Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I am off to my Bible study group for the first time in months.  I find the questions hard in our lesson book but I decide I have to be creative.  Partly it means not letting the questioner influence my thinking.

I try to look at words I have read many times and see new insights.

I find that being old makes us more vulnerable in many ways.  Our thinking is slower and is annoying.  We are more vulnerable having to endure pain and less energy.  I am finding I am more obnoxious and out spoken and I need to be more careful about what I am thinking and saying.

I will not walk with Aneta today because I will need energy to go out instead of having my afternoon nap.  I find that even people younger than me take naps.  Aneta does too!

Being creative means to me to use the gifts I have been given and not try to be something I am not.

I am thankful that I belong to a very creative family willing to express their opinions and ideas.


nancy-Lou said...

Creative...well that is a good approach to your studies Beth! Thinking for yourself and not just what is written.

Yes, I too feel vulnerable at times and have a fear of losing things that I highly value. Like my indepence and my home.

We are so fixed in the way we live our lives and we know that changes are in the future and we older folks do not like change, do we? But I guess it is inevitable. I too, can be cranky when I have pain...I think it goes along with being older.
So you are not alone...take solace in that Beth and don't feel guilty. It happens to us all.

Now that is great to hear that you are going out to the bible study group. Just getting out of the house with a group of friends will do you a world of good. I used to enjoy going to my friend Gina's home for bible studies and we had many good discussions. fun too!

today is a little cooler and I will need winter gear to walk to the dogs later on.

The sun was so warm streaming into the three season sunroom so I put Bella up on the table along with all the brushes and combs and realized I forgot the scissors and when i went to get them she jumped down and went and hid.
I was going to work on her coat again. Most of the matts are cut out...but she needs a few more done and a good brushing.

Max was right there so I put him up and cut a lot of matts and brushed him. His fur is silky and he looked so nice when I was done. The sun was so warm I had to take off my coat sweater. Now I have a big mess to vacuum up!

We still have snow everywhere, except for the north side of the drive way where the sun hits it. Also the middle of Ateah Rd has a stip of sandy road showing through the ice, it won't take long for the sun to clear the ice off now. it can be slippery to walk on, especially with the dogs pulling me with their leashes.

How did you make out with your broken crown on your tooth? Were you able to be fitted in with an appointment?

I look forward to hearing about your meeting today and seeing some photos,

Love Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

I got a message from Ranu that Lucas ran in a race at his sports day. I am glad to hear that as Ranu's focus for Lucas is very much on academics, which is good, but sports and physical activity are important too.

Regarding the missing crown, as you might guess, my advice would be to go the dentist soon.

Fish and chips are good. But bad for dad's gall bladder?

I am off to the medical clinic doctor today. Her office phoned. They want me to take my high blood pressure medicine. I want them to hurry up on the liver scan. So maybe we can make a deal. Ha ha.

I struggled to get through the treadmill test, but I managed to finish it. I'm off to the cardiologist tomorrow who will tell me what all the heart tests mean. But I am starting to think we have a liver problem. Anyway, by Friday I will know somewhat more. I am supposed to go to Ottawa in two weeks for work, but maybe I won't if my health continues to be uncertain.

Glad you went to Bible study. If I was there, I would say that all this talk about resurrection and dying on the cross being God's idea was just a later invention of the Church (and really, why does God have to make a deal with himself? Really, this makes no sense at all, not in the least. God says: "I will save all mankind from eternal damnation but only after I arrange for this Jewish boy to get killed on the cross, cause I could not do it otherwise." Really? Why couldn't you do it otherwise? After all, who is going to say to God - "Oh, God, sorry but you can't do without killing somebody first!!") The earliest documents on Jesus appear to just have been his sayings. You know, all this cryptic stuff about seeds falling on barren soil and all that somewhat undecipherable stuff, and bushels under lamps, and all that. But I still like him. Jesus, that is.

Keys can hide themselves only to reveal themselves later. I am starting to believe that.



beth bennett said...

Nancy Max and Bella sound so adorable.

Yes Rick the church is changing about the death and resurrection too.

I am just in midstream.

I do hope you get some answers and the right meds. if you need them.

A long wait for tests and results.

Dad feels that he has gone through so many tests with no results and that makes it hard to keep going to try things.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, Rick I sure do hope they get your scan done soon and you get good news. It is such a worry for you in the meantime! Those stress tests are difficult to get through. I always keep you in my prayers for good health to return soon. As I do for your Mom and Dad.

I REALLY like what you said about the resurection story and the rest reflects what I have thought for a while how. It is a bunch of hooey! But I do like Jesus too and all that he did for us.
I know I asked you to recommend a book for me to study this thinking further and have forgotten what it was. Could you please recommend one or two again? Sometimes I feel as though i am paddling upstream, without a paddle.

I think pain management for Larry is the key. Daily pain for a long time is so debilitating.

Love to all,