Thursday, March 29, 2018


My prayers are with Sandra as she flies to see Mary and help her start her new life.  A long flight on the red eye to Kingston.  Not an easy time for them both.  I hope they turn the music up loud as they unpack and get settled in.  I know that Ophelia liked the song that Sandra was practicing.

Meanwhile I am stumbling along in my movements but at least I am still moving.

I stumbled in my reading of scripture at the study yesterday and it made me feel downhearted. It is usually something I can do well but there were a few names that I could not pronounce and I lost my place.We all agreed that getting older is not for sissies.

Jane is also having trouble with her leg and has to use a walker and cannot drive her car.  She needs help to visit Geof and to buy groceries.  She worries about being a burden on her family but it is the privilege of old age and actually a blessing to let family now care for you.

We do miss our walks and talks together.

Dad stumbles as he gets on his bike but is still back riding again,  He goes to a dogie park, or to the duck pond or into the Water Shed a little.

I like it when I stumble on a sentence in a book I like.
For example "I have a deep awareness of how our logical mind can be blinded to the
mysterious and subtle powers of the universe that is unseen,intuitive and of spirit."
 - Gleb Raycorodetsky

 So grumble about being forgetful but at least I have paper and pen to write things down.

I grumble about my walking but I do have a cane.

We keep on keeping on!


nancy-Lou said...

Awe, my prayers too, are with Sandra and Mary in her new life. I wish them all them all the best. Life can be so difficult at times. Once they get settled in their new home Mary and the children will feel a lot better. She is lucky to have her Mom to help her. Good for Sandra!

Don't be discouraged by losing your place or stumbling over the difficult names, Beth. The important thing is that you keep doing the keeps you young! We all make some mistakes don't we? me too? lots! haha

Today my mind is whirling around and it is hard to think..I stumbled over a name I should know...but my Son is very kind and helpful! Just not feeling quite right...but it will pass. It is a good thing I am not teaching today! I can just take it easy.

I will groom the dogs and take them for a walk. I may have to put their jackets on as it is pretty cold with the wind chill. -20.

they say spring will be slow in arriving here so we will just have to be patient.
it always is slower here because we are surrounded by the ice in the lake...our big deep freezer.

I was driving home the other day from Selkirk and once I came to where the bottom of lake Winnipeg is, you could fee a distict change in the temperature....had to turn the heat up in the car. BRRRRR. of couse this works to our advantage in the fall when we are warmer than Winnipeg because the lake is still warm.

That is such a pretty photo of the garden with the beautiful grass...makes we wish to be able to go out and garden...but NOT!

Have a lovely day.
Loce Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy.
Thank you for your prayers
and I hope you are feeling better.

You have another doctor's appointment I believe.

Hope you get good news.

Love beth