Thursday, December 3, 2015


DSCN6345 First thing in the morning I am looking for clues to see if our mouse paid  us a visit.  He is not in our nice humane traps but Kim is sure she can catch it, like many others she has caught and given new life to.
I was just thinking I hope it is not a pregnant mouse cause that would be real trouble.

Dad's visit at the skin dr. was short and he was a little concerned about his lip but dad does not need to be clued in as to what to do as he knows.  We went shopping looking for a blanket and found one at Home Sense.

I loved this picture on a magazine and was wondering how Mary and Joseph coped with being new parents.  If they were like dad and I we were pretty clueless along with their joy and amazement at this tiny little son.

They had no clue to just what this special baby would bring to a hurting world so deep down there would also be some fear.

Fear is often, for some of us, a stumbling block in our spiritual life.  "Do not be afraid" Jesus would say time and time again. 

Joseph and Mary did three essential things, they listened, they trusted, they loved.

Very important in any relationship!


Sandra said...

Good to know you made it there and back with out any major incidents.

A man at our work had his first baby yesterday, both he and his wife are in their 40s so it will be a big adjustment for them that is sure.

Lucy is at the vet. Just the waiting now to see how it all goes.


beth bennett said...

It is always good to have procedures or operations over and done with and then let the healing begin!

Good Randy could take her as she would be heavy to lift.

Good she can walk a bit.

Good your power came back on, ours did not go off.

A very windy drive to Tsawwassen and back before dark.

love mom