Monday, November 30, 2015


The candles are lit inside while darkness covers the windows and the heart feels open to feelings of serenity and peace.  The work for the day has been done and now it is time to rest and relax.  I like to gather the love of my family into my awareness of my thoughts of thankfulness.

The day would have had its stressful and even painful moments but warmth and the ability to enter into the story of others by reading or D.V.D's helps to create inner peace.

To be content with the small joys of life and to know that you have touched the lives of others
as you lived day to day.  I am worthy even when I feel useless at times and often a little weary, because I can still listen and love.

Dad and I face an uncertain future but at least we have one another.  We cannot stroll along the beach or go out shopping trying to find the right present but we can tackle a few Christmas cars together laugh at the comics and share family joys.

Christmas can be a time when we look at belief and unbelief. 

For me it is a time to allow faith and reason and imagination to find new hope and new spiritual life in reading and thinking about scripture.

Mary will become pregnant with a special child that we can believe.  I believe that she rushed to tell her cousin Elizabeth and joyfully shared the news she was going to have a baby.

Mary so young and yet with a trusting heart and a quiet serenity would face the future with courage and faith in the knowledge that she had been chosen.  Did she have moments of doubt I believe she did as she was as human as the rest of us.

Mystical experiences have happened to each one of us and may be hard to verbalize but they are there for us to think back on when we need to feel reassured.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


It is not unusual for our family to change plans sometimes at the last minute.  Sunday dad and I planed to go to church and take the toy we had managed to purchase the day before.  It was one of the few things we had done.

Carol was driving back to Cjilliwack in time for Ben to referee a soccer game of 17 year olds.  I think he had not gotten enough sleep as he looked tired as he yawned and yawned.

Carol and Morgan were planning to go ice skating.  Dad gave Ben his skates but they were already too small for him.  Look how tall he is getting.

Morgan is practicing magic tricks and will put on a show for us one day.

Our laugh for the day was Haiti trying to drink the water from the frozen pond in our back yard.  She got mad at it and barked.

The shock for the day was another mouse running by in our T.V. room.  We had seen it run in the garage but I am so mad that is now looking for a place to build a nest.

Dad had a short bike ride but the roads are frosty and it is cold out there.

Haiti had her two walks with Kim and myself.  I like the fresh air.

It would have been great to drive over to Sandra and Randy.  They do a great job putting up a great light display.

Dad will be watching the game and maybe Panteli will join him.

Kim is going to do a lot to help us in two weeks.  Right now she is studying and working.

"Every person has inside a basic decency and goodness.
If he or she listens to it and acts on it, they are giving a great deal of what the world needs most.
It is not complicated but it takes courage.
It takes courage for a person to listen to their own goodness and act upon it."
-Pablo Casals

Saturday, November 28, 2015


There is ice on our little pond at the back.

Met Joanne on my early morning travels and walked a bit further with her company.  She walks at the same pace as me so that helps.

I think it will be safe to go to the Second Hand Store today but not to any big stores where they are having Black Friday sales.  Saturday from now on will be very busy.

We set out to travel to o our shopping but were soon discouraged.  We are not very good when it comes to shopping.

We had some Chinese food and dad travelled back into his hockey days with some old familiar stories.  Crazy but true stories.  Our stories are always important, as they reveal the real us, especially the one's that make us laugh!

At this stage in life with our aching feet and creaking bones we focus on the simple pleasures.  Meeting old friends as we travel through our days and finding joy in sharing and caring.
The waiter at the restaurant always asks about our family and is happy to see us.

"Each of us has the right and responsibility to assess the roads that lie ahead, and those over which we have travelled, and if the future road looms ominous or unpromising we need to gather our resolve and carrying only the necessary baggage step off that road into another direction."
-  M. Angelou

We are distressed by world advents knowing that all we can do is take one day at a time and pray for good to overcome evil.

