Tuesday, November 10, 2015


This is the youngest member of our church.

It is always a joy to have children come and even take part in our service.  They triplets carried the remembrance wreath up on Sunday morning.

The message to the children was excellent as our guest Julio Cochoy told about an experience he had as a boy when a friend cut his hand and they were too afraid to tell their parents.  It got infected and he ended up needing hospital care.

He told them never be afraid to tell.

To us he said do not let hate fill your heart but learn the humility of forgiveness that can set you free and love has room to come in.

This is like a new birth!

Dad rode his bike and I visited our neighbor Mary.  Then we went shopping to two stores and by the time we got home I was too tired to cook.  Kim came flying in the door and help dad with cooking instructions.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

That is nice to see babies in church. Our baby kittens are getting cuter by the day. Randy and I unfortunately have a favorite, it will be hard to see him go. He follows us around and comes running up to snuggle up to us.
Lovely day yesterday, though bit cold. Randy and Adena did a drive down to Bellingham to look around.