Wednesday, November 25, 2015


A busy day that started with a walk in the cold early morning.  Then I drove to the church for an Ministry and Personnel meeting with our minister.  There are always a few problems in churches because we are just human beings trying to cope with life.  It is important that people are open and honest expressing their frustration and some times even anger.  It is often the failure to communicate.  Our goal is to look to the future and see the value and worth of each and every person. 
I was thankful dad offered to drive me to our Bible study meeting.  This is the home to which we were invited by a gracious hostess and member of our study.  I did not go in the front door like the rest of them but ended up at the rear of her home.  It is as lovely inside as it is on the outside.In our study we looked at the damage that bitterness and unforgiveness   can cause.  We all have experiences of unhealthy relationships but even these can teach us to see ourselves in a new light and to look for the good in others.  The stories in scripture always have a message for us in each of our lives in the here and now.  I value the friendship that brought us together and kept us growing and sharing from our hearts.
Even though I was hungry and tired I could not disappoint Haiti as she was expecting her walk.
Dad did not get out on his bike but had to look up some information on the computer for a friend.
My computer will not let me put more pictures on for some weird reason.
I am too tired to argue with it for today.
As I write about invitations I remember times I have been invited to say a prayer with some one and how  I have felt loved and accepted at that moment even as I did with both my groups today!



Sandra said...

Sounds like another full day for you both.

I am home studying today, trying to ignor all that beautiful sunshine out there.

larry bennett said...

Take a few hours off to enjoy the outdoors - it will make the studing more effecive
my words of wisdom for the day !!