Wednesday, December 16, 2015


All year we are all living in an atmosphere of love that hopefully
helps us over come the negative.

At Christmas time it seems that love is shared so much more openly and frequently. 

I have received so much love all year long and am feeling very blessed.

Cathy dropped over last night just after 6 and I was in my pyjamas already. I love soft warm pyjamas on cool evenings. So good to have a visit from such a loving friend.  Lots of laughs!

This morning our old neighbor Cathy dropped by and it was a delight to have a visit with her too!

It was awfully icy this morning so I was glad I did not have to go for a walk.  Haiti had several walks with Carol and Panteli, one long one along the road by the sea.  She would be very happy.

I was thinking how our idea of love changes over the years.  How exciting it was when you first fell in love!  What a special time of life.  Now it is the little kind thoughts and deeds that make me feel loved and special.

Christmas is a time when love comes softly in the light of a manger and the cry of a wee babe.

God's love is unconditional, unfailing, unbeatable and unending.

A gift of forgiving race and deep compassion for all!

A gift for today and for ever and ever.

Jesus the greatest gift of love!


Anonymous said...

Very hot here .its going to be 40c tomorrow when we pick the kids from school at 2pm . Last day of school and they finnish early. I have booked tickets for Matthew and I to see Star Wars at 2:45pm. Melina and jasmine are not interested. Jesse is going to see it next week at Gold Class as a Christmas presents from his aunt and uncle. I got our little pool clean just in time. The kids and I have been swimming for the last two hours. I am planning at trip to Gold Coast to see my big kids in mid January.
Ps got carols and ricks and your Christmas cards today.

Sandra said...

Oh dear, everyone sends cards to Kenny but me...sigh. Well, I am the only one of his siblings to visit him! That is nice that you have so many people drop by, means you have to keep your house clean. : )