Friday, November 27, 2015


Last night a tire an cold little family arrived at our home.  Dad and I had tried to wait up but we do not do well after our bed time.

Kim and Theresa fed them and got both Morgan and Ben tucked in bed. 

Theresa and Morgan quietly got up in the early morning.  Theresa wanted to up-grade her passport.  She did it and it went smoothly.

Dad and I left the same time as she did.  We were off to the hospital to have my M.R.I.  I was a little nervous as the machine carried me into the dark tunnel.  For a minute it was all quiet and dark and I was afraid to move and probably could not have as I was enclosed with the sides against my head.

Then the noise started and I realized the nurse was not kidding when she said I would need ear plugs.  Banging and knocking and rattling was all I could hear.  It was only 15 minutes but seemed longer.  It was over and it was time to visit with the children.  We got home and Kim had taken them to school.
Dad and I were finishing our late breakfast and were happy to see them.

Morgan was happy to play with Haiti.  Here she is balancing a small toy on her head and is very quiet.

Ben is very tired so he goes to have a nap.  He had another shut-out and the score was 5 - 0.

Morgan and I walk Haiti to the park and it was cold but very sunny.

Dad took this picture of the three of us putting a little Christmas tree on the marker.  All was very quiet as we shared some memories with the children.  Hard for them to think of some one  so ancient.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


The gate is wide open the choice is mine if I walk in to discover what is on the other side.

Everyday we all  face choices.  For me the problem is exhaustion when I do too much.  My first choice after I get up is the length of my walk.  I would like to go further but I have to consider how busy my day is going to be.

After two extra busy days with no nap time I decide not to go visiting, instead dad and I went for a drive to Ladner and to the library there took for some D.V.D.'s.  We had a light lunch at the A.B.C. restaurant.

Also Ben and Morgan are coming to sleep here so I have to make up some beds.  The problem is I only talked to Ben so I not sure what is happening.  Ben has a soccer game in Langley at 7 to-night but there is no way dad or I could go.  Too late and too cold and too far for dad to walk.

I was thinking of the story when Jesus choose his first disciples Peter and Andrew.  Fishermen who were busy mending their nets are now chosen to leave that life behind and follow after Jesus to learn to be his disciples.  They immediately leave their boats and family ties and responsibilities.

Inviting people to work together is an important part of the ministry of Jesus and may reveal his need of a group of friends to relate to as well as to teach.

Some choices in life will be life-changing and may be difficult if we have to let go other commitments.  Certainly the future is not ours to see so we live each day to the best we can.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


A busy day that started with a walk in the cold early morning.  Then I drove to the church for an Ministry and Personnel meeting with our minister.  There are always a few problems in churches because we are just human beings trying to cope with life.  It is important that people are open and honest expressing their frustration and some times even anger.  It is often the failure to communicate.  Our goal is to look to the future and see the value and worth of each and every person. 
I was thankful dad offered to drive me to our Bible study meeting.  This is the home to which we were invited by a gracious hostess and member of our study.  I did not go in the front door like the rest of them but ended up at the rear of her home.  It is as lovely inside as it is on the outside.In our study we looked at the damage that bitterness and unforgiveness   can cause.  We all have experiences of unhealthy relationships but even these can teach us to see ourselves in a new light and to look for the good in others.  The stories in scripture always have a message for us in each of our lives in the here and now.  I value the friendship that brought us together and kept us growing and sharing from our hearts.
Even though I was hungry and tired I could not disappoint Haiti as she was expecting her walk.
Dad did not get out on his bike but had to look up some information on the computer for a friend.
My computer will not let me put more pictures on for some weird reason.
I am too tired to argue with it for today.
As I write about invitations I remember times I have been invited to say a prayer with some one and how  I have felt loved and accepted at that moment even as I did with both my groups today!


Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Dad has made several trips to the graveyard where his grandmother was buried back in June 1973, to try to have a marker made.

