Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Sunday night I spent at Carol and Panteli's listening to tall tales.  Hard to believe some of them. 

Dad is very good  at this kind of thing.

He is not  so good at going to the store with me.  We each had a list and it should have been simple.  The problem was Me. Everything has been changed around and I stand looking for something and others zoom in beside and pick up their item and away they go.  I look to see what they got because maybe I should be getting that.  I find it an effort as I do a lot of things these days.  Meanwhile dad speeds through his shopping and waits at the check-out for me.  I am no where in sight. He has tolet others go through and the clerks are laughing.  Does he really have a wife?

He checks out and goes to sit in the car.  Now I am looking for  him.  I decide to check out and he comes back in.  He was not in a good humor.  I am slow and I am sorry and we will have to do something differently next time.

It is a challenge in life not to hurt others but  we all makes mistakes.

I am thankful  yesterday is over.  I also lost my camera maybe at the park.

....today I will follow my spirit and be positive and let go of stress. 


Sandra said...

Hmm, you would think after this many years you would have the shopping thing down pat.
The secret is to stay together OR to both have your cell phones with you.
It is great that now when Randy and I lose each other in the store we can just call the other.
But I think that is because we have gone through the identical situation. It can be very frustrating and sure does ruin your day.
Hope you find your camera.

Oh, and do you want to come over for dinner on Saturday? Adena, Mandi and James will be coming over.

larry bennett said...

Yes we would love to come

Sandra said...

Kimberly can come too if she would like.

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Beth, sorry to hear you had a difficult time at the store. Sometimes life is just so difficult isn't it? I hope you have a much better time shopping next trip to the store.
I find it helps me to go with a shopping list and to go to the same store....superstore. I know where everything is there...well almost!

You could call the local police office...to see if your camera was turned in. Is it the RCMP?
We used to have a lot of lost items turned in when Carl was on the police department and I looked after the office when he worked evenings.

Well, we dodged the bullet today....the snow is staying in Saskatchewan and western Manitoba. Sure glad because I have to drive Carl into his doctors appointment in Winnipeg tomorrow.

Today I went to a scrap yard with my son....he loaded up his truck with scrap from our shop and his house, all those years of running a construction business means a lot of scrap! It was quite an experience to see how the weigh the whole truck when we enter and they weigh it on the way out....then you go and collect you money. It is nice to have the shop yard all clean now.

You are so fortunate to have so many invitations out for suppers. I guess we should have had some girls too!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thankful we are still enjoying cold but no snow and the sun warms up the afternoon.
Dad blew some leaves in a pile while Haiti kept running around to keep out of his way. I thought I would do some yard work but making supper was enough for one day.

We went shopping for vitamins today and even though I wandered off to look at other things we left together.

Have a safe drive.

love beth