Saturday, March 3, 2018


Ken was doing a 5 k run with his children and ended up in hospital with Deep Vein   Thrombosis.
We will find out more later.  The kids look great in the picture he sent!
Finally Rick is being sent for an appointment to the Rapid Action Care Center in Kamloops.  The heart doctor has recommended it.  Why did it take so long when all the signs where there?  A good question but now hopefully problems will be addressed and health return.  We all know how important the heart is to keep pumping blood through our arteries.  A muscle that supplies oxygen as well as blood.  It contracts 100.00 times in a day.

Thankfully diseases of the heart can be treated and the sooner we find the problems the better.

I think back on the years before I was diagnosed with Celiac when all the symptoms were there.  I knew I was ill and could feel the strength draining out of me, but I was sick of going to doctors.  I did not want to listen to the good advice people were giving me to go back and keep asking for answers from the doctors.  I know what it is like to just feel like giving up.

As I get older I find the aging process is speeding up and I feel more aches and pains.  When I was released from hospital the doctor said to just use my common sense.

I also see everyone around me getting older and experiencing similar problems.

Looking back I can see my failures but looking forward I am hopeful that as we help one another life will have potential and meaning for us all.


nancy-Lou said...

I am glad to hear that Rick is finally getting the help he needs. I find one has to be pro-active when it comes to health care....doctors can become complacent. Good luck Rick, hope you feel better soon.

It is a good thing Ken didn't get the thrombosis when he was visitng you! He will be on bed rest and blood thinners for a few days. Carl had this too and few years ago. Get better soon, Ken.

don't look back on your failures, Beth...just think of all the wonderful things you have accomplished over the years. Like raising four kids to be four amazing adults with families. Well done, my friend! We all have things in our past that we would like to change, but it is what it is, so looking into the good things is what we need to do and put those other negative things away for good.

Our family has gone to an ice fishiing competition about 100 kms north. They had an early start and will be gone all day. Lots of fun. I am looking forward to some photos.

I am wondering if all the doomsdays forecasting about the impending storm is just a tempest in a tea pot. Often when they forecast bad storms they never is when they don't they DO COME. Well tomorrow we will see what happens.

I spent the morning cutting a lot of mats off Bella...she has such fine fur and her undercoat becomes very matted unless I have her groomed regularly.
She was very fact she really like it. I had to put her upside down on the table in the sunroom...on a plastic sheet and she lay in the sun with her eyes closed while I cut mat after mat from her legs and paws...Then I brushed her out and she looks pretty good considering I am not a groomer! it is painstaking work. One has to go slowly and be sure not to nip her.
I must have worked two hours on her...part of the time she was sitting up. Max watched it all from the floor and occasionally gave a little whine or bark...just to let me know he was watching and not to hurt her. they are so close.

Max has a different coast... not as curly and dense. Bella is like a poodle I think. He is next on the list though because he has some mats too. Not as many.

Yes, we find the same thing....we have aches and pains pretty much every day. Carl never complains though.

Well I am glad that you finally got diagnosed with Celiac...not to have the disease,, but finally to be told what it is and how to keep it under control. You must have suffered a long time Beth.

Well the curling starts in an hour and half and I have a lot to will wish you a wonderful day,

Love. nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes so true.

We had a stray car who had all matted hair
what a job.