Saturday, November 14, 2015


Sandra dropped by with dad's favorite warm matrimonial cake.  I had to take a picture before it disappeared.  Two big pieces gone already.

A very warm hug indeed!

Yes, there was something for me too.

I am reminded again, even as I was yesterday, how precious my family is to us both.

How do you know if some one really wants to know how you are.  People seem happy when you say fine.  I would love to say I am fine and never been better, but that is not quite true.

I am realizing that I may not improve even if they find anything wrong with me so I know I need to accept it.

Yes we try to see life in a positive way but also truthfully
-Sandra`s thoughts.
Dad and I did not go out at all so it was great to have a visit from Sandra and catch up on all the news of her family.

«yes we need to be praying for peace but also for the knowledge and wisdom to work towards that peace!


nancy-Lou said...

Sandra...what a lovely thoughtful 'warm hug' you gave your parents! We parents, who have such caring adult children, are so blessed indeed. The cake looks scrumptious and reminds me that I should make it too.

I think when people ask how you are.....if they are just acquaintances, a not too bad, or well thank-you, is appropriate. It seems they are asking out of courtesy...

If they are close friends or family I think they are asking to really find out and telling them how it really is is important....they really do care.

Today is an exceptionally warm day..+12....we had better enjoy it because snow is coming and daily highs of -09. I will take the dogs for a long walk...have a great day.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It was a pretty miserable day yesterday, nicer to be home instead. I forgot to ask, did dad look into Netflix yet?

I had hoped to work in the garden a bit yesterday but the rain did not really let up before dark, which comes much too fast.


Anonymous said...

As you guys slip further into winter , we are getting hit with another heat wave. Now if I can only work out how to ungreen my pool😬
Melina spent the day in bed yesterday with a tummy bug . She managed to get up for some dinner at 6pm. I hope she's better this morning .

I'm on pm shift all week. Good news is that I'm off for CHristmas . I get that weekend off , luck of the roster.


Anonymous said...

Ps nice cake for PEnteli and for Dad .