Friday, March 2, 2018


After our visit to Shoppers for 20% off day we went to the Golf Course for lunch and came away with our usual goodies bags; we were driving along Scott Road when a car turned off into a driveway and stopped with his rear end sticking out.  Dad had to slam on the breaks and I closed my eyes and he managed to steer around him.  Fortunately there was no one on the other lane.  The driver behind nearly slammed into us also.  I opened my eyes and asked did we hit?  The brakes went on so very hard it was scary.  I am glad dad is a good driver.  I do not know what I would do and hope I do not need to find out.

Dad is undecided about the stem cell research but it is up to him.  Carol went to a talk about this treatment and is very excited about the potential that it may help his neurophy.  Dad's spirits are a little low right now.  His neurophy getting more painful.

I did not walk with Aneta today as I went very early and it was raining.

We have finished our series on Net Flicks "The Grand Hotel" after four seasons.
I am so thankful that the ending was both sad and happy.  The happy I liked. 

I am reading a book called "How Jesus Became God".  I disagree with a lot the author Bart Ehrman says but he makes some interesting points.

I believe that inspiration has been behind all great thinkers, writers, artists and musicians etc.  I have found inspiration in the words of Jesus as he used simple words about nature and humanity to bring a spirit of hope, beauty and blessing into our lives.

Off to the store again!


Sandra said...

Not what you need, more stress in your life. At least it did not have a worse outcome.


beth bennett said...

I agree

Love mom