anddeserts by Theresa and Leah!

Every body contributed!

Another happy family gathering!  Our pre Easter get together.  

Maybe I should start saying grace again.  I stopped being asked so I stopped.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Today the flowers changed their minds and stopped unfolding as it was woo cold.

Today I went visiting at the Seniors Home.  I am always glad I use my energy and time to do this.

"Today few seek high achievements in spiritual  pursuits because they see others pursuing materialism, knowing positive results are possible and rewards come quickly."
-Blair Stonechild.

There is so much to learn in the world all around us if we but take the time to stop look and listen.

Some people appear to be more spiritual than others, But we all express it in different ways.  Through nature, or art, or helpfulness and kindness, through animals, through loving others, through generosity and caring and through laughter and tears.

When the spiritual aspect is ignored it withers and dies.

Today is another day to learn by being more aware of our inner strength.

Today a time to find peace and tranquility.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Learning more about totem poles and native spirituality helps clear up some misunderstandings.
At the top of the pole a thunder bird spirit represents a connection of the physical world to the spiritual.

I think there has been a lot of misunderstanding about native spirituality.  I am understanding a little better but need to do a lot more reading.  They passed on stories from the elders who taught them about the need for prayer and worship.and ceremony.

Education is the key to many problems in our world today.  It is good that it is education that will help the indigenous youth to gain confidence in their culture.

It was a day of misunderstandings for me.  This was with my friend and with the dentist.  He did not put my gold tooth back in but just put a cover over the tooth.

Yes the teachings that sacredness need to be practiced in our daily lives is important.


Ken how are your dogs doing?

Yes it was a doggie day for dad and I with a visit from Haiti.
A good day to just lie in the sunshine.
Dad and Haiti sat out on the front porch and our neighbot Toddd came for a visit.
The day before his young 10 year old son had come over to help us prune trees.
But like most tree pruners he did his own thing.
A good visit with Kim too!
We wish her well in handing in her assignment today.  We are proud of her achievement in graduating this June and proud of her continuing her education in the fall.  Her visits always cheer us up!

Today I have a friend, Caroline coming at lunch time and a dentist appointment at 3:30.
She is allergic to dogs and wouldn't you know it she is here just after Haiti.

I did a little baking but no time to read.

"In the Indigenous world view all Creation is sacred and spiritually alive."
-  Blair Stonechild.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018


The sun is bringing out the flowers.  One by one they add beauty and harmony to time and space.

I was feeling weary yesterday but I think I have done well.  It is time now to act my age and continue to work of being in harmony with family and relationships and the plants and animals.

Reading about the Indigenous people I think back to my dad and all he did learning and teaching young boys about the native culture.  These boy scouts stayed with him for years as young men.  For at least one he was a father figure.  They sent letters of appreciation in later years.  They all became successful.

Mom never changed her opinion of the Indians as the ones she saw were drunk.

They camped out using natural life giving plants etc.   They learn ed drumming and dancing. They even made their own costumes and made a real tepee.  I wish we had talked more about this. In later years he talked about castles in England and his life there.

"Harmony an exchange of energy.
Important for all relationships.
The perfect love of the Creator has the power to give birth to an inner strength that is a life sustaining force.

Harmony with self, with family and community and also with the natural and spiritual world."
-The Knowledge Seeker  by Blair Stonechild.

Monday, March 19, 2018


Another lovely sunny day.  Dad finished cleaning up the leaves with the blower.  We are just beginning to work on that side of the yard.  We need dirt to fill in the hole that was dug to put in a new water line.  At least we accomplished some things today.

Our friends from church Pat and Bob invited us out to a restaurant for supper.  We have lost touch with so many friends there so it is good to get back in touch.  To me they show the real side of spirituality which is caring and thoughtful.

I am reading about an Indigenous scholars unique journey from the head to the heart of true spirituality.  He was a student at the residential schools and a founder of a First Nations University School of Canada.. He, , Blair Stonechild, believes that we all have a sacred heritage that we are called to share.

"Spirituality is a direct involvement and connection with all of life, from the lowest animal to all of nature that surrounds us.  "

Religion has been characterized by a belief system defined in written texts.  This is true of the Christian religion as well as others.  The good news that in Christianity there is now movement away from this external set of rules, which have left the heart unchanged, and allowed corruption to undermined faith.  We are coming into a time of vibrant spirituality that contributes to a faith that is Good news.

Spirituality becomes an adventure!


Sunday, March 18, 2018


Dad has a new friend.  We had lunch out at the River Inn.
He looks well fed but I think he thought dad smelled good.  He had half of his hot beef sandwich in his hands.

We finally made it down to Home Depot and the carpet deal is all set.  We went for a little cheaper model.  We would never have made a decision without Sandra setting things up for us.

We did not make it to church today too much Irish celebrating!

Our friends Pat and John dropped in to visit which was good.  We got a second hand sermon.

Dad is riding his in door bike for now as his knees are sore.

I am going for a walk now as I did not go this morning.

I am so happy to have a friend like Aneta to walk with me to-morrow morning.

Evidently we cannot sing "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear,"
The belief about the atonement has all changed in the modern thought and belief!

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Happy St.Patrick's Day!

