Sunday, November 29, 2015


It is not unusual for our family to change plans sometimes at the last minute.  Sunday dad and I planed to go to church and take the toy we had managed to purchase the day before.  It was one of the few things we had done.

Carol was driving back to Cjilliwack in time for Ben to referee a soccer game of 17 year olds.  I think he had not gotten enough sleep as he looked tired as he yawned and yawned.

Carol and Morgan were planning to go ice skating.  Dad gave Ben his skates but they were already too small for him.  Look how tall he is getting.

Morgan is practicing magic tricks and will put on a show for us one day.

Our laugh for the day was Haiti trying to drink the water from the frozen pond in our back yard.  She got mad at it and barked.

The shock for the day was another mouse running by in our T.V. room.  We had seen it run in the garage but I am so mad that is now looking for a place to build a nest.

Dad had a short bike ride but the roads are frosty and it is cold out there.

Haiti had her two walks with Kim and myself.  I like the fresh air.

It would have been great to drive over to Sandra and Randy.  They do a great job putting up a great light display.

Dad will be watching the game and maybe Panteli will join him.

Kim is going to do a lot to help us in two weeks.  Right now she is studying and working.

"Every person has inside a basic decency and goodness.
If he or she listens to it and acts on it, they are giving a great deal of what the world needs most.
It is not complicated but it takes courage.
It takes courage for a person to listen to their own goodness and act upon it."
-Pablo Casals


Steady-as-rain said...

There are nice mouse-traps that look like little silver boxes where the mice go in but they can't get back out. When you have one inside (and you can usually hear them scratching to get out), then you take the box outside at the park or patch of woods and let the mouse go.



Anonymous said...

Matthew and Jasmine were great at swimming lessons. Hot but windy here. I have days off until Friday been very very busy at work. Lots of pressure from management to achieve our target on time performance.

Sandra said...

Ben is sure growing like a weed. How time flys. I was talking on the phone with Mary and Simone asked for the phone. ( she had just gotten out of bed where she was suppose to be napping). She took the phone and started me on a tour of the house having me stop and talk to everyone in the house. We ended up down in her play kitchen while she made me lunch. The only thing is I still needed to talk to her mom. She kept saying I could talk to Grama, but not her mom. Pretty sure that was because she knew if she saw her mom she would have to go back to bed.

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick we have a silver box that I need to find.

Children of all ages are so wonderful.

I have to do a little shopping today.

love mom