Monday, March 12, 2018


The Canucks lost again.

One bite and the crown on a back tooth is lost, it came out.  I put off going to the dentist today.
At least I can still smile.

Yes we lost our keys again.  Believe it or not we found the spare ones and the other set did turn up after we got home from our drive to Sandra's work.

We got lost on our trip to Sandra's work.  Got mixed up in the streets and it is a tricky area. She was walking down the road to meet us so that helped.   We carried on and were able to find Ladner.

Lost in time all day, running behind all day.
We did manage to find dad's favorite fish and chip pub.  This saved the day.

Are we losing a sense of life's deeper meaning as there seems to be a lost awareness of God.

In a story by Fredrick Nietzsche  a mad man claims that God has been lost.  He knows life will never be the same.

In our family if one of us is hurting and in pain we all feel it.

Jesus came to share the good news that God also feels our pain and knows how lost we can feel.


Sandra said...

Dad did not eat fish and chips though, right?

Sorry I forgot to bring the eggs on Sunday and you had to get lost. I was trying to track dad on that app and it just showed dad at home the whole time, so it would not do any good to find him lost in the woods.


beth bennett said...

Yes dad had fish and chips.
He is very unhappy so he might as well.

It was a good adventure.

The keys were in the pocket of dad's sweater
but it was a heavy sweater and he could not feel them.
The funny thing was he threw the sweater in the car
after we opened it and found them when we got home.

Thanks for the eggs.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Lost....oh boy, that must have been stressful for you both to be lost. It sure is frustrating. I am glad that it all turned out well in the end and the keys were found too.

Lost your cap on your tooth...oh boy that isn't good either. I guess it will mean a trip to your dentist. Hope it doesn't cost too much. These days the prices are so high at the dentists.

So sorry to hear that Larry is feeling unhappy. Has he had help with the pain? I find having pain from day to day can be very debilitating...they need to get his pain under control.

We had a busy day with Bobbi, the foot care nurse coming to do Carl's feet and Nick, a friend popped in for a visit. He always comes on a 'drop in' visit and doesn't know when to leave...we were really busy, but that didn't seem to deter him from staying for three hours. It also was lunch time. I always make Bobbi lunch and am happy to do so...but that darned Nick complains the whole time. grrrrr.

Fish and chips is one of Carl's all time favourites too. He always gets two pieces and give me some. I usually have a salad...but the last time I had French Onion soup and it was soooo good.

Our son is trying to get all the snow off our deck, so I can walk out and hang clothes and the dogs can lay out there and I want to sit out in the sun, even if it is cold....just to sit and soak up some sun. We had so much rain that froze into ice in the late fall and the deck is laden with it...very slippery. But the morning sun and the warmer days are helping to melt it.

How is Peanut doing? I sure hope she is feeling a lot better. I am thinking of her and Sandra. Our dogs need to go to the groomers, but I am waiting until it warms up a lot as they will have to be shaved down pretty short.

Have a lovely day, Beth and Larry,

Love Nancy

Sandra said...

Peanut is hanging in there. She has good days and bad. I get up a lot in the night to give her pain meds and she falls more and has more accidents as mom knows.

nancy-Lou said... are such a good mama to Peanut. Getting up in the night to care for her.
As long as the good days outweigh the bad thing are ok, right?
Accidents come along with getting old I guess and not being well. Lots of work for you Sandra and I am sure Peanut 'feels your love for her'. I send hugs to you and Peanut too. Here's to lots of good days.

thanks for letting me know!

beth bennett said...

Pain is hard to bear and our family wish there could be something to help dad.

I love being in the sun too even when it is no too warm.

I have accidents too so I can relate to Peanut.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I know that going on a narcotic drug for pain is something that one doesn't relish at all. But sometimes if the pain is getting in the way of living it is something that needs to be considered, when the pain is chronic and debilitating.

. I have seen my mother in law improve a lot when she was put on tramadol, which is a mild narcotic. Also an older friend who had compression of the spine. It gave them a new zest for life and enabled them to do things they weren't able to do for a long time.

Talk to the doctor and see what he things. Of course there are other drugs as well. Percocet is one that an older lady I know had to go on and it sure helped her too.

In Manitoba they have a pain clinic that is excellent. The only problem is takes months to get in.

I hope relief comes soon.

Love to all,