A funny sort of a day,  Dad and I had high hopes with me wanting to clean up dead leaves and him wanting to go for a bike ride.  His legs were not good so no bike riding.  The leaves are happy just hanging around for another day.

I did make a dentist appointment after Sandra dropped by from her appointment.

We drove over to the library but arrived with only one pair of glasses so I did the best I could with limited vision.  Dad has  an Irish book to start reading.

Dad fixed some ceiling lights in the kitchen while I had a big nap upstairs.

Had a long visit with Jane on the phone.

We have always been there for one another which is not so easy now.
We have been listening and caring for a lifetime now!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


I wish as a mom I could solve all the problems in our family, but I guess no one can do that.

I know for myself I have to appreciate what I have right now.  Family, friends and faith.  We do our best to help each other.

I know for me every day is whizzing past and all I can do is to try and set a goal at the beginning of the day that may or may not get accomplished.  Everyday is a challenge.  None of us is perfect and we certainly live in an imperfect world.

The thing I hate most is seeing suffering especially children.

The hardest thing to face is the death of your dreams.  The disciples faced that with the death of Jesus.  Jesus faced the death of his dreams as he prayed for this cup of suffering to be removed.
His death has the power to bring us life.

His life giving us clues how to live and to solve our own problems with God's help.


The water runs slowly by.  The weather is slowly changing.  Morning rain and then sunshine in the afternoon.  The snow has slowly gone.

Results from tests seem so slow in coming but praying that you will have some answers soon Rick.

I drove slow and careful over to the church.  Not much traffic to worry about.  The speed bumps now slow me down too.

Slowly getting used to the time change.

It was good to get together with my friends.  Over the years we have slowly gotten to know each other better and the main part of out study is learning from each other.

It is important to know what is important in your life and put your energy into it.  We make a difference in the lives of others even with a smile or a friendly word.

"If my soul and spirit will carry me into the next life what I do in this life is important."  Richard Templar

Our study was about spiritual warfare which was an unfamiliar term to most of the ladies.

It really is all about our relationships and the weapons we use our spiritual.
They are prayer and love and forgiveness and growth.  It is not about boasting that we are right but about our weaknesses and venerability.

The church is slowly moving from judgment and condemnation to mercy and grace.

We all have a purpose.

Take every thought captive to be obedient to Christ."  Corinthians 10.

We all have our gifts.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I am off to my Bible study group for the first time in months.  I find the questions hard in our lesson book but I decide I have to be creative.  Partly it means not letting the questioner influence my thinking.

I try to look at words I have read many times and see new insights.

I find that being old makes us more vulnerable in many ways.  Our thinking is slower and is annoying.  We are more vulnerable having to endure pain and less energy.  I am finding I am more obnoxious and out spoken and I need to be more careful about what I am thinking and saying.

I will not walk with Aneta today because I will need energy to go out instead of having my afternoon nap.  I find that even people younger than me take naps.  Aneta does too!

Being creative means to me to use the gifts I have been given and not try to be something I am not.

I am thankful that I belong to a very creative family willing to express their opinions and ideas.

Monday, March 12, 2018


The Canucks lost again.

One bite and the crown on a back tooth is lost, it came out.  I put off going to the dentist today.
At least I can still smile.

Yes we lost our keys again.  Believe it or not we found the spare ones and the other set did turn up after we got home from our drive to Sandra's work.

We got lost on our trip to Sandra's work.  Got mixed up in the streets and it is a tricky area. She was walking down the road to meet us so that helped.   We carried on and were able to find Ladner.

Lost in time all day, running behind all day.
We did manage to find dad's favorite fish and chip pub.  This saved the day.

Are we losing a sense of life's deeper meaning as there seems to be a lost awareness of God.

In a story by Fredrick Nietzsche  a mad man claims that God has been lost.  He knows life will never be the same.

In our family if one of us is hurting and in pain we all feel it.

Jesus came to share the good news that God also feels our pain and knows how lost we can feel.


Early morning sunshine.

A wonderful welcome back at church with everyone so pleased to see us.

The message message of salvation and forgiveness found in the loving arms of God.
The light of Jesus transforming our darkness.
Salvation can mean different things to different people.  If you are hungry it is food, if you are homeless it is shelter, and if you are lonely it is friendship.

You know you are loved when your daughter comes to dig up all the dead branches and bring new life back to my garden.

An old friend named Brian, comes by and gives me a hug.  Yes, another dog walker who has missed me as well as Haiti.

Salvation is leaving the past behind and receiving the gift of hope for today and the days ahead.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Digging in the dirt I find a small happy crocus.  I try to do a bit in the garden as it is such a beautiful day. Dad cleans off the back patio which was extremely messy and dirty.

My neighbor was having a bridal shower and I could hear all the young girls laughing and talking as they came and went.  Several stopped to chat with me as they walked to their cars.  It was a niece who was getting married not one of her sons.

I have been reading up all the dirt that was written about Jesus after his death.  Historians found many different opinions about who he was and what he had said.

I decided to read my old journals to see what I had written.  Reading from my notes it was like I fell in love with Jesus once again.  I wrote about feeling his love surrounding me as I prayed and read his words.  Words that expressed the joy and freedom of ordinary life that gives us hope and courage to face each day!