Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Last year was the first year dad and I did not  attend a ceremony at a Cenotaph on Remembrance  Day.

Dad will always remember his two uncles going off to war.  Both he and his dad wanted to go with them. Sadly they were both killed.

On Remembrance Day we feel proud of our soldiers who protected us then and still do today.

It is good to have a day of remembrance as each generation faces different challenges but continue on to remind ourselves that life goes on!

Today dad and I are going to Chilliwack to meet Carol and Panteli and also Morgan and Ben and Theresa.  It is a celebration of Penteli's birthday which is on the 13th.

Kim has already gone on Tuesday to Chilliwack but will be returning sometime on Wed. as she is working.

I am up early to take Haiti for her walk.  It seems very cold to both dad and I.  Our old bones need extra fat or at least extra sweaters.

I time to remember to be thankful for the small things we cherish and hold dear, like freedom and family and the courage of the human spirit!

Gusty winds made it hard to sleep.  Hope they blow us all the way to Chilliwack!


Anonymous said...

It's windy and a little bit rainy here in Harrison this morning. We took Ben and Morgan for sushi last night, but Morgan definitely isn't a fan. We had to buy her cheese from teh grocery store afterwards because she almost didn't eat a bite at sushi! See you in Chilliwack!Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Happy Birthday to Panteli! How wonderful to celebrate it in Chilliwack with the family, Larry and Beth. Good times.

It does my heart good to see all the Remembrance Ceremonies around Canada today. May we never forget the sacrifice those brave men made for our freedom...those who lost their lives and those who served and came home. I think every family was touched by the war in some way.
Many of the fellows who joined up from around here were either native or metis. The Lebanese grandparents settled here because Grandfather Michael Ateah traded with the native peoples.

Carl and I feel the cold too, Beth. We have a quartz portable heater by our chairs and it is wonderful...just heats the area we are sitting in. It has been very humid with the lake still open and the moisture coming off it...especially when it is cold. Once it freezes over it is better. That usually happens the third week of November..but it may be later this year.

Have a wonderful time today,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It was another beautiful day. I did not do much, walked the dogs, did a bit of shopping with Randy who then went to work. Hope you guys had a nice day out at the lake.