Saturday, December 19, 2015


Christmas is a beautiful time of the year.  We must make sure we find time to enjoy the beauty.
Sparking lights try to outshine the stars.  The heavens will always be a place where we marvel and the different colors and shapes that travel across above us. 

Hopefully space will be a place of peace.

Our homes take on warm colors of red and gold and green.  Brilliant colors that have faded and fallen from our trees. 

It is a stressful and busy time and although I do not have a lot to do, but  it is enough.  I should go grocery shopping but will wait for Monday.

Carol is also busy planning a skating party for Dec. 23 and a games night for the 26.  So there will be a lot of fun family time going on all around and with us.

Today we are dropping off things for the refugees and visiting Jim.  The refugees have lots of clothes etc. so  we brought them home again.  The visit with Jim was worthwhile but exhausting.  He cannot walk now and is in a very old place that is getting run down.  Most of the people are senile.

Home again now and Kim has made us a great supper!

We are blessed.


nancy-Lou said... is as if Mother Nature has given us an amazing Christmas gift this morning. We awoke to a scene that looks like a Christmas card. In the early morning light the trees are laden with snow. Branches are bowing with the weight and the limbs are wearing fur coats of white....very pretty and makes me so thankful for the that money cannot buy!

What fun Carol has planned for your family.....I think a skating party is a great idea and one I will mention to our son, for he and his daughter and brother to do...we can watch from the warmth of the car....and a games night...thanks for the super ideas Carol...ones that money cannot buy too and I love it!

Sorry to hear that Jim is failing and in a dreary place....sad. There are so many people who are needing a little cheer, especially at this time of year.

YAY for Kim, cooking for you! We are so blessed to have family who care and help us aren`t we Beth.

Carl has three hospital and doctor appointments over the next two days....the highway is pretty icy so I will take my time or ask our son to drive us if they are really bad.

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

It's much cooler today , only 20C . Heats up again for Christmas . I start a run of late shifts , hopefully no delayed flights this week..
I have booked. Hotel at the Gold Coast from 13-20jan . The big kids will visit us on their days off.

beth bennett said...

I would love to hear how your bigger kids are doing Ken.
They seem to enjoy the small ones visiting.
A busy time at airports so I hope there are no delayed flights.
I will write my blog now.
love mom