Tuesday, December 1, 2015


"To have a purpose that is worthwhile,
that is steadily being accomplished,
that is one of the secrets of life
that is worth living."
-Herbert Casson

My purpose seems to be one of trying to be cheerful and to be a good encourager of others
I am thankful for friends and family who encourage me frequently.

We all have our secret thoughts and dreams, some positive and some negative.  Even at this time of year the thought of Christmas can be over-whelming and exhausting.

How many cards should I write and how about a Christmas letter.
It has been a difficult year and dad is facing an uncertain future with more pain ahead.  We keep looking for answers and may have to be prepare to change our life-style.

Yesterday Dad purchased a new washing machine after trying to fix ours.  Kim chased the mouse around the kitchen and discovered it eating oranges.  Hungry and too smart so far!
A Christmas mouse that likes Christmas oranges and not cheese or peanut butter.

For me I like to take time to read the story of the Nativity .  This is to travel to another time and place and enter a world of mysticism and wonder.  A symbolic picture of the birth of Kesus.

Mary becoming pregnant is a holy  sacred secret that will never be fully known and explained.
It happened and all of heaven rejoiced in wonder while the hearts and minds of the simple and the high and mighty were touched.

Go is called the Cloud of the Unknown because He is far beyond our knowledge.

According to the story Mary said yes and later she would face rejection and shame.

Our voices speaking from experiences are worth their weight in gold!


nancy-Lou said...

Sitting back and watching the Christmas craze....feels pretty darned good. We don't even send cards now and years ago we used to send about a 100 cards. Times change, we get older too.

We decided a few years ago to not buy gifts, just enjoy the company of family and good friends. Which is what U think you and Larry do too? We give to charity, what we can, now that we are retired. I play for the community Christmas service on Christmas Eve and believe me, I receive a lot more back than I give! It is a heartwarming time. One of my piano students will play too. We will do a couple of duets together....lots of fun.

Sorry to hear you may have to change your life style...that is something we all do not want to do! But with Carl's declining health and all the tests and doctors appointments we may ahve to do that too. Selling our home and moving to an apartment in Winnipeg, would be AWFUL. It costs so much to travel and is tiring. We will see what spring brings...hopefully better health for Carl and Larry too.

So the miracle of Jesus birth will soon be here. Your comments at the beginning about have a purpose were inspiring....thanks for your daily blog, Beth. Enjoy reading it so much.

Wishing you a great day. I am off to the deturist in Selkirk. It is only about a 50 minute drive one way compared to 65 to Winnipeg.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

To create beauty and ease suffering is the way one book I read described the purpose of life. You guys are chasing mice and I am chasing kittens. Just like their mama they wait at the bedroom door now and run out as soon as I open it. I let them run around as long as I can, then have to round up 6 of them. No easy task since when I open the bedroom door to throw one in another runs out. It was quite funny this morning, I was just starting the round up and Randy came stumbling out of his night shift bedroom to use the bathroom. Three of the kittens ran in their with him to hid, thinking they had outsmarted me. The hardest is when they hide under the bed.