We drove in Monday again.  We both feel badly that this has not been done.  No one was there   but dad did reach a lady by phone.  We are waiting for a call back.  The first picture is on the dreary wet Monday.

Nellie Bennett(his grandmother) a silver cross mother should be remembered by a loving family.  She had three boys, two were killed during the war.  She came to Canada when she was only eighteen and settled in Saskatchewan.  After the death of her husband she moved to English Bay and lived in a tiny apartment by the ocean.

We visited the cemetery on Monday a wet cold day but returned on Tuesday to actually meet with the manager.  There is another wait until a more knowable person comes back to work and she will figure out the legalities.  We have some decisions to make before then

 Rick told us that as kids they use to play there which I do not think I knew.

When dad and I got home he encouraged me to go and visit Gundy.  I was a little unsure.  But what a surprise she was sitting on the side of the bed as happy as a bug in a rug.  She loved the meals and all the attention she was receiving.  It was a grand adventure with lots of people around for her to watch and also she saw the pain that others were having.  She was surprised and delighted to see me.  Dad had driven me and she said to be sure and thank him.

Loneliness is certainly a soul destroyer.  We all need people!

We learn a lot about ourselves as we live in relationship to others.  Sometimes this takes perseverance and setting aside preconceived  agendas to find friendship that is created by a force greater than us, just for us!

Monday, November 23, 2015


I was impressed by the quiet in the church service yesterday as if we were all intently listening.  We are all looking for answers especially about the question what can we do to make the world a better place.

I was impressed by our minister, Kimiko, going on the peace walk to various different churches and mosques.  Very touching story about one of the little fellows wanting to hold her hand.  Many of us would have liked to do that also.

Having a hand to hold is very important now for me too!

My faith grows just hearing about what others are doing and saying.

Haiti and I listened as we stopped by Gundys  drive way  to talk to her daughter-in-law tells us Gundy is in the hospital.  I have been worried about her again and thankful that health care workers have been keeping an eye on her. 

She will be very unhappy there.  I may try and visit to-morrow.

It is hard to listen to dad talk about his painful feet getting worse.  We are listening to a video that a doctor has made about how he is curing peripheral neuropathy   that Carol found on line for us.  He has special laser and decompression machines. but other changes are a complete diet change.  I know dad feels pretty hopeless right now but we have to keep listening and hoping to find answers. 

I did not do my shoulder exercises with enough regularity so my shoulder is still painful when I move in certain ways,  we need a dose of youthful enthusiasm!

In the quiet curve of evening
in the mystery of my hungers, in the silence of my rooms
in the cloud of my unknowing
in the empty cave of grieving, in the desert of my dreams
in the valley of my pain
You are there,  you are there,  you are there.

Church Bulletin

Sunday, November 22, 2015


It is dark and cold as I stumble around in our bedroom getting dressed.  I am not aware of the glorious sunrise waiting outside my front door.

I am motivated by the desire to keep improving and it helps that I can do something I have loved to do for years.  Years ago I would have thought a walk around the block is pathetic. Now it is a challenge.

It helps me to wake up and not be tempted to crawl back into bed.

Keeping in touch with family and friends is a motivation to write my blog.  Taking pictures is motivated by knowing I can put them on too and others can enjoy them.

Dad did not feel up to going to church so off I go knowing it is good for me to practice my driving.  Sunday morning is usually quiet and speeders do not zoom up behind me.  If some one does come up behind me I get very tough and say well they will have to drive My speed.  Ha ha.

I am motivated to going to church because I usually feel better afterwards and have been inspired by a word of a hymn and touch by caring friends who want to know how I am.  By response is now that I am improving which is true, although there is still away to go.

I am spiritually motivated which has me reading religious books from which I can then quote some words of wisdom.  I do not believe in quoting scripture to prove a point but to remind myself of the knowledge that was and still is.

I believe that it is good to be intellectual about faith that stirs the mind as well as the heart.

