Friday, March 23, 2018


Today the flowers changed their minds and stopped unfolding as it was woo cold.

Today I went visiting at the Seniors Home.  I am always glad I use my energy and time to do this.

"Today few seek high achievements in spiritual  pursuits because they see others pursuing materialism, knowing positive results are possible and rewards come quickly."
-Blair Stonechild.

There is so much to learn in the world all around us if we but take the time to stop look and listen.

Some people appear to be more spiritual than others, But we all express it in different ways.  Through nature, or art, or helpfulness and kindness, through animals, through loving others, through generosity and caring and through laughter and tears.

When the spiritual aspect is ignored it withers and dies.

Today is another day to learn by being more aware of our inner strength.

Today a time to find peace and tranquility.


Sandra said...

Hopefully this cold spell is our last and we will not see snow in our forecast till the winter.

Good that you got out yesterday, so today will probably be your rest day getting ready for Sunday.

These days peoples spirituality seems to flow more from yoga and things like that more than from religion. But as you say it gets expressed differently by everyone.


nancy-Lou said...

What do you do when you visit the seniors home Beth? Ask people,if they would like a visitor? Or visit the same people?
Do you visit in their rooms or in the common area?
I would like to do this too. So curious.

Brrr it is a wintry day here too. A very strong wind brings sleet and ice pellets. I fed the birds extra peanuts. The Blue Jays were sitting in the birch tree singing their bell song to me. They always know when I come out to feed them. Watchful. We have a family of eight...and soon to be lots more.

The harbingers of spring, the crows arrived about a week ago and they are very hungry. Each day a few more flew in, so now we have about fifteen. They jostle for the pieces of bread I threw on the ground. Some are very protective of their piece of bread.

Tweety, one of my budgies got out of the cage when I was trying to adjust the ladder. We have a vaulted celing and it was a challenge to catch him. I had to lock the cats downstairs...they are my Sons cats. The birds have to stay in their cage now that the cats live here.

I hope it warms up at the coast and here too...wishing you a lovely day,

Love, Nancy

I am thinking of going to church tomorrow, with Easter week coming up. I guess the old traditions I have been steeped in all these years are still calling to me.

beth bennett said...

Cold and big snow flakes this morning.

I am winding down my visiting and mainly visit Joan
who does not get many visitors. She did not have family.
She was moved here so no friends either We havebecome friends.

I used to do a lot more and you can do as much as you want.
I got in touch with the activity worker and in the past she
would tell me who needed a visit.

Waiting for Rick to arrive.Hope the drive goes well.

Love mom