Monday, December 7, 2015


Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot.  This is a word from    Isaiah 11. A story about a  broken family because they deceived and lied
 and grew apart.

The stump was all that was left.

As time past and the long expected savior did not appear it felt like their dreams  had   been shattered and they were losing hope.  But the God, whose name they were afraid to say, had not forgotten them.  There was a plan that would unfold in secret when the time was right and the long-awaited one would come.

But it happened the wondrous impossible. A shoot grew out of that dead old stump.

Love never stops dreaming.

Love grows unseen until the light reveals it.

Love grows   as  we draw closer  to  our loving family and friends
Sometimes there needs to be forgiveness,
Sometimes healing
sometimes broken hearts need mending.

I anticipate good things happening this Christmas.

We are thankful not to be driving home in the darkness and pouring rain with lots of traffic jams.  The wind also increased.

Glen came over to watch the hockey game and we quickly put Haiti to bed.

Tuesday I see my family doctor but am not expecting any news good.  The M.R.I. results I hope will be there.

"Come Radiant One, fill our world with your promise
Come Shining Presence, fill your would with your purpose and divine peace."
-Bruce Harding     -Church Bulletin  Our Jesse Tree


Sandra said...

I wish I was not out there driving in the dark and rain and traffic jams!

It will be a very late day for me today as I have to have the kittens at the animal shelter at 4:00 and then wait till all the potential adopters have had a chance to meet them, they told me it may be as late at 8:00.

I will give you a call later to see if you got any news.


Anonymous said...

Boots the cat had a skin biopsy we get the results on Monday. Yesterday was 36c at 5pm then dropped to 20c by 6pm. That's what I like about Melbourne the cool changes that come through. Easier to sleep.