Sunday, March 18, 2018


Dad has a new friend.  We had lunch out at the River Inn.
He looks well fed but I think he thought dad smelled good.  He had half of his hot beef sandwich in his hands.

We finally made it down to Home Depot and the carpet deal is all set.  We went for a little cheaper model.  We would never have made a decision without Sandra setting things up for us.

We did not make it to church today too much Irish celebrating!

Our friends Pat and John dropped in to visit which was good.  We got a second hand sermon.

Dad is riding his in door bike for now as his knees are sore.

I am going for a walk now as I did not go this morning.

I am so happy to have a friend like Aneta to walk with me to-morrow morning.

Evidently we cannot sing "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear,"
The belief about the atonement has all changed in the modern thought and belief!


Sandra said...

Will you call Charles to move the bedroom furniture out and then back in? When does the carpet go in?

Did you get you tooth fixed yet?

I did not sleep well Saturday night so Sunday was one of those days where I was just counting the minutes till I got to go to bed.

I have decided to stop taking my stomach pills. With one of the side effects being B12 deficiency which leads to peripheral nuraoupathy I am not going to risk it. I am sure the next few months willl be uncomfortable as I wean my self off but it is something I have to do. I will see Dr Notle when I get back from Ontario about other options.


beth bennett said...

Sandra I go to the dentist on Thursday.

We only have to take the srews out of the bed not move it.

We can move small stuff.

I am fortunate I can have a nap but count the minutes from 7 on to bedtime.

Talked to Mary on the phone, nice to hear her voice.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Now that is interesting that Sandra said a deficiency of B12 leads to neuropathy. I have developed some in my feet and legs and the doctor gave me a B12 shot. I do have noticable more energy today and it has been 5 days. I get one a month. I am wondering if Larry has tried this?

I tried pantalo, (Pepsid )for stomach acidity and it gave me wicked leg cramps so stopped taking it. All I need is apple cider vinegar with a touch of baking soda.I was going to write short cut for baking soda in recipes...hahaha wouldn't look right here!

The workshop Saturday was really fun. Everyone painted an excellent painting and we were all different, as usual! You can see a photo of the painters and their finished paintings on my facebook page, Nancy-Lou Ateah Art.
The next workshop is April 21 and we are using a photo that a local chap took...of the pier as seen from Bayview. There are excellent values in the photo and we will change a few things as is...artistic licence. the photographer is coming at the end of the class to see what we have done!

I was really tired after the workshop...i was gone for 6 1/2 hours. I have an infection and am on antibiotics too, so when I came home I lay down for a few minutes and my son's cat came and lay down with me. Giving me lots of head butts and was as if she knew I was tired.

Well that is good that you had your tooth repaired. They always bother us don't they when they have broken off.

Such a cute dog..and a lucky one to ge half a roast beef sandwich! It was nice of Larry to share.

I am going to Selkirk with Mark, our son, tomorrow. We both have some banking to do and I want to wash the car. it is covered in salt again. I will be happy when the snow and icy roads are gone and there is not salt. it gets in your eyes and hair too.

We had a pack of five wolves sighted on the weekend, here in Vb. They were travelling over to Elk Island where there are no people and a lot of wildlife. They always are around and I worry when people start reporting sightings of them on facebook because most people panic and demand they are trapped or hunted. We live in harmony with nature and they had better learn that or go back to the city.

What happens sometimes is when a female wolf is in heat the pack will send her in to a dog who is a pet sitting on a doorstep or in their yard. She lures them back to the pack and they kill the pet dog. so one has to be aware of this a look after their pets. AS we do. We always go out in our fenced back yard with our dogs and make sure there is nothing waiting. The fence is pretty high and I don't think they could jump it. Only if there was a lot of snow. some years we have had to shovel the snow away from the periphery of the fence.

Well that is exciting for you..getting a new carpet for your bedroom. what colour did you choose? Is it wall to wall? We took out all our wall to wall carpeting about 10 years ago and have hardwood with smaller rugs. Ours were pretty old and I was sure glad to get them out of here.

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Lots of helpful tips Nancy.

It is good we can keep learning.\\

Hope you can get rested up and feeling better.

Your class is sure lucky to have you.

Love Beth