I learned that in the midst of pain and suffering I can choose love!

Dad and I can choose how we use our time and our energy so that we will continue to be motivated for the good.  Haiti motivates me to take her for a walk just by her eyes that follow me hopefully. 


Saturday, November 21, 2015


Nature revels to us the power of transformation.

More and more trees are showing gnarled bare branches and plants are dropping looking sad and droopy.  One by one they are shrivelling up and I wonder if they will survive the cold.

Spring will bring transformation!

It was cold in the morning so I enjoyed my breakfast before going for a walk with Haiti.

Kim was rushing calmly and efficiently gathering up her pottery for the craft fair.

Dad and I drove over later in the morning but lost our way although dad had figured it out before we even called Kim on her cell phone.

The hall looked lovely with a lot of tables loaded with crafts of all kinds.  So many talented people and I wished I could buy from them all. 

Kim had her pottery all perfectly displayed and dad and I picked out two of our favorites.  Carol arrived just as we were going to leave so we had a short visit.

Lunch was easy to make as Kim had salmon and vegetable's all pre-cooked in the frig.

Kim certainly has been an example of transformation from her teen-age years.  This young lady is so helpful and caring.  She has us organized to take clothes to a drop-off place for refugees.  Sandra took some today but we are still getting ours ready.

I know that I have been able to feel transformed because Jesus revealed the amazing love of God that is available to us all.  Jesus would be down with the out casts on skid road if he were here today.  He associated with the scum that others considered untouchable.

Desmond Tutu writes about how awesome and precious each one of us is to God and how His love has the power to transform our imperfections by His grace.

I love those birds that Carol is holding and will buy.  Beautiful!

I must add how impressed we are with all our grand children. 

Mary has done a great job selling her home and making decisions dealing with professionals. 
We heard her on the phone in the car talking to her mom.

Friday, November 20, 2015


A white roof next to an orange tree reveals a frosty sunny morning.

None of us live a pain
free existence it seems to me.

Childhood holds it's share of disappointments and undeserved punishment, or so it may seem to us.

Relationships that bring us joy and also have a painful ending.

Motherhood has it's painful times as we have all grown together.

Any time in our growing up and maturing there can be sickness and ill health.

As I am writing Sandra is at the doctor's office with a reflux problem which seems to be a family issue too.

In our aging there will be a slowing down and some new aches and pains.  Chronic pain is difficult to live with and may require looking for new answers from different sources. There are pain clinics and doctors that are now available to help.
 It can also be a rich time of finding new strength that comes from within..

When Carol phoned in the morning to ask for dad's advice about putting on handles on her newly varnished cupboards we mentioned we were going out to look for good slippers.  She knew just the place for us.  A small shop in Tsawwassen that specializes in shoes and slippers from different countries.  She went to check it out for us and we were impressed when she phoned back.  We hopped in the car with my shoes not even on and quickly took off. 

Yes, the first pair dad tried on were perfect and he also got some soft insoles.

We went back to her place and were impressed with the work she had done and after a bite to eat it was home again.  Kim had been home cooking salmon while we were gone and also pricing her pottery for up-coming Christmas sales.

I am doing much better myself but hope to continue to improve.

I believe in asking for help; from the good Lord and also for help from friends and experts.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


 There needs to be an intelligent reasonable approach to solving the problems that the world is facing right now.
It is time to be more educated about the culture and values of other races.  Killing one another does not seem to be the answer. Can we instead become passionate in our intellectualism.  Right now there seems to be a lot of differences that drive people apart.

Can intelligence overcome hatred?

It was wonderful to wake up and greet the sun waking up too, instead of hiding in those big old clouds.  I went for an early walk and dad went for a bike ride in the afternoon.  He did not go into the Water Shed park where he went yesterday and his motor quit at the bottom of a hill.  He was in a right pickle no way he could even walk up the hill if his bike motor did not start.  Thankfully it did. 

