Monday, November 30, 2015


The candles are lit inside while darkness covers the windows and the heart feels open to feelings of serenity and peace.  The work for the day has been done and now it is time to rest and relax.  I like to gather the love of my family into my awareness of my thoughts of thankfulness.

The day would have had its stressful and even painful moments but warmth and the ability to enter into the story of others by reading or D.V.D's helps to create inner peace.

To be content with the small joys of life and to know that you have touched the lives of others
as you lived day to day.  I am worthy even when I feel useless at times and often a little weary, because I can still listen and love.

Dad and I face an uncertain future but at least we have one another.  We cannot stroll along the beach or go out shopping trying to find the right present but we can tackle a few Christmas cars together laugh at the comics and share family joys.

Christmas can be a time when we look at belief and unbelief. 

For me it is a time to allow faith and reason and imagination to find new hope and new spiritual life in reading and thinking about scripture.

Mary will become pregnant with a special child that we can believe.  I believe that she rushed to tell her cousin Elizabeth and joyfully shared the news she was going to have a baby.

Mary so young and yet with a trusting heart and a quiet serenity would face the future with courage and faith in the knowledge that she had been chosen.  Did she have moments of doubt I believe she did as she was as human as the rest of us.

Mystical experiences have happened to each one of us and may be hard to verbalize but they are there for us to think back on when we need to feel reassured.


Sandra said...

I have not even bought my cards yet, I guess that will be on my to do list. And don't forget, that Safeway delivers. You can work on a nice little grocery list, pick everything on the computer, and next thing you know there will be a knock on your door.

beth bennett said...

Yes, I do find even that little walk there and carrying groceries home very tiring.
And I always forget something.
Dad and I can do it together. Yeah!

Love mop