Tuesday, March 27, 2018


We all can confess the things we forgot to do or say.  Then there are the things we regret saying.

I can say with all honesty that as I lose strength and have more aches and pains that I am more prone to saying hurtful things.  Things that would never have come out before.

I confess that I hope my family will always forgive me and accept me.

I confess that I often find myself, especially at night, listening to that inner voice of judgmental thoughts.

As a Christian I am aware of sin, of weakness and failure that falls short of the mark of who I want to be.

Confession is being honest and vulnerable.  Sometimes I confess to God in my prayers but at other times I need to confess to others.  Church used to be a place where prayer would guide us through confession.  I think I am aware that I am missing this.

Confession is making my soul clean again fresh for a new week that is lived day by day.

"Like the Palmist we can ask; "Why are you cast down my soul?"

This is a time to embrace the good news of Jesus that has opened the way to the unconditional love of the Father.  So take a moment to ask for forgiveness keeps my faith alive and renews myhope and faith in life.

I believe this makes for healthy relationships with myself and with others and with God.

Look who we met at the library today.  I have to confess it was planned.  I was so excited when we saw her arrive.  She looks so cute and serious.
All the children wanted their pictures taken.


Sandra said...

Was Ophelia surprised to see you?

Well, my confession of the day is I am stressed at the thought of going to Ontario and being part of the big change for Mary. I keep thinking positive thoughts but then fall apart at night and lie there awake tossing and turning while all the worst outcomes become certainties. I just feel powerless to do anything worth doing and if truth be told I blame it all on my self since if I was a better mother and example in the first place then my children would not make mistakes.
But like Mary and I keep saying to each other, oh well, it is what it is at this point and we can just do our best.

Randy and I are getting to be more like you and dad every day. I have started taking his pills (vitamins) and he has started taking mine (vitamins)


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra Ophelia was surprised but I think she thought we were coming to take her home.

I keep thinking about you and Mary. Together you will be an awesome twosome.

It would be great if perfect moms raised perfect kids but that is not the answer.

We all have to make our own mistakes even at our age.

I hope things go much better than you expect.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Nice photo mom. Last of my late shifts tonight. Three days off , back on Sunday .
I have good Friday off . We are going to Nona's for squid pasta !! and other assorted sea foods. I will have the Salmon .Easter Sunday will be at Melina's sisters house .I am on early shift but wont get there till after 4pm , so I may not go.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken,
I have been missing hearing from you.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Nice when family gatherings are in different places.
Salmon sounds good but not sure about squid.

Still watching hockey and hopeful things improve.

Walking with Aneta inan hour. A dull day but not too cold.

How are you feeling.
Hope you can get some rest on your days off.

Lots of love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I wouldn't worry on what should have or could have been done before...it is wasted energy. Toss it to the wind. Literally stand in a wind and focus on all those negative thoughts and visually throw them away...never to come back again. Guilt is a negative thing...you don't need it! Banish guilt!

Both you, Beth and Sandra are such good people....and do so much for others.

Focus on all the good you have achieved and are achieving now. The present is what it is all about. We can't control yesterday or tomorrow, just today!

It is hard when families break up...I am sure most all families have had separation and divorce bring them sadness...but somehow life goes on and things work out for the best.

Getting old is not an easy thing for us and I think we are more outspoken about things.

I had to really hold my tongue yesterday when I witnessed elder abuse. I was so angry and wished I spoke up...but thought it isn't going to do any good and will cause a scene in the store.
An elderly lady was shopping at the grocery store and the woman she was with was yelling at her and treating her abysimally...I don't need your help go and sit down over there in a terrible angry voice and the poor lady had done nothing wrong at all....there were a few more things said to her in anger as well. It was the day the old age pensions came out and I wouldn't be surprised if that woman kept a lot of that poor ladies money.
The elderly lady wanted to buy three cucumbers and the woman shouted at her, just ONE.

What does one do in those circumstances? I would have like to ask the elderly lady if she was being abused by her....

How was your walk Beth? I hope the weather is nicer for you now. We had rain, ice and snow overnight and this morning but it is clearing now and COLD! BRRRRR -21C tonight.

I made a large lasagna for supper and made a vegetarian one for our son Bob. I use soy ground beef for his.

Max and Bella are waiting for their walk...so have to go,

Love, Nancy

PS I wish Sandra a good weekend...with lots of fun with her Grandchildren and hope everything works out well for all. Hugs to you Sandra.