I drove myself to the Senior's Home because I need to be driving more to regain confidence.  I arrived at the Home to find Jim has been sent to hospital which did not surprise me.  I will not be visiting him there until I know more.

I met a new lady and she would like me to visit with her.  I had my visit with Joyce which is always enjoyable.  We sat and enjoyed the view out her window of the lawn and trees and cars going by on the road beyond.

Dad has an appointment with the specialist in New Westminster on Jan. 6.  That is good news.
That is not bad in this part of the world.  We have to keep trying all we can to see if we can find answers.

Our day was not over as Sandra came to pick us up and drive us to an art fair in Tsawwassen.
So many talented people with a rich varity of  styles and colors.  Dad found a little picture of baby owls on a log he fell in love with.  We had supper out together with Panteli and Carol.

Another interesting day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Thankful we have power.  Our lights did flicker several times and there were several huge blasts of wind but no loss of power.  Our drive home from White Rock. revealing the storm moving in.
Until Wed. evening the inter net connection was off.

Dad did not see his hockey game and my blog is lost some where.

It has been a crazy day.  I went to the store twice and both times forgot what I went for.  The second time dad and I went together but neither of us had any money.  I had my purse but no wallet.  We did not even have a quarter for a buggy.  The girl at the store gave us a free one.  I think we looked old and confused.

I burnt our dinner by turning the burners up high not low as I rushed off to the bathroom.  Dad smelt burning and rescued everything before too late.

I think I am running low on brain power.

"It is imperative that a woman keep her sense of her.  humor in tact knowing she is the funniest, looniest woman in her world which is an absurd world at all times."   -M. Angelou

"Many of the great teachers of the world's spiritual traditions describe the heart as the heart of true power."  unknown

Through your heart you will find your way in the world.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I am reading and quoting "We all have undreamed potential."  -Eben Alexander.  M.D.

Yes, we are on a discovery to discover our true self and our purpose in the here and now.

In the past for me it has been taking on different roles which were first being a mom and then taking on leadership roles in the church.  During this time I was travelling to Vancouver to attend a very strictly round Bible Study group.  At the end of the two years I was asked to take on a leadership role of a small group but I declined and it was a very big commitment to keep in touch with every one in your group and  be a part of a prayer team.  During this time I had had some amazing answers to prayers for my family.

I am continuing to learn from others and from studying.

I was a busy grandmother taking care of grandchildren at various times.  I loved being asked and I loved spending quality time with each one of them.  Being the mother of four children who were close in age often with full responsibility as dad took on new roles in his life.  I was busy and at times very stressed.  I  know how hard the role of a parent is and I wish I had been more fun.  Also my health was not that good because I was undiagnosed with celiac and had low iron count, both contributed to fatigue.

I had the support of healing prayer .
I had the support of friends.
I had the support of family.
I had so much to be thankful for!
A time of loving and being loved.

I had a walk in the blustery wind early in the morning and met my friend Joanne and we had a good chat.  I also went later at noon with Haiti as she kept looking at me like wondering why I had not taken her.

After which it was just a matter of deciding which book to take with me at dad's doctor's appointment.  I would have my blood work done at the same time.  The parking was find but the waiting inside was long but the good thing was we both finished at the same time.

If our lives were like a tapestry I like to think there is a golden thread that God has woven into all our lives many times and yet we are not unaware of it.  It will be revealed to us when the time is right.

God's love is everlasting!

Monday, November 16, 2015


Even though I do not like the dark wet dull days of winter I like having the different seasons.

Time for darker days and longer nights.
Time for football, soccer, and hockey.
Time for barren trees that have their own stark beauty.
Time soon for Christmas lights.
Our neighbors Dona and Ron have already put theirs out.
A delightful couple who have just had two new grandchildren to bring joy and happiness.  They sit in the front of their house in the summer to enjoy the sunshine and a glass of wine.
Time to prepare for winter guests and family gatherings.

