Monday, November 9, 2015


Dad and I have been hopeful that we would not need help
as we grew older.

Now I have a kitchen staff of two who both are sure they do the best job cleaning up.  Some times by hand or an extra good clean by the dish washer.  I appreciate both dad and Kim so much!

I was also very happy to have Craig and Leah come knowing on our door and Craig so willing to rake some leaves.  Our back yard looks so sad but this time of year it is not surprising,  I was happy to talk my health issues over with Leah and gain her knowledge as a health professional.

Leah has a full schedule ahead of work at children's hospital as a porter but not yet nursing.  She is hopeful as we all our.  I would recommend her skills very highly.

These are pictures from Thanksgiving as I did not take any yesterday.

I Dad and I made it to church and then had a wonderful surprise coming home to a delicious vegetable soup.

After our visit with Craig and Leah we headed over to Carol and Pantel's to enjoy pumpkin soup from their garden.

A day full of more than I even hoped for. 

This was after are fabulous dinner at Sandra and Randy's.  Randy looking a bit better

Next time Leah and Craig come over I will capture them on camera!.

Quiet Monday making appointments with doctors and dentists and maybe a walk or two while the sun is shining!


Anonymous said...

cold and wet here today. Good to hear you are getting help in the kitchen. I went on a training course today .I said too much to a manager from head office , said their policy was stupid , so I may be in trouble. I only need about 6 more years then I can retire ..... Ken

beth bennett said...

Ken that was not wise!
I am trying to think before I talk but it is hard.
Thanks for the pictures of the children they always give us joy and laughter!
love mom