Monday, November 16, 2015


Even though I do not like the dark wet dull days of winter I like having the different seasons.

Time for darker days and longer nights.
Time for football, soccer, and hockey.
Time for barren trees that have their own stark beauty.
Time soon for Christmas lights.
Our neighbors Dona and Ron have already put theirs out.
A delightful couple who have just had two new grandchildren to bring joy and happiness.  They sit in the front of their house in the summer to enjoy the sunshine and a glass of wine.
Time to prepare for winter guests and family gatherings.

Our days are governed by time and our months by the changing seasons.

We embrace these changes as part of our lives.

Dad and I travelled to the library today where he goes on the computer trying to find ancestors and I pick up a pile of books.

I am thankful that I can read!  I do enjoy it!

Clearing away the old leaves the new shoots are now visible

We cannot see growth that is happening deep in the soil but before you know it will be time for new buds and new leaves.
Some times we cannot see the growth in our own heats.
Take time to be still and listen. 
Receive the gift of peace that God is offering and hide it in your soul.


Sandra said...

After that dry summer it is nice to know the reservoirs are getting filled up again.

It does make it harder to get out of the bed in the morning though, I have to brace my self for the cold in the bedroom before I throw the blankets off.

And there really is nothing like a book to read while snuggled up with a cup of tea and a cookie on a grey rainy day knowing you have no where to go and nothing you have to do.

I am not there yet, but just two more weeks!

beth bennett said...

Yes, who wants to get out of a warm bed on a windy blustery day like today. I am determined to go for a walk every morning before breakfast. Some days I do better than others.

Today dad goes to the doctor and we should do a bit of shopping while we are out.

Then home to snuggle up and read!

Had an early phone call from Mary. She wants to ask dad a question about Real Estate. He was not up so they will phone back this evening.

Wonderful news about the house sale and hope the buyers will be able to sell theirs.

Wonderful news that Michael has finished his last day of school.

Exhausting time for them both.

Love mom