Monday, November 23, 2015


I was impressed by the quiet in the church service yesterday as if we were all intently listening.  We are all looking for answers especially about the question what can we do to make the world a better place.

I was impressed by our minister, Kimiko, going on the peace walk to various different churches and mosques.  Very touching story about one of the little fellows wanting to hold her hand.  Many of us would have liked to do that also.

Having a hand to hold is very important now for me too!

My faith grows just hearing about what others are doing and saying.

Haiti and I listened as we stopped by Gundys  drive way  to talk to her daughter-in-law tells us Gundy is in the hospital.  I have been worried about her again and thankful that health care workers have been keeping an eye on her. 

She will be very unhappy there.  I may try and visit to-morrow.

It is hard to listen to dad talk about his painful feet getting worse.  We are listening to a video that a doctor has made about how he is curing peripheral neuropathy   that Carol found on line for us.  He has special laser and decompression machines. but other changes are a complete diet change.  I know dad feels pretty hopeless right now but we have to keep listening and hoping to find answers. 

I did not do my shoulder exercises with enough regularity so my shoulder is still painful when I move in certain ways,  we need a dose of youthful enthusiasm!

In the quiet curve of evening
in the mystery of my hungers, in the silence of my rooms
in the cloud of my unknowing
in the empty cave of grieving, in the desert of my dreams
in the valley of my pain
You are there,  you are there,  you are there.

Church Bulletin


nancy-Lou said...

I hope that Larry can find some relief for the pain he is suffering. Nerve pain, especially, can be debilitating. There looks to be hope in the video of the doctor's approach to treating it! I remember how one of Carl's cousins suffered after he lost almost all the fingers on his hands from frostbite.

Listening, an excellent topic. The silence that comes with the departure of the summer residents and the winter snow birds is something I relish. It develops ones listening can hear the whoosh, whoosh of the raven's wings and I can tell the direction of the wind by listening to the waves...until the lake freezes over. The crunch of the frozen snow...all these sounds seem to be amplified by the surrounding silence.

Sorry to hear your neighbour, Gundy is in the hospital....maybe she will receive more help now at home.

Carl is ill today and I may take him in to emergency at the local hospital...he was up iin the night with nausea, vomitting, dizzyness and very weak. Of course he won't let me take him in...but I will win out in the long run! I had to cancel his long awaited appointment with the Opthomologist today....darn.

Isn't it sad, that the world is so threatened with terror attacks? It seems everytime we watch the news there are stories about terror threats. I just don't know what our world is coming too. Frankly it could escalate to becoming a world war if it really gets out of control...especially with Russia's involvment...I really feel sorry for the younger generations....what will it be like for them?

Wishing you both a super dooper day!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

We had a good check up yesterday with the kittens. They are all doing well, and are all boys like we thought. Pretty rare to have six boys in a litter.

Got up at 4:00 today, I am losing the war on mind and being able to relax. I may take some adavan tonight and see if that helps.

I keep TRYING to tell me self that of course I am going to pass, and of course it will be allright. But, somehow about 3 in the morning the doubts start nattering at me and I can not shut them up.

Sorry to hear that Carl had such a bad night and that Gundy is not well either.