Our days are governed by time and our months by the changing seasons.

We embrace these changes as part of our lives.

Dad and I travelled to the library today where he goes on the computer trying to find ancestors and I pick up a pile of books.

I am thankful that I can read!  I do enjoy it!

Clearing away the old leaves the new shoots are now visible

We cannot see growth that is happening deep in the soil but before you know it will be time for new buds and new leaves.
Some times we cannot see the growth in our own heats.
Take time to be still and listen. 
Receive the gift of peace that God is offering and hide it in your soul.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Sunny but cold.

Still lots of leaves hanging on even with high winds and heavy rain.

Dad and are off to church realizing that we need the social as well as the  spiritual.  For me it stirs up feelings of belonging.

I certainly had my questions but as usual came home with another question.

What would I do individually or what should our church do as a community to help conquer feelings of terror and helplessness.  The Scripture tells us many stories of anguish and loss.  They lost their homes, their temple and their freedom when they were forced into captivity.

I am sure that the whole world wants to have safe homes and happy families and that only a certain element seem to be born to want to fight and to conquer.

In the lives of these people, like all of us, there are things we learn only when we are at our lowest.  They found faith in exile.  Many turn to faith to sustain and strengthen them at times of darkness and fear.

I am going to pray that Prime Minister Trudeau will make the right decisions in the coming days ahead.

The words of Jesus continue to live on because he was a man of compassion and wisdom.

I feel the pain of those who have lost family and security.

Faith in the living word that reminds us nothing can separate us from the compassionate love of God.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Sandra dropped by with dad's favorite warm matrimonial cake.  I had to take a picture before it disappeared.  Two big pieces gone already.

A very warm hug indeed!

Yes, there was something for me too.

I am reminded again, even as I was yesterday, how precious my family is to us both.

How do you know if some one really wants to know how you are.  People seem happy when you say fine.  I would love to say I am fine and never been better, but that is not quite true.

I am realizing that I may not improve even if they find anything wrong with me so I know I need to accept it.

Yes we try to see life in a positive way but also truthfully
-Sandra`s thoughts.
Dad and I did not go out at all so it was great to have a visit from Sandra and catch up on all the news of her family.

«yes we need to be praying for peace but also for the knowledge and wisdom to work towards that peace!


We live in a beautiful world where most of our days are pretty predictable.  We feel safe until crime touches our lives and make us feel vulnerable.

We have to look for solutions and make some changes.

Yesterday Dad journey down to the liquor store to restore our empty self.  He ended up with very sore feet and a box of wine to heavy to be carried.  Did he get help well not until he demanded it.

Then after all that we forgot to take wine to Carol and Panteli's for his birthday supper.  The pictures of the fancy cake are refusing to download because it wants to do other things.  Success after a lot of tries.

As we had been getting ready to leave we heard the tragic news on the radio of the killings in Paris.

The shocking executions and explosions were immediately spread on the news around the world.

War was devastating but these terror attacks are bringing the battlefield right to where ordinary people live and work and play.  In both the innocent suffer  ".An outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians."    -  Obama

We grieve for families who have lost loved ones.

We hold our own so much closer in our love and thoughts and prayers.

We all have problems and yet if no one is hurt we can be so thankful.

None of us our saints but we all learn the same way by our past mistakes.

Kindness is a beautiful gift that we share with all.

Friday, November 13, 2015


PB110805Dad and I are waiting to see what our next little adventure may be.  No plans right now.  Watching funny D.V.D.'s at night!  Need to laugh more!

"A child has a picture of human existence peculiar to himself, which he probably never remembers after he has lost it"

"Childhood is a time when heaven and earth are still essentially united."

We can live in an imaginary world as real as our every day lives.  I know I did.  Also stories were very real and I could hear them again and again.  I read the Bible stories seeing the hero's as amazing as they fought inner struggles and the fight against evil.  Later I would view them with a more critical eye.

