Monday, December 21, 2015

FUN! !

A fun day for me not so much for

I had fun going to the park with Morgan and Kim and Haiti.
Believe it or not there was a lady there taking a picture of our little tree and then she wanted a picture of us.  So far everything is staying the branches  on which surprises me with the wind we have been having.  And now lots of rain.

Morgan had a fun visit with her gramma Carol going to the art gallery and then skating on the ice rink in the downtown.

Dad was up to cook breakfast for us which was very thoughtful except the French toast stuck to the pan.  Time to change to eggs!

Kim and Morgan left for Chilliwack and dad went to do a little shopping.  He got a few extra things as we are not sure who will be here.  Very useful and warm mittens etc.

I walked over to see Gundy.  She was in a good mood and talked about her childhood memories.  We even had a few laughs.

I left a note for dad but he thought he would drive over to the Safeway where I was going afterward my visiting but I had a long visit and dad could not find me at the Store. I was not concerned as I expected him to see the note and have a rest after his expedition. He was tired and annoyed when he found me.  I felt bad and said I was sorry.

Tuesday I am in White Rock at the hospital for my Cystoscopy at 1:15.  Should be quick and I will be glad when it is over.

The decisions have been made about the 24 and we are happy every one will come over to our place.

Welcome Shawna and Stephen and Lincoln!   Having fun now you are here!
What are you doing?

Yes I too remember the fun of Christmas's in my past.  It is good when you remember the goof times and have let the bad memories fly away into the darken.. Living in the light of the love of Jesus is more fun!


Anonymous said...

You guys may get snow on Christmas Eve. Last late shift for me tonight. It's really tiring as I still tend to wake up early after about 6 hours sleep then get tired just as I go to work at 2pm. Going to get photos with Santa today. Matthews and our cards arrived today.
Hope your procedure went well. Ken

beth bennett said...

We got the photo of the children with Santa. They are a fine looking pair and growing so tall and good looking!

It must be hard with so little sleep but at least it is cooler now.

Yes it is feeling very cold here.

Dad has a cold but hopefully will be better soon.

Every went well for me and the doctor said everything looks good.

Still wanting some answers but. . . . .

Love mom