Saturday, November 21, 2015


Nature revels to us the power of transformation.

More and more trees are showing gnarled bare branches and plants are dropping looking sad and droopy.  One by one they are shrivelling up and I wonder if they will survive the cold.

Spring will bring transformation!

It was cold in the morning so I enjoyed my breakfast before going for a walk with Haiti.

Kim was rushing calmly and efficiently gathering up her pottery for the craft fair.

Dad and I drove over later in the morning but lost our way although dad had figured it out before we even called Kim on her cell phone.

The hall looked lovely with a lot of tables loaded with crafts of all kinds.  So many talented people and I wished I could buy from them all. 

Kim had her pottery all perfectly displayed and dad and I picked out two of our favorites.  Carol arrived just as we were going to leave so we had a short visit.

Lunch was easy to make as Kim had salmon and vegetable's all pre-cooked in the frig.

Kim certainly has been an example of transformation from her teen-age years.  This young lady is so helpful and caring.  She has us organized to take clothes to a drop-off place for refugees.  Sandra took some today but we are still getting ours ready.

I know that I have been able to feel transformed because Jesus revealed the amazing love of God that is available to us all.  Jesus would be down with the out casts on skid road if he were here today.  He associated with the scum that others considered untouchable.

Desmond Tutu writes about how awesome and precious each one of us is to God and how His love has the power to transform our imperfections by His grace.

I love those birds that Carol is holding and will buy.  Beautiful!

I must add how impressed we are with all our grand children. 

Mary has done a great job selling her home and making decisions dealing with professionals. 
We heard her on the phone in the car talking to her mom.


Sandra said...

I think I will wait for Randy to wake up today to walk the dogs. Since I am going when the sun is up it is more likely I will meet other people and dogs and need help controlling Lucy.

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I am waiting for the sun to come up too, although I get up in the dark now.

Enjoy your walk. Do you want Kim to train Lucy.

Love mom