I could believe in a invisible reality that sometimes was happy and sometimes scary.  We all wanted to be super hero's.  We look back on our childhood and find many happy memories that give our life meaning today.  Parents are not perfect but most do the best they can.  I was very young and had a lot of growing up to do myself!

I knew that heaven was very real because my grandma was there.

Now I know that the spiritual reality can be within and around us.

This faith gives me a peace of mind in my life right now and also a calm assurance that my life goes on after death.  I look forward to waiting for good things to happen in my future.

Life is often about waiting, sometimes good and sometimes annoying.  Light comes from beyond as does our limited understanding of this world and the next.

Thursday, November 12, 2015




I am so happy that the day we drove out to Chilliwack was so calm and sunny, very blue sky with a few puffy white clouds. 

It was so peaceful by the shore of the lake, one of those moments when you stop just to enjoy being where you are.

The next morning I was tired but I had a quiet walk with Haiti and decided no shopping and no visiting.  Since there were storm warnings it seemed like a good day to stay home.  I knew Jim would not expect me and I will be there next week.

The wind and the rain came gradually.  The day was dark.

Dad had to pick up a form to get blood work done from our doctors office.  The parking there is a disaster as park of the parking lot is being used by builders.  The parking at the blood clinic was also dismal as was the long line up in side.

I am pleased his doctor is being more thorough than he has been.

We are waiting for Carol to bring the huge parcel of salmon that  has come by bus.  Carol will take some home and hopefully we can fit some in our fridge.

Seeing God in the blue sky, the lake surrounded by trees, and even the little cottages by the shore brings peace that hopefully can carry me through what ever storm may come.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015


We had planned to drive to Harrison but our plans were changed to drive first to Chilliwack and then we drove out to Cultus lake.PB110788
The sky was an amazing deep brillant blue.  It was a glorious day to be alive.

Ben has a bite to eat before heading off to his soccer exhibition.  We arrived just as Theresa found her computer had gone missing.  Unbelievable as they had been home and the girls had been having a get-together right there in the basement. 
Here we are at Cultus Lake.  It was windy and chilly but great fun to remember old holidays we had spent there.
This is a house Carol was attracted to.
After we drove to have a birthday party at the Chicken Chalet and then Morgan went to the movie with Panteli and Carol.  We headed home.

I will publish this for now.


Last year was the first year dad and I did not  attend a ceremony at a Cenotaph on Remembrance  Day.

Dad will always remember his two uncles going off to war.  Both he and his dad wanted to go with them. Sadly they were both killed.

On Remembrance Day we feel proud of our soldiers who protected us then and still do today.

It is good to have a day of remembrance as each generation faces different challenges but continue on to remind ourselves that life goes on!

Today dad and I are going to Chilliwack to meet Carol and Panteli and also Morgan and Ben and Theresa.  It is a celebration of Penteli's birthday which is on the 13th.

Kim has already gone on Tuesday to Chilliwack but will be returning sometime on Wed. as she is working.

I am up early to take Haiti for her walk.  It seems very cold to both dad and I.  Our old bones need extra fat or at least extra sweaters.

I time to remember to be thankful for the small things we cherish and hold dear, like freedom and family and the courage of the human spirit!

Gusty winds made it hard to sleep.  Hope they blow us all the way to Chilliwack!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


This is the youngest member of our church.

It is always a joy to have children come and even take part in our service.  They triplets carried the remembrance wreath up on Sunday morning.

The message to the children was excellent as our guest Julio Cochoy told about an experience he had as a boy when a friend cut his hand and they were too afraid to tell their parents.  It got infected and he ended up needing hospital care.

He told them never be afraid to tell.

To us he said do not let hate fill your heart but learn the humility of forgiveness that can set you free and love has room to come in.

This is like a new birth!

Dad rode his bike and I visited our neighbor Mary.  Then we went shopping to two stores and by the time we got home I was too tired to cook.  Kim came flying in the door and help dad with cooking instructions.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Dad and I have been hopeful that we would not need help
as we grew older.

