Thursday, March 22, 2018


Learning more about totem poles and native spirituality helps clear up some misunderstandings.
At the top of the pole a thunder bird spirit represents a connection of the physical world to the spiritual.

I think there has been a lot of misunderstanding about native spirituality.  I am understanding a little better but need to do a lot more reading.  They passed on stories from the elders who taught them about the need for prayer and worship.and ceremony.

Education is the key to many problems in our world today.  It is good that it is education that will help the indigenous youth to gain confidence in their culture.

It was a day of misunderstandings for me.  This was with my friend and with the dentist.  He did not put my gold tooth back in but just put a cover over the tooth.

Yes the teachings that sacredness need to be practiced in our daily lives is important.


Sandra said...

So is the tooth going to stay that way?

Did the visit happen or not?


Steady-as-rain said...

Changed my mind.

Will come down this weekend for the lunch thing at Sandra and Randy's


nancy-Lou said...

Yes,there is a lot to learn about our aboriginal peoples.

The new doctors clinic in Pine Falls is just so amazing...they have a special kitchen to cook for the native people in the hospital.
They have a carving of an eagle that must stand 7 feet high..with words around it like honesty, written on it.
I am proud to have my painting of the wolf in wintertime with the snow and dried grasses proudly displayed on the fireplace.

I was there today to see my Egyptian doctor again.
He wished me a Happy Easter and I replied..Happy Easter to you too, then said, oh no, you wouldn't celebrate Easter. He smiled and said, yes I do! I am a Coptic Christian. We had a good discussion about Egypt and some of it's history ...he wants me to go there...said I would really like it. I know I would...just think of the history there!
So now I am wondering if Grandma Ateah was a Coptic Christian too....very likely. They have their own pope. Now I didn't know that! they broke away from the Catholic church early in the 1900's.

The funny thing is...i asked Dr. Bassily if they 'cracked eggs' for Easter and he got the biggest smile and clapped his hands together and said..YES we do. he was so surprised to hear we did too. Grandma Ateah kept the tradition from Lebanon and the family have carried on throughout all the generations. I am not sure if Carol or you would know about it though.
Dr. Bassily told me there is a meaning to it...the cracked eggshell represents the cave and the new little bird represents the spirit of Jesus being freed. So there you learn something new every day!

How nice of Sandra to make an early Easter dinner for the family...she is a treasure! I guess she will be going to spend Easter with Mary and the Grandchildren. What fun they will have.

I have to see a heart doctor. Dr. Bassily will refer me. Things happen when we get older!

I just read where Rick is coming to Sandra's for the lunch...I hope he is feeling better. I will look forward to photos of the party. You always take good photos and lots we can all see!

Have a great evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra the visit did happen.

Yes Nancy Ron carried on the tradition of the eggs1

Look forward to seeing you Rick.

Love mom