Now I have a kitchen staff of two who both are sure they do the best job cleaning up.  Some times by hand or an extra good clean by the dish washer.  I appreciate both dad and Kim so much!

I was also very happy to have Craig and Leah come knowing on our door and Craig so willing to rake some leaves.  Our back yard looks so sad but this time of year it is not surprising,  I was happy to talk my health issues over with Leah and gain her knowledge as a health professional.

Leah has a full schedule ahead of work at children's hospital as a porter but not yet nursing.  She is hopeful as we all our.  I would recommend her skills very highly.

These are pictures from Thanksgiving as I did not take any yesterday.

I Dad and I made it to church and then had a wonderful surprise coming home to a delicious vegetable soup.

After our visit with Craig and Leah we headed over to Carol and Pantel's to enjoy pumpkin soup from their garden.

A day full of more than I even hoped for. 

This was after are fabulous dinner at Sandra and Randy's.  Randy looking a bit better

Next time Leah and Craig come over I will capture them on camera!.

Quiet Monday making appointments with doctors and dentists and maybe a walk or two while the sun is shining!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Family relationships are so very important.

Randy was beaming with joy having his two daughters home for a visit.  It has been wonderful having Many living near and he gets to see her regularly.  Adina lives just outside of Edmonton and is happy in her busy life.

Both girls are hard workers and dad and I have enjoyed getting to know them.

Dad and I were sorry we missed Craig and Leah and hope we can get together soon.

These younger people are so busy it is hard to connect sometimes.  Do not forget dad has a cell phone and we are never far from home or gone for long.

Off to church there is a special man speaking about his hard growing up amidst death and destruction in Guatemala .  It wasn't until he learned to forgive that he found peace in his soul and a message to tell others.

We are so blessed to live in a peaceful countr1y

Saturday, November 7, 2015


What a wet day!  The rain was pouring and bouncing off the road with great splashes.  Too wet for me.

Dad and I visit Kim at her pottery classroom.  She shows us the molds she has made to make some birds.  It is quite a procedure that goes from one step to the next.  She loves making and creating new things.  Birds are one thing she does well.

This was an open house day where parents and even grandparents can drop in to see the process.

Carol was there before us and made a bowl that now has to dry and be glazed I think.

I will have to go back for another lesson! 

What a great group of young people!
Seeing the wet damp clay gives me an urge to  want to get my hands into it and muck around and  shape and mold it myself too.

It seems like ages ago when dad went to college there for several years after retiring.

We come home to have a rest before going out for supper to Sandra and Randy's. 
They are a great team cooking together.
Carol and Panteli also share entertaining and cleaning up.

I know I am thankful for all that dad does to help, especially cleaning up and making the kitchen spotless.

Friday, November 6, 2015


Yes I woke up feeling very  dizzy.  I had to cancel some plans I had for getting together with friends.  There was no way I could drive and dad has been driving me around a lot lately and I hated to ask him again.  I feel bad cancelling at the last moment but after a short walk I went right back to bad.

Not feeling too bright right now but I am sure after a good sleep all should be well.

I was thankful that Haiti and I had visited Gundy yesterday which had made it a tiring day visiting.  Everyone was so appreciative.  Jim is not doing very well so I visited him in his room again where he goes right after lunch.

I had hoped to catch him before he went up to his room but John and Pat had dropped in for a very enjoyable visit.

Gundy just loves Haiti and Haiti is very happy to visit her.

It was cold when Haiti and I walked to the park where she met a new dog called Shadow.  It is good that they have fun playing and sniffing with each other.

I caught a little of the action!
Dad did some shopping so that helped a lot.
We are having problems with our vacuum so dad brought a new one but it is not the right one.  The thought of having to pack it all up again is not going to be easy. 
Send a picture of Jazzy Ken.